Jesus Garcia will be providing translation of WRFA News Reports for the weekly WRFA News en Espanol, broadcasting Saturdays at 8 a.m. and Sundays at 5:50 p.m. on WRFA.
JAMESTOWN, NY – WRFA Radio will be providing a weekly, Spanish-language newscast to its listening audience starting in September 2022.
The weekly WRFA News “en Español” report will be broadcast Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 107.9 FM in Jamestown – immediately preceding the Latino USA syndicated radio program. An additional broadcast of the news will also air Sundays at 5:50 p.m. – immediately after the weekly Latin Inspiration radio program. And the news report will also be posted online at the WRFA Soundcloud page for On-Demand listening.
To assist with the Spanish-language newscast, WRFA is working with Jamestown resident Jesus Garcia, who will be translating and recording each weekly news cast in Spanish. Garcia is currently a member of the Jamestown Fire Department, but also lends his translation services to various businesses and organizations as his schedule allows. He will be using news stories that were originally written and prepared by WRFA Public Affairs Director Julia Ciesla-Hanley.
“We are very excited to bring this new program to our local airwaves,” explained WRFA Station Manager Jason Sample. “Jamestown and Chautauqua County has a growing Spanish-speaking population but as far as I know, no local broadcasting outlet currently provides local news updates in Spanish to this community. Thankfully we’ve been able to secure funding to address this important need and are happy to bring Jesus on board to work with us on this exciting new project.”
Funding for the weekly Spanish-language newscast comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s American Rescue Plan Act Stabilization grant, which WRFA received as a CPB-member station in 2021. Other programming funded through this grant includes the monthly Community Conversation and monthly Arts on Fire LIVE broadcasts that began in 2021, in addition to the Jamestown Tarp Skunks sports broadcasting internship program, which also started in 2021.
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