(From Left to Right): Elliot Raimondo, City Corporation Counsel; Crystal Surdyk, Director of Development; Jennifer Williams, City Clerk; and Jeff Lehman, Director of Public Works, are sworn in for their respective positions during the Jan. 27, 2020 Jamestown City Council Meeting.
JAMESTOWN – The city of Jamestown officially has a new Director of Development, City Clerk, and City Attorney.
On Monday night the Jamestown City Council approved mayor Eddie Sundquist’s appointments for various city departments, agencies, board and commissions. The appointments were initially submitted on Jan. 1 but the city council waited until this past Monday’s voting session to approve them.
Crystal Surdyk, who had been serving as acting director of development since Vince DeJoy resigned in last November, has been appointed to the position for the next four years. Prior to being acting director of development she worked in the city’s planning department.
Meanwhile, Elliot Raimondo will serve as the city’s new corporation counsel, replacing Peter Larson, who was only in the position for about eight months as he finished the term of former city attorney Marilyn Fiore-Lehman. She had left the post in the spring of 2019 shortly after former Mayor Sam Teresi announced he would not be seeking reelection. Raimonodo is a Jamestown native and a 2015 SUNY Buffalo Law School graduate. His background is in labor contracts and collective bargaining.
The new city clerk will be Jennifer Williams, who will replace outgoing acting clerk Jim Olson. Williams was not Sundquists first selection for city clerk. The initial appointment he had submitted on January 1 was Rudi Andalora. However, since then, Andolara’s name was withdrawn and Williams was added instead.
“In looking at the best talents and where people fit in, we’re looking at a potential different position for [Andalora]. In the meantime, Jennifer Williams, who was the deputy clerk, has stepped up to become the new clerk for the city and the council has been fully supportive of that,” Sundquist said.
Andolara had not previously worked in the city clerk’s office prior to Sundquist putting his name forward. Meanwhile, Williams has served as long-time staff member of the clerk’s office working under both Olson and former city clerk Todd Thomas.
Also being reappointed was long-time city Department of Public Works Director Jeff Lehman.
*Notes Reappointment
- Board of Public Utilities – Gregory Anderson, Lana Huston, Kenneth Mark, Grant Olson (city council), Marie Carrubba* (city council)
- Zoning Board of Appeals – Timothy Smeal, Stephen Sorg, Ellen DiTonto*
- Planning Commission – Michael Laurin
- Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency – Gregory Noon
- Jamestown Local Development Corporation – Peter Schiera, Margaret Kaltenmeier, Tom Nelson* (city council)
- Board of Assessment Review – Heather Fagan, Debra Loder-Clark
- Parks, Recreation and Conservation – Adam Irgang, John Bauer*, Victoria James (city council), Kim Ecklund* (city council)
- Riverfront Management Council – Leigh Rovegno, Russ Diethrick*, John Bauer*, David Anderson*, Anton Leenders*, Jennifer Lumia*, Brent Sheldon (city council)
- Veterans Memorial Commission – Scott Pentheny, Joshua Miller, George Spitale*, Daniel Kell*
- Board of Electrical Examiners – Andrew Nickerson, Steven Nowell*
- Marriage Officer – Camille Krawczyk, Greg Rabb*, Paul Whitford*
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