JAMESTOWN – Despite the challenges and justified criticism, the snow plowing and removal efforts by city road crews this past weekend deserve to be recognized.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi (upper right) addressed the city’s snow plowing and removal efforts during the Dec. 12, 2016 work session of the Jamestown City Council.
That’s the message from Jamestown mayor Sam Teresi, who addressed the city’s recent snow removal efforts during Monday Night’s Jamestown City Council work session.
The mayor thanked residents for their patience and cooperation as the city worked to remove an estimated 42 inches of snow that fell on the area the past four days.
“There are very few older, densely developed urban areas that could deal with a storm even like what we had to deal with,” Teresi said. “It was steady, it was heavy, it was constant and just about any other place that I know of probably would have been paralyzed and shut down.”
The mayor also complimented the Department of Public Works (DPW) for its effort to try and keep up with the lake effect snow, which fell at times at a rate of 2 to 3 inches an hour for several hours straight.
As a result of the snowfall, Jamestown Public Schools was closed both Friday and Monday and dozens of accidents took place throughout Southern Chautauqua County, including Jamestown.
The mayor acknowledged the city has received complaints that were brought forward regarding side streets that had little to no attention during the weekend. As a result, some commuters were unable to make it to work on Monday morning, due to their vehicles being stuck. The mayor said the city DPW is already making adjustments so that it can better deal with clearing and removal on side streets during future storms.
“It’s a real specialty and it’s not perfect. We seek to improve and will continue to improve, but the kudos needs to go to our staff and to the general public,” Teresi said. “Number one, for their patience; number two, dealing with sidewalks, which is an area that needs a lot more attention; and number three, we’ve seen a lot of good gestures here in the community of people helping their neighbors out. We have a high percentage of elderly folks and disabled folks in this community and it’s really positive, encouraging, and inspiring to see people out there help others.”
Teresi added that given the numerous challenges that come with the various streets and landscape in Jamestown, city road crews do a remarkable job.
“Jamestowners know how to deal with this type of snow and it is different than dealing in rural areas and suburban areas, where you do not have the congestion of streets, narrow streets, hills, brick roads, density of parked cars, and the level of traffic,” Teresi noted.
The mayor also requested that residents continue to follow alternate parking and dig out fire hydrants if one is in front of your home and is buried in snow.
I agree that the city DPW performed exceptionally well during this monster lake effect snow storm. Jamestown has unique terrain and it is difficult to plow every area in a short time. We all have to be patient as winter has just started. I believe that businesses, schools etc have to be flexible during storms that could have paralyzed Jamestown but did not. I was thrilled to get to the store to get supplied during a short break in the snow. Thanks to the Mayor, DPW, the postal workers, BPU – all who keep our city running smoothly.
It’s OK but during the snowstorm we had an emergency with the elderly lady next-door tit didn’t help at all when the snowplow driver plowed snow all the way up next to her porch the speed they come up Washington Street is uncalled for and nobody does nothing about it they busted the windshield in my car I’ve called the city and they don’t Care at all
That is distressing. As an elderly person myself I find these storms frightening as many of us need help during an super storm. Maybe you can contact DPW again & talk to them about your car. During a storm they don’t have time to pay attention. I hope you get your windshield fixed. Our car was rear ended & of course no one claims responsibility. I guess that is the price you pay for living in the “snow belt.” I always think at this time of year it is time to move to a warmer climate.
Did he really say “number tree”?! Lol
Mr. Teresi said that for the past 93 years the City has not been involved in the sidewalk plowing business, other than for four routes in the vicinity of schools. As a resident of the city of Jamestown until September 1975, I remember not only that private contractors with horses and plows were employed by the city for MANY of those earlier years, but also that subsequently it had purchased a supply of Bombardier sidewalk plows to supersede the horse plows, and that most if not ALL of the city’s sidewalks were indeed plowed, in one way or another, AT MUNICIPAL EXPENSE. If not actually completely done BY the city of Jamestown’s employees during some of that time, the city WAS INDEED involved in plowing its sidewalks ALL OVER TOWN, if my memory is correct. Any others care to affirm or rebut my statements here?
P.S. a suggestion: you need a provision for editing out typos and/or making changes to our posts!