Potholes, like the one shown here, can be found on roadways throughout Chautauqua County – thanks to freezing and thawing combined with a high volume of traffic. Additional funding in this year’s state budget will help to address several of the problem streets in Jamestown. (Photo Source: Wikipedia)
ALBANY – Local municipalities will be seeing addition money to assist with repairing local roadways, thanks to record–funding that was included in the recently passed State Budget.
Senator Cathy Young (R-Olean) said the funding is great news for local governments and taxpayers, adding that the influx of CHIPS and Extreme Winter Recovery funding will keep New York State moving, enhance public safety, and reduce the heavy financial burden infrastructure maintenance and repairs can have on area taxpayers.
For the third straight year, the budget includes record funding for local transportation with $438 million for Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS), plus another $50 million in Extreme Winter Recovery Funds.
WRFA will have more details about the impact of CHIPS funding locally – as well as the process for identifying and planning road and street repairs here in Jamestown – Thursday night when Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi appears on our weekly Community Matters program at 6 p.m.
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