Jamestown City Council will review a resolution to have the city adopt the New York State Climate Smart Communities pledge at its work session tonight.
The staff report said the city is required to become a registered Climate Smart Community in order to take advantage of grants, rebates for electric vehicles, and free technical assistance under the state’s Climate Smart Communities program.
This 50-50 matching grant program helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
The Climate Smart Communities pledge has ten elements including,
1. Build a climate-smart community.
2. Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action.
3. Decrease energy use.
4. Shift to clean, renewable energy.
5. Use climate-smart materials management.
6. Implement climate-smart land use.
7. Enhance community resilience to climate change.
8. Support a green innovation economy.
9. Inform and inspire the public.
10. Engage in an evolving process of climate action.
Also on the work session agenda, the Public Safety Committee will review a Special Event Application from Chautauqua Striders to hold a St. Pat’s Dash on Saturday, March 4.
There is no Housing Committee meeting due to the special voting session being held before the work session. The Finance, Public Safety, and Public Works Committees will meet at 7:00 p.m. with the full work session being held at 7:30 p.m. in the fourth floor Police Training Room in City Hall. The meetings are open to the public with the full work session being livestreamed on jamestownny.gov.
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