Jamestown School Board candidates
Top Row: Paul Abbott, John Panebianco
Bottom Row: Missy Paterniti, Christine Schnars
A “Meet the Candidates Night” will be held May 11 for the four candidates running for Jamestown School Board.
The event will take place at 6:00 p.m., Thursday May 11 in the Board Room of the Administration Building at 197 Martin Road.
The four candidates running for three seats on the school board include incumbents Paul Abbott and Christine Schnars with John Panebianco and Melissa Paterniti running for the first time. Shelly Leathers is not seeking re-election to the board.
The forum is free and open to the public.
Questions for the candidates can be sent to moderators, Parent Teacher Organization President Joanne Dean at deans@stny.rr.com, or PTO Treasurer Melissa Rhodes at msrhodes1984@gmail.com.
The deadline for question submission is May 10.
District voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, May 16 to vote on the school budget and school board candidates.
For more information on each candidate, visit jpsny.org/boeelections.
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