Copyright: John C. Merino 2016
Originally airing Feb. 19, 2016
This may be a long list. I honestly have no idea. I just started thinking about so many different things at once, none of which fit together, that I thought I may as well get it off my chest, so to speak………here goes!
- I’m completely fed up with national politics, politicians, pundits, and those who believe they have something “all knowing” to offer us. You know what they say about opinions
- I’m tired of “Letter’s to the Editor” from ministers of one ilk or another, quoting scripture and somehow managing to equate it with what they believe is a direct correlation to some catastrophic world event, misguided presidential effort or hidden message the rest of us are missing. Enough already. Save it for your pulpit and keep it out of my morning paper.
- I like the mayor. I think he’s done and is doing a good job for this community. Talk about two year terms and that perhaps it’s time for a change is bogus.
- There are way too many pictures in the paper of people patting themselves on the back for doing what their supposed to do….their job.
- Use your signals when you’re going to make a turn, will ya….and the law is you must signal at least 50 feet before your turn. Putting your blinker on when you’re in the process of turning does nothing for other drivers nor does it meet the legal requirements.
- I don’t want our local police department to merge with anybody. I like the responsibility being right where it is… town. Having had experience merging two police departments some 25 years ago as Police Commissioner of Lewiston, N.Y. I can tell you it does not save money, if that’s the objective….and if our coverage’s are working, we don’t need city officers directed from the county seat. Stop wasting time and study something else like county wide recycling and electric cars for all government uses. Something that actually can save money.
- Stop showing these heart wrenching animal cruelty commercials in the middle of an otherwise interesting TV program. My cat doesn’t like them any more than I do. OK, I’ll send a check.
- Why is it that the guy in the neighborhood with the smallest driveway and least amount of sidewalk has the largest snow blower?
- How did Jamestown which has much more in common with Buffalo, end up Gerrymandered in a congressional district with Ithaca. Absolutely illogical, except for the fact that conservatives want to forever control the county.
- …and why is it that in New York State citizens cannot offer “Ballot Propositions”. California permits it and they haven’t collapsed yet.
- Did you know that more money is spent every year on pet food then feeding poor children in America? Heard that on the radio the other day.
- Why is it no one ever mentions Sonny Bono….ya know, just in passing?
- Hey Apple……help the FBI gain access to the San Bernardino terrorists’ cell phone. You’re not making friends
- That’s enough…….talk at ya again next week.
I’m John Merino and this is American Chronicles.
American Chronicles is a bi-weekly locally produced feature on WRFA written and produced by retired Gebbie Foundation CEO, John C. Merino. Currently, John is an Adjunct Professor of Micro-Economics, Organizational Management, and 20th Century World History at Mercyhurst University. American Chronicles airs twice monthly, Friday mornings at 7:15 and Friday Afternoons at 4:35. American Chronicles features original stories (partly fact and partly fiction), commentary on local, state , national, world conditions and more.
For past episodes and transcripts, visit
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In reading your list of laments, a quote from Jon Stewart on the news came to mind.
“I have complete faith in the continued absurdity of whatever’s going on.”