Pat Slagle and Joe Pawelski take oaths of office as members of the Jamestown School Board (July 12, 2022)
The Jamestown School Board has approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Jamestown for the School Crossing Guard Program.
Under the MOU, the City will recruit, hire and manage the guards for the five elementary schools with the school district picking up the cost.
Jamestown City Council approved a resolution related to the MOU in March 2022 with the staff report saying the program would be a $25,000 savings to the City.
The School Board also approved a contract with 15 head custodians and several maintenance workers. The collective bargaining agreement withe IBEW is effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said the contract includes tool allowances, uniform allowances, as well as salary increases across the five years.
Pat Slagle and Joe Pawelski took their oaths of office to begin their new term on the school board. The Board also nominated Paul Abbott to be its president again with Pat Slagle as Vice-President.
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