JPS Finance and Budget Director Brittnay Spry presents proposed 2023-24 school budget at public hearing (May 9, 2023)
The Jamestown Public Schools District has made its final presentation on the proposed $101 million 2023-24 budget ahead of the budget vote on May 16.
The budget has no tax levy increase and a 16.5% increase in State Foundation Aid. Because the increase is over 10%, the district was required to submit a Foundation Aid Plan to the state for how that money would be spent. That plan can be viewed at jpsny.org.
Finance and Budget Director Brittnay Spry said Governor Kathy Hochul‘s proposed set aside in Foundation Aid for use for High Impact Tutoring was rejected by the State Legislature. Had that been passed the district would have been mandated to use $900,000 in foundation aid toward tutoring.
The budget does include the hiring of 18 new teachers, most of whom will staff new Student Support Centers. A new Assistant Principal for Fletcher Elementary School is proposed as well given that Fletcher has the second highest student enrollment in the district, only behind the High School.
Besides the budget, a proposition will also be on the ballot to fund a new Capital Improvement Reserve Fund with up to $5 million.
The vote on the budget, capital improvement reserve fund proposition, and school board candidates will take place Tuesday, May 16 between 12:00 and 9:00 p.m. People may go to Jefferson or Washington Middle Schools; or Lincoln Elementary School to vote.
For more information on the budget and school board candidates, visit jpsny.org
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