MAYVILLE – Chautauqua County Executive Vince Horrigan has released his 2015 executive budget, which includes an overall reduction in spending but also contains a slight increase in property taxes.
On Wednesday night Horrigan presented his budget to members of the Chautauqua County Legislature and the public. The tentative $228.7 million spending plan is $449,000 lower than the current year’s budget. But despite the decrease in spending, the county was still faced with significant budget gap.
Horrigan is suggesting the county use $4.5 million from the county’s fund balance to close the gap. In addition, he said the county will also need to increase the tax levy in order to balance overall spending.
“My budget proposes a 1 percent increase in property taxes to narrow the gap,” Horrigan said. “The bottom line is that we are asking, in this tentative budget, for a nine cents per thousand increase over assessed value… for the owner of a home valued at $100,000, the increase in property tax will be just over nine dollars per year.”
Horrigan also said that he and his staff were able to find more than $2 million in efficiencies in the 2015 budget. That was largely due to the sale earlier this year of the Chautauqua County Home, along with readjusting staffing in several county departments.
In all, the new budget sees a net reduction of 163 positions. A total of 197 positions will be cut once the sale of the home is finalized, which is expected to take place next month. However, Horrigan is also introducing 34 new positions, with 25 of those being supported entirely through state or federal grants or through collaboration agreements with neighboring counties.
In addition to presenting next year’s budget, Horrigan also explained to lawmakers that they need to also prepare for future years’ budgets. That includes a plan that helps to rebuild the remaining fund balance by increasing other revenue streams. Horrigan said the county can bolster both its sales tax and bed tax revenues through a stepped up tourism campaign, done in partnership with the Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau and Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce.
“Tonight I am announcing an “I Love Chautauqua” digital media advertising campaign,” Horrigan said. “This will be a citizen-based contest with business sponsorship to collect the best Youtube video and photos to promote Chautauqua County through the eyes of our citizens. We talking “I Love Chautauqua” going viral!”
Horrigan said the county will also work to continue its economic development marketing campaign, in an effort to develop new business.
With the presentation of the budget, the spending plan is now in the county legislature’s hands. It has until Dec. 1 to amend and approve a final spending plan, which would then return to Horrigan’s desk for his signature.
WRFA will have more on the county budget, including Horrigans entire budget presentation along with his Q&A with the media, during this week’s Community Matters program, which begins at 6 p.m. Thursday. We will also hear from Jamestown Legislator Chuck Nazaro to get his reaction to the spending plan.