Photo Caption: The Chautauqua County Disaster Response Team poses with Bill Tucker, American Red Cross of Southwestern New York executive director; Tina Jones, American Red Cross of Southwestern New York emergency services manager; and Randy Sweeney Chautauqua Region Community Foundation executive director; during a recent meeting.
JAMESTOWN – During a rain filled spring that left many throughout the Chautauqua region underwater, the American Red Cross of Southwestern New York responded by providing residents shelter and flood clean up kits.
To assist with future flooding and other disasters in the community, the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation awarded $10,000 to the Red Cross from the Chautauqua County Assistance Fund. To date, the Chautauqua County Assistance Fund has granted over $50,000 to the Red Cross for disaster relief services.
According to Bill Tucker, American Red Cross of Southwestern New York executive director, this grant will enhance the impact volunteers impacted areas and to use their experience to help others in need.
If you would like to become a trained Red Cross disaster volunteer able to respond locally, regionally, or nationally, please call the American Red Cross of Southwestern New York at 664-5115 or go to www.redcross.org/swny and learn how to join.
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