2018 Easter Egg Hunt jpg (left to right): Recreation Coordinator Julia Ciesla-Hanley, Parks Manager John Williams, Sertoma Club Marilyn Mills, Council President Marie Carruba, The “Easter Bunny,” Allen Park Women’s Club Carol Drake, Allen Park Women’s Club Sandy Forsberg, Parks Commissioner Russ Diethrick, Allen Park Women’s Club Sandy Gulloti, Mayor Sam Teresi, Parks Commission Chairwoman Cindy DiNapoli, Council Member Andy Liuzzo
JAMESTOWN – The City Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department has scheduled the 71st Annual Easter Egg Hunt to take place at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 31 at Allen Park. This free event will be held inside the Allen Park Ice Rink due to park and weather conditions.
Children will be allowed into the hunt one age group at a time, starting at 10:30 a.m. Once a group has found all the eggs hidden for their hunt, volunteers will hide the eggs for the next group. The first age group allowed in will be children 4 and under, followed by children ages 5 to 8 years, and finally children 9 to 12 years of age.
Over 3,000 eggs filled with candy will be “hidden” in the Hunt area. In addition, 33 toy prize eggs and two Gold and two Silver eggs will be hidden. The two Gold egg prizes will be bicycles donated by Sertoma Club of Jamestown and a donation in Memory of Mark Hess. The two Silver egg prizes are also donations in Memory of Mark Hess. The Child Advocacy Program is donating 3 stuffed animals to be given away as prizes as well. The Easter Bunny will arrive by fire truck to kick off the event.
Also assisting in the sponsorship of the Hunt is the Sertoma Club of Jamestown, Allen Park Women’s Club, Kendall Club, Jamestown Bowling Company, McDonald’s, Media One Group, and Esquire Cleaners. Girl Scout Troop 20029 helped fill all 3,000 eggs with candy.
All children 12 years of age and under are invited to attend. For more information, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 483-7523.
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