Officials celebrate the Riverwalk Illumination Project with the Jamestown BPU’s silo lit in the background (November 10, 2022)
The City of Jamestown has officially “flipped the switch” on the Riverwalk Illumination project.
The project, funded through Downtown Revitalization Initiative monies, lights up the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities Coal Silo, Washington Street Bridge piers and abutments, and the Main Street Bridge arches over the Chadakoin River.
BPU Senior Electrical Engineer Kris Sellstrom said he remembers looking at the BPU’s silo and discussing with others what to do with it, “And how are we going to revitalize this river. As the Riverwalk started getting put in and some of the local lighting got put in there was kind of a resurgence of an idea to light up all of this great infrastructure. We came out with a few generators one night and stuck them under the silo and thought that as pretty cool. We ended up playing around a little bit. The Washington Street bridge got pulled into that and that’s probably the keynote now. When you see it tonight, I think you’ll be really surprised how beautiful that looks.”
The City of Jamestown received $10 million through the DRI in 2016.
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