Chautauqua County Democratic Election Commissioner and County Democratic Committee Chairman Norman Green.
MAYVILLE – The Chautauqua County Democratic Committee Chairman is blasting the New York State Democratic Rural Conference’s (DRC) officers and board of directors for opposing the passing of the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act.
Local party chair Norm Green said that Chautauqua County is a member of the DRC, but it does not agree with the DRC’s decision to oppose proposed changes to the rules on how farm employees are to be paid.
Green said he 100% supports the passage of the new provision and supports the idea that all workers, even farm workers, deserve to be covered by minimum wage standards.
Green also acknowledged that local farmers need help, but not at the cost of substandard wages and conditions for farm workers.
The Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act gives all New York State farm workers collective bargaining rights for the first time, along with overtime pay, one day off each week and access to unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation.
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