(left to right) Bottom Row: Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission Chairman Robert Sundell, Recreation Coordinator Julia Ciesla-Hanley, Allen Park Women’s Club Carol Winterburn, Allen Park Women’s Club Candy Joslyn. Top Row: Fessenden, Laumer & DeAngelo Attorney Andrew Robinson, Chautauqua Region Community Foundation Representative John Lloyd, Jamestown High School Band Director Meghan Murray, Parks Manager John Williams, Jamestown Municipal Band Director Rick Lundquist
JAMESTOWN – The City of Jamestown’s Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department has finalized the 2016 Summer Band Concert schedule at the Goranson Band Shell in Allen Park.
The first concert of the season will be held Wednesday, June 15 at 7 p.m. and will be presented by the Jamestown High School Concert Band under the direction of Meghan Murray.
Additional concerts will feature the Jamestown Municipal band and will be held at 7 p.m. as follows:
- Wednesday, June 22 – Jamestown Municipal Band (7-Eleven)
- Wednesday, June 29 – Jamestown Municipal Band (Scandinavian Studies)
- Wednesday, July 6 – Jamestown Municipal Band (Catt. Co. Arts Council)
- Wednesday, July 13 – Jamestown Municipal Band (WCA Hospital)
- Wednesday, July 20 – Jamestown Municipal Band (The Resource Center)
- Wednesday, July 27 – Jamestown Municipal Band
- Wednesday, August 3 – Jamestown Municipal Band
- Wednesday, August 10 – Jamestown Municipal Band
The Jamestown Municipal Band has performed in Allen Park since the 1950s, with musical events being held annually since the construction of the bandshell in 1966.
In addition to funding provided annually by the City of Jamestown, these concerts are made available free to the public through the support of the following: Allen Park Women’s Club, Cattaraugus County Arts Council Decentralization Program, Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, Fessenden, Laumer & DeAngelo; Lind Funeral Home, Local 134, American Federation of Musicians; Scandinavian Studies Program, Salon 1, 7-Eleven, The Resource Center, The United Arts Appeal of Chautauqua County Projects Pool Grant Program, and WCA Hospital.
As in previous years, members of the Allen Park Women’s Club will continue their tradition of providing coffee, fudge and other baked goods during all of the concerts.
All concerts are free to the public and everyone is urged to bring their lawn chairs, blankets or park their vehicles close by and listen to the music from the comfort of their car.
New for this year, the individual concerts in the series may be moved to the former Allen Park Ice Rink in the event of inclement weather. Should it be decided that the evening’s concert will be moved, an announcement will be made in the local media as well as on the Parks & Rec Facebook page and Twitter page.
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