JAMESTOWN – The president of the James Prendergast Library board of trustees has responded to the Jamestown city council president’s request for a public forum.
In a letter dated March 8, 2012, Prendergast Board President Tom Price communicated that the board would like to welcome Council President Greg Rabb, and any other member of the public, to attend its next board meeting on March 22 to voice any comments, questions or concerns they may have:
“It is the Board’s view that, before we consider another ‘town hall style’ meeting, we should allow the implementation of the open meeting law to do its work. Let us see the level of interest shown by the media and the general public in both the policies and the nitty-gritty every day affairs of the library. We expect positive results: misinformation will be corrected. Healthy, legitimate differences of opinion will remain.”
The letter from Price also adds that if a few months down the road there is still a persistent demand for further information and explanations, the board will certainly schedule a public meeting.
In the initial letter dated March 1, 2012, Rabb had requested that the library board schedule as a soon as possible another night-time forum with the public. The Council President said such a forum would help to address concerns that have been expressed by city constituents.
The city council president also stated that the library board needs to take control of a situation that is “spiraling out of control.” In response, Price said the board respectfully disagrees:
“…With great respect, we do not share your characterization of the situation we face as ‘spiraling out of control’. We understand that the bombardment you have received from concerned and even angry residents and patrons has given you this impression. However, to put the matter in perspective: we have hired the first outside director of the JPL in nearly 50 years. [Library Executive Director] Linda Mielke was hired to take a fresh, honest look at the library and to recommend to the board a plan of action to ensure that the JPL is equipped to thrive in the 21st Century.”
Price also asked that if Rabb has heard numerous concerns voiced by constituents that they be brought to the library executive director so that she may address them. To date, Rabb and Mielke have been unable to meet to discuss the concerns.
Rabb did say, however, that he and Mielke spoke briefly over the phone, but when he requested that a meeting take place prior to his leaving the country later this month, Mielke was unable to accommodate. This may be mostly due to her own travel schedule.
The next library board meeting will be on March 22 at 12:15 p.m. in the fireplace room of the library. It is open to the public.
Tom Price’s Letter to Greg Rabb – March 8, 2012
Greg Rabb’s Letter to Board – March 1, 2012
I believe that the library board of trustees should keep the mission of the James Prendergast Library at the front of thier thinking as it seems that Ms. Mielke wants JPLA to be a number one free entertainment destination in downtown Jamestown. If I am not mistaken, the essence of the library’s mission is to educate, enlighten and make quality information available to everyone free of charge. Mr. Price assured me that the Board of Trustees would ensure that Ms. Mielke’s decisions are aligned with the mission of the library. I am disappointed that they have declined to have another evening meeting. I believe that is out of a hope that if they ignore the issue(s), those of us who care about the library will go away and leave them alone. I am sad and disappointed that this is their response to those of us who are concerned. I intend to write to each of them to express this disappointment.