Repair work continues at the Jamestown Police Department on E. Second St., nearly six months after flooding resulted in widespread damage.
JAMESTOWN The Jamestown City Council took action Monday night on three resolutions involving work to the Jamestown Police Department to address damages that were done during a flooding incident last year.
The council approved an agreement with LaBella Associates of Jamestown as part of police department Emergency Repairs Phase 2 Project for an amount not to exceed $29,9000. In addition, the council approved an agreement with Empire Development of Mayville for the Spraying and Insulation of the Deck above the Department for a cost not to exceed $34,000. The council also approved a change order resolution of $1,774 to Empire Development for emergency repair work that it had previously authorized.
The action on Monday night is expected to help inch the project closer to the finish line.
“It’s tough with projected timelines because the a lot of thing, like the addition of the insulation, has slowed it down, I would guess for about a week. But we are working on getting phase 1 completed so we can open the doors back up to the public,” Police Chief Harry Snelling told WRFA following Monday night’s meeting.
As the work continues to take place to repair the flooding damage, Snellings also acknowledged the entire process has had some impact on the operations of his department.
“We adjusted from the initial day of the flood. We had to relocate our records bureau and our investigative section, and then our dispatch center as the flooding continued over the next couple days. In fact the entire department is located in the back break room / emergency operations center. In fact the only office that’s functioning in the regular PD is mine. I’m the only one that’s kind of stayed there the whole time,” Snellings said.
City officials say the general contractors working on the Tracy Plaza reconstruction project — Patterson-Stevens Inc. — was responsible for not properly securing the area, which allowed rain water to pour into the police station during a heavy rain storm in September. City Officials and insurance representatives are tracking the cost of the repair work and expect the contractor to pay for the entire cost of the work.
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