Winged Ox Actors Edward Cloverdale and Danica Olson-Walter rehearse for their upcoming performance in Henrik Ibsen’s classic A Doll’s House to be presented at the Willow Bay Theatre on October 12 and 13 along with 19 and 20.
JAMESTOWN – The Winged Ox Players will present Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” in a version by Zinnie Harris at the Willow Bay Theater, 21 E. Third St, Jamestown, on Fridays and Saturdays, Oct 12 and 13 as well as Oct. 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m.
A Doll’s House centers around the character of Nora Helmer and her family. Nora appears to be an upper middle-class lady with all comforts of her position, but she gradually realizes she is imprisoned by her role in society and the inequality of her marriage. In order to help her husband, she must illegally borrow money and then keep the repayment of the loan from her husband who would be unable to accept that his wife had helped in such a way. Her struggle gradually leads her to seek her own empowerment and humanity. Nora declares, ‘I am a human being before anything else. I don’t care what other people say. I need to think for myself.’
Directed by Winged Ox Veteran Steven Michael Cobb, the performance will feature several well-known local actors as well as a few new faces.
Cobb notes that he feels that A Doll’s House is the first true modern feminist drama, yet the central dilemma the play presents; how to be true to oneself while being married and being a parent, is not exclusive to women.
“In the central character of Nora, Ibsen epitomized the human struggle against the humiliating constraints of social conformity.” Cobb explains. “Nora’s ultimate rejection of a smothering marriage and life in ‘a doll’s house’ should be a familiar theme to most audiences.”
Before the show’s October 12 performance, the Winged Ox Players will host a Creativity and Connection Reception from 6:30-7:30 p.m. featuring Local Artists and Community Organizations such as the YWCA, AAUW, Zonta, and many more. The public is invited to come and meet women who are changing the local community. Light refreshments will be served.
Admission to all shows is free. All proceeds will benefit the Salvation Army’s ANEW Center.
The Winged Ox Players is a ministry of St. Luke’s that engages the theatrical talents of the greater Jamestown area to present plays that inspire conversations about our community. The non-profit group depends the generosity of friends and sponsors. Contributions received by the group help to offset their costs and enable them to donate back into the community. The group is currently looking for local businesses and individuals to sponsor one of the following expenses for their 2018-2019 season: $10/one script, $25/a can of paint, $50/some props, $100/licensing for one show night, $250/materials for set, $300/theatre rental for one night. All sponsors will be recognized in both the fall and spring playbill and on the Winged Ox Facebook page (Donations received after October 1st will be listed in the spring playbill only). Sponsors of $300 or more will also have their logo or business name printed on posters and other promotional materials. Potential sponsors are asked to contact Willow Fodor, wfodor@gmail.com.
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