WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Wed, 08 Mar 2017 15:39:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 Reed Supports American Health Care Act, Discusses Process for Moving Forward https://www.wrfalp.com/reed-supports-american-health-care-act-discusses-process-for-moving-forward/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=reed-supports-american-health-care-act-discusses-process-for-moving-forward https://www.wrfalp.com/reed-supports-american-health-care-act-discusses-process-for-moving-forward/#respond Wed, 08 Mar 2017 14:00:46 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=21252

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

WASHINGTON – Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) says he’s fully-on board with the new American Health Care Act, which was introduced on Monday by Republican leaders in Congress as an eventual replacement to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Proposal has also received the backing of President Donald Trump.

During a conference call with media on Tuesday, Reed said that he supports the plan because it includes several reforms and carry-overs from ACA that he feels are important in the context of repeal and replace.

“Things like the reforms on the preexisting conditions and allowing children to be carried on their parent’s policy up to the age of 26 – it’s clear in the proposed legislation that they will be moving forward,” Reed said. “We are going to repeal the excessive taxes that come with the Affordable Care Act and we are going to replace them with refundable tax credits that are available to lower income folks to allow them to purchase health insurance on the open market.”

Reed said the plan will also protect employer-sponsored healthcare, which he said has been a rich tradition in America and which millions have relied on to ensure they get healthcare. Reed said that residents who also rely on Medicaid for medical coverage won’t have it pulled out from underneath them.

According to Reed, there are about 70,000 residents in the 23rd Congressional District who currently rely on Medicaid, which is about 10 percent of his total constituency.

Reed also said that once finalized and put in place, the new plan will cover more residents in his 23rd congressional district, than compared to ACA.

“It will be exactly the same as what existing conditions are, because we’re transitioning from the Affordable Care Act, and 2020 appears to be the date that we are transitioning to,” Reed said. “So to answer that immediately, the answer would be ‘none,’ but as we go forward, what we’re hoping is that we are going to have more people having access to health insurance that is going down in cost, and therefore allowing people having access to healthcare at a much greater degree than what we’re hearing across the country.”


Reed said there will be a three-step process in putting the new plan in place and fully reforming the country’s healthcare system, with the introduction and passage of the replacement package being the first of the three phases.

“The replacement plan is the first legislative vehicle, and it allows the [plan] to go forward with just 51 votes in the Senate. The second phase is what Dr. Tom Price will be doing as our Secretary of Health [in ensuring the new plan is properly applied across the country]. And the Third Phase will be those long-term reforms, where it’s going to take 60 votes in the Senate in order to get to other issues of healthcare reform, particularly when it comes to the healthcare delivery world, where we can get these costs going in the right direction.”

Reed added that he is hopeful the replacement plan will be finalized by congress and signed by the president by the end of March or April.

“A reasonable time-line that I foresee, from my perspective, is this week dealing with the committee process in both Energy and Commerce and the Ways and Means, which I sit on,” Reed said. “Tom Price is already moving his phase as Secretary of Health, and I’m some some proposed actions by him being unfolded and moving forward. And then bringing this legislation to the floor, I imagine we’ll see this come to a floor vote within the next two to four weeks, and that means the Senate will also be brought into the equation. So I anticipate that we would have a final package to the President, hopefully here, in the early Spring.”

The plan has raised concern among both Democratic and some Conservative lawmakers.  Democrats fear it won’t protect lower-income Americans, who don’t make enough money to gain insurance coverage and would have to rely on limited funding from Medicaid.

“President Trump’s health care proposal would force middle class families and seniors to pay more money for less care and leave more people uninsured, all while giving huge tax breaks to insurance companies and the highest wage earners,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said in a statement on Tuesday. “It would cripple state budgets by cutting Medicaid funding and would give health insurance companies a special tax break for CEOs who make over half a million dollars. I will do everything I can to stop this assault on the health and economic security of middle class families and seniors.”

Conservatives feel the proposal doesn’t go far enough in taking government out of the healthcare process and have dubbed the proposed plan “Obomacare Light.”

https://www.wrfalp.com/reed-supports-american-health-care-act-discusses-process-for-moving-forward/feed/ 0 21252
Prendergast Library to Reduce Hours of Operation Starting July 1 https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-reduce-hours-of-operation-starting-july-1/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prendergast-library-to-reduce-hours-of-operation-starting-july-1 https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-reduce-hours-of-operation-starting-july-1/#respond Fri, 17 Jun 2016 11:03:53 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=18538 Move will save $30,000 for remainder of 2016, board also votes on cutting spending for materials

Prendergast Library 2JAMESTOWN – The James Prendergast Library will be reducing the number of hours that it will be open each week, starting in July.

On Thursday the library board of trustees held its monthly meeting and voted cut the hours of operation by 10.5 hours per week. The move means the library will now be open only 55 hours each week rather than the current 65.5 hours.

The new hours of operation, starting July 1, will be:

  • Monday – Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Library officials say the reduction in hours will save the library more than $30,000 during the second half of this year. The savings would come via cuts in staffing.

The board also said it’s likely the library will not fill a currently vacant maintenance position, which will result in another $20,000 in savings for this year. Between the two, the library will see $50,000 in salary expenses cut from  the current year’s budget and will help to close a looming budget gap for next year.


In addition the board also acted on a motion to cut spending on new materials (such as books and DVDs) by $24,000, bringing the total line item down to $74,000 for the year. The $24,000 was to come out of the library’s endowment fund and the board voted 3 to 2 on returning that amount to the endowment. Board members Tom Price and Michelle McRay voted against the motion, with Price against the idea of returning the money to the endowment, saying it may have to be used for some other expense later in the year.

Jamestown resident Doug Champ addresses the James Prendergast Library Board of Trustees during its board meeting Thursday, June 16.

Jamestown resident Doug Champ addresses the James Prendergast Library Board of Trustees during its board meeting Thursday, June 16.

Board president Tom Rankin explained that the Thursday’s budget cuts were not the result of any shortfalls in the current year’s budget, but intended instead to be a proactive step to prepare for financial challenges in 2017.

“We’re a not-for-profit,” Rankin explained to WRFA following the meeting. “Our goal is to have enough money to pay the bills starting January 1. So we don’t know what the city will do with [it’s annual contribution] and we don’t know what the foundations will do. We’re trying to create a rainy day fund at this point so that when we do hit January 1, 2017, we have some money in the bank.”

The board’s budget cuts come following a public referendum earlier this month when voters rejected an $850,000 annual funding initiative for the library, which would have been paid via a tax on property owners in the Jamestown School District. In addition the city of Jamestown is facing major financial challenges for 2017 and may have to reduce or completely eliminate it’s annual contribution to the library, which was $350,000 for the current year.

Prior to Thursday’s cuts the library’s operating budget for 2016 was $1,132,000. In 2015 it was $1,188,000.


Rankin also addressed the public at the start of the meeting, noting that the library was disappointed with the funding initiative, but that they respect the outcome and the process, adding that it’s time to move forward. As a result he said the board has traditionally taken the months of July and August off and reconvened in September, but given the financial concerns on the horizon, it will hold meetings both in July and August. During that time the board will also begin the process of working on a multi-year strategic plan for the library, with Rankin saying that the process will include input from various stakeholders, including patrons and and the general public.

Rankin also once again indicated the the library’s art collection, which has an estimated value of $3.17 million, will likely have to be sold in an effort to add money to the endowment. In December the board said it would hold off on auctioning the collection until at least January 2017. That decision was made after a Texas-based couple, Jesse and Cathy Marion, with local ties offered to donate $60,000 to the library. In exchange the library would give those who want to see the collection stay in Jamestown one year to identify local supporters who’d be willing to purchase the collection and keep it in town so that it can continue to be available for the public to view.

https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-reduce-hours-of-operation-starting-july-1/feed/ 0 18538
Prendergast Library Board Supports Effort to Save Murals https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-supports-effort-to-save-murals/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prendergast-library-board-supports-effort-to-save-murals https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-supports-effort-to-save-murals/#respond Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:57:32 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=9619 One of the two murals by artist David Lawrence that hang in the Prendergast Library. The library has to remove both murals as part of a renovation project and a fundraising effort is underway to prevent them from being destroyed during the removal process.

One of the two murals by artist David Lawrence that hang in the Prendergast Library. The library has to remove both murals as part of a renovation project and a fundraising effort is underway to prevent them from being destroyed during the removal process.

JAMESTOWN – There’s still time to save two murals that are currently hanging inside the James Prendergast Library.

The library board met Thursday afternoon and approved a motion to assist in a fundraising effort to save the two murals, which were done by artist David Lawrence in the early 1960s. According to library executive director Tina Scott, it would cost $8,400 to $10,700 to save each of the murals – which were glued to the walls when they were first installed in 1963.

However, time is an issue, given that the company that says it could help preserve the murals would only be available to help up until the first week of June. After that, it has other projects to undertake and by mid-June the library would need to start its renovation project – which calls for removing one of the two murals during the first phase of renovation. That means the money to preserve the murals would need to be raised by the final week of May.

Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

While the library doesn’t have any money to spare in the preservation effort, Prendergast Board President Tom Price told WRFA following the meeting that the library would do all it can to assist in any fundraising effort that is undertaken to see that the artwork can be saved.

“We’re going to knock on some doors ourselves and make the ask,” Price said. “Now that this has been publicized, we might get some local donors, not just the family and their contacts. [The artist’s son] Charlie Lawrence has said he’s from Bemus Point and he’s got contacts in the area as well as where he lives now, in Cleveland. It’s going to be sprint.”

If the fundraising effort is successful, library officials say at that time they would decide what to do with the murals once they are safely removed from the walls.

Anyone wishing to help in the Save the Mural fundraiser should contact the library at (716) 484-7135 to learn how to make a donation.

https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-supports-effort-to-save-murals/feed/ 0 9619
MORNING NEWS: Prendergast Library, CCLS to No Longer Share Executive Director Position https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-ccls-to-no-longer-share-executive-director-position/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-prendergast-library-ccls-to-no-longer-share-executive-director-position https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-ccls-to-no-longer-share-executive-director-position/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2013 13:11:03 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=4788 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The James Prendergast Library will soon have its own executive director. Yesterday the Prendergast Library Association (JPLA) Board of Directors voted on splitting the Executive Director Position between the JPLA and the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System (CCLS). The vote came after the CCLS board had already made the decision last week to split the position.

Prendergast Library Board President Tom Price says that for nearly 50 years, the CCLS and JPLA shared the executive director position – with the library contracting with CCLS to use the executive director in-house. However, he says a couple of issues have lead to the CCLS Board deciding it was time to no longer have the system executive director also serving the JPLA.

“The primary reason for what we decided on is coming from the impetus from the member libraries wanting to have their own search committee and approve someone that is going to be able to devote 100 percent of their time to their operation. So that’s the primary reason, but the other is to clarify different roles between the system and the JPLA,” Price told WRFA following Thursday’s meeting.

Price said that the change shouldn’t impact services locally at the Prendergast, nor should it have an adverse financial impact on the library. He also said that it’s unlikely the situation with the previous embattled executive director – Linda Mielke – played much of a role in the system’s decision. The CCLS board terminated its contract with Mielke in September 2012, less than a year after being hired.

Right now, former assistant director Tina Scott is serving as acting executive director. Price says she will continue in that capacity for both the JPLS and the CCLS until both can develop a transition plan and go through the proper hiring process.

https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-ccls-to-no-longer-share-executive-director-position/feed/ 0 4788
MORNING NEWS: Prendergast Library, Chaut-Catt Library System Severe Ties with Director https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-chaut-catt-library-system-severe-ties-with-director/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-prendergast-library-chaut-catt-library-system-severe-ties-with-director https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-chaut-catt-library-system-severe-ties-with-director/#comments Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:18:26 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=2727 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The woman who was hired as the Executive Director of the James Prendergast Library and Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System less than a year ago is no longer at that position.

Officials with the Prendergast Library board of trustees announced the departure of Linda Mielke in a short, four-sentence media release Thursday afternoon. According to the release, former assistant director Tina Scott will serve as Acting Director for both organizations. The release also said that library services will continue uninterrupted and both boards will continue to work for the delivery of these services to the citizens of the community and the two counties. The release did not state the reason for Mielke’s release, only that both the library and the system appreciate her services to the community during her tenure.

Mielke was hired in late October of last year and began her position at the library in November. Since that time, she has been credited with expanding the library hours, changing the layout of the reference and video departments to streamline the way patrons find items, and also began the effort to renovate the Prendergast Children’s Library Room and upgrade the library’s restroom facilities.

However, Mielke has also been the center of controversy since February of this year. It was at that time that former employees and patrons criticized her for allegedly significantly reducing the number of books in the reference department, as well as the subscriptions to magazines and periodicals. She was also criticized for changes to the library’s collection policy. Perhaps the harshest criticism came by way of former employees, who stated that Mielke created a work atmosphere that resulted in low employee morale. Since her arrival last fall, several long-time staff members were either let go or quit, along with several other part-time employees.

Prendergast Library Board President Tom Price tells WRFA that the decision to fire Mielke ultimately came down from the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System board, and that it only came after a lengthy evaluation process. He adds, however, that the Prendergast Library board acted in concert with the system board during the evaluation process and when making the final decision. He also said that no severance package was given to Mielke upon termination. Her final day was Wednesday and Scott took over as acting director on Thursday morning.

The Library board will decide how to proceed with the director position during its next public meeting, which is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. on Sept. 20.

https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-prendergast-library-chaut-catt-library-system-severe-ties-with-director/feed/ 1 2727
270 Residents, Patrons Urge Library to Install Workplace Anti-Bullying Policy https://www.wrfalp.com/270-residents-patrons-urge-library-to-install-workplace-anti-bullying-policy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=270-residents-patrons-urge-library-to-install-workplace-anti-bullying-policy https://www.wrfalp.com/270-residents-patrons-urge-library-to-install-workplace-anti-bullying-policy/#respond Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:00:04 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=1986 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The James Prendergast Library board of trustees heard from a local resident during monthly meeting on Thursday, urging the library to establish an anti-bullying in the workplace policy.

Jamestown resident and former library employee Pat Anzideo explained to the board that such a policy is already being considered and may soon be approved by the New York State legislature, and urged members to be proactive in establishing a similar local policy for the library.

Anzideo also presented the board with 270 signatures from library patrons and local residents, which also called for such a policy to be installed. She said she first contacted the library board earlier in June, urging members to discuss and take action on the anti-bullying policy during this month’s regular monthly meeting.

In addition,  Anzideo voiced her disappointment that the board did not take up the issue and at least discuss it during yesterday’s meeting.

After yesterday’s meeting, Board President Tom Price said that he appreciated Anzideo’s comments and her request for an anti-bullying policy to be established. However, he also explained that before such a policy could be implemented, the library would have to do first do extensive research to know all the legal ramifications associated with having such a policy put in place. He said that is the main reason why the current policy being proposed in the state legislature has failed to be to be enacted, despite being proposed each of the past several years.

https://www.wrfalp.com/270-residents-patrons-urge-library-to-install-workplace-anti-bullying-policy/feed/ 0 1986
Prendergast Library to Increase Hours https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-increase-hours/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prendergast-library-to-increase-hours https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-increase-hours/#respond Fri, 23 Mar 2012 12:05:46 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=1091 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The James Prendergast Library will be expanding its hours in the coming weeks. On Thursday afternoon the library board of directors approved a plan that would add ten additional hours of operation onto the library’s weekly schedule, and, according to library director Linda Mielke, will come at no additional cost to staff.

Beginning April 2, the library will open at 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and stay open until 8:30 p.m. It will also stay open until 5 p.m. on Saturday. Currently, the library was opening at 10 a.m. most days and closing earlier on Wednesdays.

Board President Tom Price said he’s happy the board could reverse the change in hours of operations that first went into effect back in 2005.

“Right now its tough to remember which days the library is open,” Price said. “I’ve shown up myself at times because I forgot its not open until 10 a.m. or it closed at 5 p.m., so clearly it will help address circulation issues and getting people in the library. The library is community center and not just a place where people get books, so this makes for a very happy occasion. And this is to the credit of Linda [Mielke], who dug in to the reasoning behind [the reduction in hours] and it turned out it wasn’t necessarily a financial issue. It was other matters that came into play.”

According to Mielke, a plan is also in place to open the library on Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. That part of the plan will not go into effect until a later date, after the library can make proper adjustments to help offset the cost of making the transition to re-opening on Sundays.

https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-to-increase-hours/feed/ 0 1091
Prendergast Library Board Meets Today https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-meets-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prendergast-library-board-meets-today https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-meets-today/#comments Thu, 22 Mar 2012 11:42:06 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=1080 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The James Prendergast Library board will hold its regular monthly meeting this afternoon, with several residents expected to be in attendance. Since February, the library has been the focus of attention due to concerns some have expressed regarding the library’s direction in service.

Not only have residents voiced their concerns to the library board, but City Council President Greg Rabb has also addressed the issue, urging the board to have a public forum to help establish a dialogue between the library and those with concerns. Board President Tom Price responded to Rabb’s request by saying he encourages those with concerns to voice them during today’s meeting, along with future meetings. He also said that, at this point, the board will hold off on any type of community forum regarding the library, and instead encourage residents to attend the regular monthly meetings.

Others who have voiced concern include Renate Bob, who’s served as the long-time president of the Friends of the Prendergast Library Association. She recently wrote a letter to the board outlining her concerns for how new books were being selected at the library.

Last month, nearly 50 residents were on hand during a meeting of the Friends of the Prendergast Library to voice their concerns. Both Price and Assistant Director Tina Scott were both on hand to respond to those concerns and answer various questions, although Library Executive Director Linda Mielke was unable to be in attendance due to a prior commitment.

Today’s Prendergast Library Board meeting begins at 12:15 p.m. in the library’s Fireplace Room. A public comment portion will be available during the meeting.


  • Prendergast Library Forum 02-28-2012 – Part One (Complete Audio)
  • Prendergast Library Forum 02-28-2012 – Part Two (Complete Audio)
https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-board-meets-today/feed/ 1 1080
WRFA NEWS WEB EXTRA: Prendergast Board President Responds to City Council President https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-news-web-extra-prendergast-board-president-responds-to-city-council-president/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wrfa-news-web-extra-prendergast-board-president-responds-to-city-council-president https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-news-web-extra-prendergast-board-president-responds-to-city-council-president/#comments Sat, 10 Mar 2012 00:27:09 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=947 Prendergast Library

The James Prendergast Library in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN – The president of the James Prendergast Library board of trustees has responded to the Jamestown city council president’s request for a public forum.

In a letter dated March 8, 2012, Prendergast Board President Tom Price communicated that the board would like to welcome Council President Greg Rabb, and any other member of the public, to attend its next board meeting on March 22 to voice any comments, questions or concerns they may have:

“It is the Board’s view that, before we consider another ‘town hall style’ meeting, we should allow the implementation of the open meeting law to do its work. Let us see the level of interest shown by the media and the general public in both the policies and the nitty-gritty every day affairs of the library. We expect positive results: misinformation will be corrected. Healthy, legitimate differences of opinion will remain.”

The letter from Price also adds that if a few months down the road there is still a persistent demand for further information and explanations, the board will certainly schedule a public meeting.

In the initial letter dated March 1, 2012, Rabb had requested that the library board schedule as a soon as possible another night-time forum with the public. The Council President said such a forum would help to address concerns that have been expressed by city constituents.

The city council president also stated that the library board needs to take control of a situation that is “spiraling out of control.” In response, Price said the board respectfully disagrees:

“…With great respect, we do not share your characterization of the situation we face as ‘spiraling out of control’. We understand that the bombardment you have received from concerned and even angry residents and patrons has given you this impression. However, to put the matter in perspective: we have hired the first outside director of the JPL in nearly 50 years. [Library Executive Director] Linda Mielke was hired to take a fresh, honest look at the library and to recommend to the board a plan of action to ensure that the JPL is equipped to thrive in the 21st Century.”

Price also asked that if Rabb has heard numerous concerns voiced by constituents that they be brought to the library executive director so that she may address them. To date, Rabb and Mielke have been unable to meet to discuss the concerns.

Rabb did say, however, that he and Mielke spoke briefly over the phone, but when he requested that a meeting take place prior to his leaving the country later this month, Mielke was unable to accommodate. This may be mostly due to her own travel schedule.

The next library board meeting will be on March 22 at 12:15 p.m. in the fireplace room of the library. It is open to the public.


Tom Price’s Letter to Greg Rabb – March 8, 2012
Greg Rabb’s Letter to Board – March 1, 2012

https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-news-web-extra-prendergast-board-president-responds-to-city-council-president/feed/ 1 947
Prendergast Library Next Board Meeting is March 22 https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-next-board-meeting-is-march-22/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prendergast-library-next-board-meeting-is-march-22 https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-next-board-meeting-is-march-22/#respond Thu, 08 Mar 2012 12:00:59 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=931 JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Prendergast Library board of trustees held a special meeting Wednesday afternoon at the library. The meeting was held so the board could discuss personnel-related issues in executive session.

Prior to entering executive session, Board President Tom Price said there would not be a public comment portion for the special meeting, but added there would be ample time for public comment during the next board meeting.

The next scheduled meeting for the Prendergast Board of Trustees will be held on March 22 at 12:15 p.m. in the library’s Fireplace Room.

https://www.wrfalp.com/prendergast-library-next-board-meeting-is-march-22/feed/ 0 931