WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Thu, 14 Sep 2017 12:26:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 Sheldon House Would be Owner-Occupied Residence if Purchased by Prospective Buyer https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-would-be-owner-occupied-residence-if-purchased-by-prospective-buyer/ https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-would-be-owner-occupied-residence-if-purchased-by-prospective-buyer/#respond Thu, 14 Sep 2017 12:26:54 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=22920

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

JAMESTOWN – The person who wants to be the historic Sheldon House from Jamestown Community College plans to make it an owner-occupied residence.

That’s according to Jamestown City Council finance committee chair Tony Dolce, who updated the city council on the latest proposal to purchase the Sheldon House during its meeting on Monday night.

Dolce said that according to conversations he’s had, he’s learned that Edward Signorile would by the home for JCC for $240,000 and plans to live in it if the sale is completed.

JCC put the Sheldon House up for sale at the end of 2015 and an initial offer to purchase it came from the Lynn Development Group, who wanted to use it for its corporate headquarters. However, following a lengthy legal battle, it was determined that the city’s zoning board had wrongfully issued a variance for the property and as a result the sale to the Lynn Group did not take place.

Both Jamestown city council and Chautauqua County Legislature are required to sign off on the sale because they are hosting municipalities for the college.

The council will likely act on the sale during its regular voting session later this month.

https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-would-be-owner-occupied-residence-if-purchased-by-prospective-buyer/feed/ 0 22920
JCC Entertains New Sheldon House Offer, More Details Expected Monday Night https://www.wrfalp.com/jcc-entertains-new-sheldon-house-offer-more-details-expected-monday-night/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jcc-entertains-new-sheldon-house-offer-more-details-expected-monday-night/#respond Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:19:34 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=22900

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Post-Journal is reporting that a new buyer has come forward for the historic Sheldon House property on the city’s north side.

During Monday’s Jamestown City Council Finance Committee meeting, officials will learn more details about a resolution proposing Edward Signorile to purchase the property at 9 Falconer St., for $240,000.

JCC officials have been trying to sell the Sheldon House since the end of 2015.

The Lynn Development Group had initially offered to purchase the home, but because it had planned to use it for commercial purposes rather than residential use, a group of residents fought against a zoning variance for the property and were ultimately victorious in that effort.

As a result the Lynn Group pulled its offer and JCC officials were left back to square one, trying to find a buyer.

Monday’s Finance Committee meeting begins at 7:15 p.m. in the DPW Conference Room “A”, 4th Floor of city hall. The regular city council work session will begin at 7:30 p.m.  Both meetings will be open to the public.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jcc-entertains-new-sheldon-house-offer-more-details-expected-monday-night/feed/ 0 22900
Jamestown Resident Calls for Resignation of Five Zoning Board Members in Wake of Sheldon House Decision https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-resident-calls-for-resignation-of-five-zoning-board-members-in-wake-of-sheldon-house-decision/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-resident-calls-for-resignation-of-five-zoning-board-members-in-wake-of-sheldon-house-decision/#comments Fri, 23 Jun 2017 13:56:46 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=22281

The Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals during its May 4, 2016 meeting.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Published June 23, 2017 at 9:56 a.m.; Revised June 23, 2017 at 10:40 a.m.)

JAMESTOWN – An individual who had made an offer to Jamestown Community College to purchase the Sheldon House and keep it as a residential property has some harsh words for five of the seven members of the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals.

Jamestown-area resident John Lampard is calling for the five members to resign from their post.

In a statement provided to WRFA (provided in full at the end of this story), Lampard accuses five of the zoning board members of being part of a “rigged” effort when they voted in favor a zoning variance for the Sheldon House property on Lakeview Ave. during the board’s May 4, 2016 meeting.

“The only thing said of note by one of the zoning board members was that the application without a doubt failed on one of the key points. All four criteria must be met to receive a zoning waiver.  This received no counter argument explaining how they did in fact meet the regulations,” Lampard said, referring to the May 4, 2016 meeting, which he attended along with several other individuals who spoke on the matter.

“The conversation was immediately dropped for a glaring session, and then after a long pause, the board approved the zoning waiver. They stumbled as they tried to encourage any of the board members to motion/propose ratifying the zoning waiver – they just sheepishly asked each other, ‘did you motion for it?’ Finally they put it to a vote and the majority approved it. Watching their amateur acting, I felt certain the game was rigged ahead of time,” Lampard said.

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

When the zoning board voted in favor of the variance, member Robert Karbacka was the only member to vote against it after noting he didn’t feel it meet the required hardship requirements. The five other members present that day – Richard Hanson, Sally Martinez, Dave Daversa, Judith Sandson, and Patricia Calanni – all voted in favor of the variance. Board chair Ellen Ditonto was absent for that meeting.

The action by the zoning board allowed the Sheldon House Property to be used for commercial purposes, even though it sits in an area zoned for residential use. The variance was requested by JCC  – which owns the property – so it could be sold to the Lynn Development Group at a cost of $240,000, in order for it to be used as its corporate headquarters.

However, last week a state appellate court overturned the zoning variance following a lengthy and costly lawsuit brought forward by three residents who live in the neighborhood – Paul Leone, Ann Servoss and Timothy Mills.  The decision was based on the court ruling that the variance did not meet the first of four hardship necessities required under law in order for a variance to be given. The Appellate Court ruling said that there was no evidence provided that could prove JCC could not realize a reasonable return on the property if it was sold to a buyer who intended it to be used for residential use. As a result, the court concluded that there is no rational basis for the zoning board’s finding that the property would not yield a reasonable return in the absence of variance.

Attorney Neil Robinson, who represents the Lakeview Area Community Action Project (LACAP), addressed the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals during its May 4, 2016 meeting and told them that John Lampard had offered to purchase the Sheldon House for $200,000 and keep it as a residential property. Despite Robinson’s statement, the zoning board still granted a zoning variance to allow the property to be used  for commercial use by the Lynn Development Group, which offered $240,000 for the property.

Following the court decision, Lynn Development announced it would not longer pursue purchasing the property.

According to statements made by Attorney Neil Robinson during the May 4, 2016 zoning board hearing, Lampard also made an offer to purchase the property for $200,000 and said his intention was to see it used for residential use only. However, Robinson said that JCC did not attempt to negotiate that offer, with JCC Attorney Steve Abdella saying Lampard’s offer was not a cash or “as is” offer and was contingent on an inspection. As a result, the college instead went with the offer from Lynn Development.

“Any offer above $1.00 is more than [JCC] paid for the property and therefore, the house could obtain reasonable residential bids – they did not have to go for a commercial sale,” Lampard states. “Therefore, there is no room for a zoning waiver. Now JCC must sell this house to someone for residential use.”

In response to Hanson, Martinez, Daversa, Sandson, and Calanni supporting the sale of the property to Lynn Development and allowing it to be used for commercial purposes, despite knowing there had also been another offer to purchase it for residential use, Lampard is calling for them to step down from their post.

“Looking at what appears to be a different set of zoning rules for friend-and-family, there is only one reasonable solution. I call for the resignations of the rest of the zoning board members that were in attendance that day!” Lampard said, noting that he excludes Karbacka because he voted against the variance on the same grounds that were eventually provided by the Appellate Court. “I realize this opinion piece will anger a lot of officials, but someone needs to speak the truth. The whole thing is shameful and people in this city see it!”

Under the city charter, the zoning board members are city residents who are appointed by the mayor with approval required by a majority of the city council. Once appointed, each member serves for a period of three years and can not normally be removed unless resigning from their post.

Lampard did say in a follow-up statement provided Friday Morning, June 23 that he does plan to bid on the property again, if it were to go back on market did not say if he would consider purchasing the Sheldon House again, should it be put back on the market.

JCC President Cory Duckworth tells WRFA that no decision has yet been made on the future of the property by the college board of trustees.

“The issue was discussed [during the board’s June 21 meeting], but no decisions were made. Subsequent committee meetings will address the issue in the weeks ahead,” Duckworth said.

The Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals, meanwhile, will meet again on Wednesday, June 28.


I wish the whole city could have watched the [May 4, 2016] city zoning meeting on the Sheldon House. The only thing said of note by one of the zoning board members was that the application without a doubt failed on one of the key points. All four criteria must be met to receive a zoning waiver.  This received no counter argument explaining how they did in fact meet the regulations. The conversation was immediately dropped for a glaring session, and then after a long pause, the board approved the zoning waiver. They stumbled as they tried to encourage any the board members to motion/propose ratifying the zoning waiver – they just sheepishly asked each other, did you motion for it?  Finally they put it to a vote and the majority approved it. Watching their amateur acting, I felt certain the game was rigged ahead of time.

This special consideration gave the college and Lynn Group commercial spot zoning on this location – they can develop apartments, offices, small manufacturing, etc. The fact is, the city did a favor.  Even though it got overturned, we all know that now everyone else can get in line and say, “hey, what about us?” It’s not so much that a legal precedence has been set, but rather that everyone can see rules are flexible for friends. That is, unless you have a neighbor or neighborhood group that is willing to go over their head and shell out $12,000 of savings to fight it in three courts of appeals. (My hat is off to the noble sacrifices of Paul Leone and Anne Servoss.­)

This is a residential neighborhood. It used to be zoned R3 which allowed some businesses, but now R1 makes it residential only. Therefore, the house must be sold for residential use.  Jamestown Community College’s $35,367,737 budget for 2014-2015 fiscal year means they can carry this house indefinitely.  They want to claim the expenses are unbearable, but guess what, even freely donated houses need a new roof every 40 years.  There is no fulfillment of the hardship criterion.

In the first week on the market, there was a valid residential bid that they considered.  They actually entertained that residential bid: story boards, timeline, references, proof of financing, etc. Any offer above $1.00 is more than they paid for the property and therefore, the house could obtain reasonable residential bids – they did not have to go for a commercial sale. Therefore, there is no room for a zoning waiver; now JCC must sell this house to someone for residential use.

The law states all four criteria must be met in order to grant a zoning waiver. It was obvious that the criteria were not met, otherwise it would not have been overturned.  This illicit spot zoning opened the door for cannibalizing any of Jamestown’s neighborhoods for corporate development – as if downtown wasn’t half empty, begging for businesses in word (and property taxing them away with action). On the up-side, it also opens the door for everyone in the neighborhood to have their houses assessed down once the door is opened for corporate development in the neighborhood – property value logically goes down under such circumstances.

Members Present that day were Richard Hanson, Sally Martinez, Dave Daversa, Robert Karbacka, Judith Sandson, Patricia Calanni.  Also present were Larry Scalise, Marilyn Fiore-Lehman, and Bill Rice. The only zoning board member who spoke out against it and followed the law was Robert Karbacka.  Looking at what appears to be a different set of zoning rules for friend-and-family, there is only one reasonable solution.  I call for the resignations of the rest of the zoning board members that were in attendance that day!

I realize this opinion piece will anger a lot of officials, but someone needs to speak the truth. The whole thing is shameful and people in this city see it!

John William Lampard
(June 21, 2017)


I have been asked if I intend to bid on the Sheldon House again and for my general thoughts on the drawn-out sale of this house.  I am most certainly going to bid again!  I see that house as a key to making or breaking the neighborhood where I grew up.  We are regularly seeing these incredible landmarks fade into the past. I’m going to save it before it goes to pot.

Jamestown Community College (JCC) is sure I am still on the hook since I showed up at their board of directors meeting trying to buy it. I would wager they are thinking, might as well list it and hope the news coverage would attract someone from a different part of the country to grossly overpay for the house.  And that may happen, but anyone interested is in for a rollercoaster ride.

They have already listed their intentions with the last offer to sell: auditing the buyer’s renovations and holding them accountable to meet the timeline at the threat of a contractual allowance to repossess the house without returning any money. And if the work is not done to their standard, the buyer agrees to essentially write a blank check to have the work redone to JCC’s standard. At least that’s how I understood the fourth and fifth point on Appendix A – if you miss a deadline they get the house, keep the purchase price, keep the investment in renovations, and have funding and legal allowance to finish the renovations at your expense.   

The college is a public institution, and required to do their diligence on sales of properties. They are known to spend significant funds on 360 degree studies for uses of residential properties. They have more accurate projections on renovation costs for residential use than I do. You can request a list of all the conditions they will require from you and ask them for their appraised value based on properties in Jamestown, but make sure it’s not an appraisal based on properties in Buffalo, or Pittsburgh, or Corning. Given the shootings, murders, general lack of reinvestment in properties, and the overwhelming level of property taxation, there’s no comparable place for an appraisal.  That’s just my opinion.  It’s just too bad that property values in town are below the cost to build these days.  It takes a lot of funding to restore a house like this.

Off my recollection, the numbers that Lynn Group estimated at their PR presentation estimated needed reinvestment between $600,000 and $800,000 to revitalize the property for various uses.  I have taken tradesmen through the property and now estimate it would take at least $150,000-200,000 to restore it for residential use. By my estimations, it would probably sell for $300,000 in mint condition in our neighborhood.

I have invested $5,000 and 60 hours of time into proposals and planning. I realize I will lose significant money on this investment, but I still believe this house is key to making or breaking our neighborhood. I plan to do right by the house and restore it as an icon of the grandeur of Jamestown.  I am still trying to buy this house for fair market value a year-and-a-half later. Hopefully JCC does not continue to show my hand of cards by publishing future bids – that is obviously an invasion of privacy and a rude way of trying to increase the bidding at my expense.  I guess we will see how things play out in the next few months.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-resident-calls-for-resignation-of-five-zoning-board-members-in-wake-of-sheldon-house-decision/feed/ 1 22281
State Appellate Division Court Overturns Zoning Board Variance for Sheldon House https://www.wrfalp.com/state-appellate-division-court-overturns-zoning-board-variance-for-sheldon-house/ https://www.wrfalp.com/state-appellate-division-court-overturns-zoning-board-variance-for-sheldon-house/#respond Mon, 19 Jun 2017 14:50:44 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=22209

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

ROCHESTER – A state appellate court has overturned a 2016 zoning variance granted by the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals involving the Sheldon House.

On Friday, ,June 16 the New York 4th Appellate Division, based in Rochester, released its ruling on Sheldon House variance appeal, which was filed by a group of Lakeview Ave. area residents after an initial New York Supreme Court ruling in 2016 supported the city zoning board’s action.

Lakeview Ave. resident Paul Leone was one of the three in the affected neighborhood who filed for the appeal.

“It goes without saying we’re very pleased,” Leone told WRFA. “I feel this decision sets a precedent beneficial to the integrity of the neighborhood.”

Meanwhile, Jamestown Community College president Cory Duckworth voiced disappointment with the decision.

“Needless to say, JCC is disappointed in the outcome of the case,” Duckworth said in a statement to WRFA. “We had felt that we had identified a buyer for the property that would be in a position to make the necessary investments to preserve this revered structure. The Lynn Corporation had plans to continue making the facility available for public use in addition to housing their corporate office.”

The Sheldon House sits in an area of the city that is zoned for residential use only. It is owned by Jamestown Community College, which announced it was selling the property in early 2016, with Lynn Development Group eventually announcing it would buy the home for $240,000, contingent to it receiving a zoning variance so it can be used as the main offices for the company.

In May 2016 the city’s zoning board granted the variance, but that was challenged by a residents in the neighborhood, who didn’t feel there was the necessary hardship requirements needed in order for a variance to go through.

In the summer of 2016, the State Supreme Court in Mayville upheld the variance decision, and that ruling was appealed to the state circuit court.

According to Friday’s ruling by the appellate court, JCC and Lynn Development failed to present proper evidence to the city Zoning Board that satisfies the requirement of unnecessary hardship, which is legally required in order for a variance to be granted.  In other words, despite the initial ruling by the city zoning board, it’s been determined that JCC failed to provide proper evidence that it could not realize a reasonable return on the property by selling it to a buyer who would only use it for residential use only.

During the hearing that took place prior to the city zoning board’s decision, several spoke out against the proposed variance, saying that another offer had come forward to purchase the property from JCC. However, JCC claimed the offer wasn’t acceptable and instead went with the larger offer made by the Lynn Group.

It’s not yet know if JCC or the Lynn Group plan to challenge the decision from the appellate court. If so, the matter would then be taken up by the New York State Court of Appeals, which is the state’s highest court.

“Any decisions related to the case or the future disposition of the Sheldon House will need to be considered by the JCC Board of Trustees. No decisions have been made at present,” Duckworth said.

The Lynn Group has told WRFA a media release responding to the decision is forthcoming.

https://www.wrfalp.com/state-appellate-division-court-overturns-zoning-board-variance-for-sheldon-house/feed/ 0 22209
Sheldon House Variance Appeal Rests in Hands of Appellate Division Court https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-variance-appeal-rests-in-hands-of-appellate-division-court/ https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-variance-appeal-rests-in-hands-of-appellate-division-court/#respond Fri, 26 May 2017 13:00:15 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=22030

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

JAMESTOWN – A state appeals court is now deliberating on the fate of the Sheldon House and whether or not in can be used as a business headquarters.

On May 16, the attorneys for the parties involved in the case appeared in the New York 4th Appellate Division court in Rochester to argue for and against an appeal regarding the zoning variance for the historic home and property, which sits at northeast corner of Lakeview Ave. and Falconer St. Attorneys who presented orgal arguments included Jamestown Corporation Council Marylin Fiore-Lehmen, Jamestown Community College attorney Steve Abdella, and Daryl Brautigam, attorney for the residents who are challenging the variance. Kristen Lee Yaw, who represents the Lynn Development Group, didn’t appear in cort on May 16, but did submit a written argument, on behalf of her client.

The Sheldon House sits in an area of the city that is zoned for residential use only. It is owned by JCC, which announced it was selling the property in early 2016, with Lynn Development  eventually announcing it would buy the home for $240,000, contingent to it receiving a zoning variance so it can be used as the main offices for the company.

In May 2016 the city’s zoning board granted the variance, but that was challenged by a residents in the neighborhood, who didn’t feel there was the necessary hardship requirements needed in order for a variance to go through. In the summer of 2016, the State Supreme Court in Mayville upheld the variance decision, and that ruling was appealed to the state circuit court.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi said that the arguments by attorneys involved in the case were made last week, and now it’s a matter of waiting on a decision.

“Largely, the appellate division does research,” Teresi explained when asked by WRFA for an update Monday night. “They look at all the papers that have been filed, the written arguments. There was about ten minutes of oral arguments, with give and take between the attorneys representing the three parties. Corporation Council reported to me that there didn’t appear to be any bias or indication that they were favoring one side over the other, just a series of clarifying questions that seemed to be equally spread between the three parties and three attorneys.”

Teresi added that there was no indication of the timetable for when the court would deliberate and render its decision. Even once a decision is rendered by the appellate division, there is the option to appeal that decision to the New York State Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state.

https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-variance-appeal-rests-in-hands-of-appellate-division-court/feed/ 0 22030
Sheldon House Appeal to Go to Court on May 16 https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-appeal-to-go-to-court-on-may-16/ https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-appeal-to-go-to-court-on-may-16/#respond Thu, 13 Apr 2017 13:43:18 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=21559

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Post-Journal is reporting that a court date has been set for a second appeal attempt by a group of Lakeview Avenue-area residents who want to prevent the historic Sheldon House from being converted into corporate offices for a local business.

The 4th Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court, located in Rochester, will hear the Sheldon House zoning variance case on Tuesday, May 16 (case no. 716.0 CA17-00171 – PAUL LEONE V CITY OF JAMESTOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS).

Jamestown resident Paul Leone and two other residents in the Lakeview Ave. area are challenging the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals’ decision to grant a variance to the Lynn Development Group so it can use the Sheldon House for its corporate offices. That property currently sits in an area zoned for residential use only. Last year the zoning board approved the variance, and that during the summer the State Supreme Court upheld the decision after it was challenged by the Lakeview residents.

Late last year, WRFA talked with Leone about the concerns he and others have with the variance.

The Sheldon House is currently owned by Jamestown Community College. In January 2016, JCC announced it would sell the property to the Lynn Group for $240,000, contingent on a zoning variance from the city zoning board. In May 2016, the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals granted the special use variance to the property, despite objection by Leone and others in the community. Leone and other subsequently challenged the variance, and in August 2016, the New York Supreme Court upheld the Zoning Board’s decision to grant the variance. In September 2016, Leone announced he would appeal the Supreme Court ruling in the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court.

https://www.wrfalp.com/sheldon-house-appeal-to-go-to-court-on-may-16/feed/ 0 21559
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Resident Paul Leone Discusses Sheldon House Zoning Challenge https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-resident-paul-leone-discusses-sheldon-house-zoning-challenge/ https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-resident-paul-leone-discusses-sheldon-house-zoning-challenge/#respond Wed, 07 Dec 2016 20:38:41 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=20472

Originally airing Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016.

WRFA public affairs director Jason Sample talks with Lakeview Ave. resident Paul Leone about his effort to challenge a decision by the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a special use variance for the Sheldon House, a home located in a residential area of the city but which the new owners want to use as a headquarters for their corporate offices.


  • In January 2016, Jamestown Community College announced it would sell the property to the Lynn Development Group for $240,000, contingent on a zoning variance from the city zoning board.
  • In May 2016, the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals granted the special use variance to the property, despite objection by Leone and others in the community. Leone and other subsequently challenged the variance.
  • In August 2016, the New York Supreme Court upheld the Zoning Baord’s decision to grant the variance.
  • In September 2016, Leone announced he would appeal the Supreme Court ruling in the New York State Court of Appeals.

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

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https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-resident-paul-leone-discusses-sheldon-house-zoning-challenge/feed/ 0 20472
Residents Opposed to Sheldon House Variance Still Considering Appeal https://www.wrfalp.com/residents-opposed-to-sheldon-house-variance-still-considering-appeal/ https://www.wrfalp.com/residents-opposed-to-sheldon-house-variance-still-considering-appeal/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2016 14:20:22 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=19464 Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

JAMESTOWN – A group of residents on the city’s north side are still considering whether or not they will appeal a recent State Supreme Court decision regarding the Sheldon House.

In May the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals approved a zoning variance for the property, which sits in a residential area, so it can be used as the business headquarters for the Lynn Development Group. That decision was challenged by residents Paul Leone, Ann Servoss and Timothy Mills – who live in the area of Prendergast Ave. and Falconer Street, where the Sheldon House is located. The residents believe that the requested use for the property fails to meet the necessary hardship requirements and, as a result, the zoning board improperly granted the variance.

Last month State Supreme Court Judge Frank Sedita III dismissed the challenge, allowing the zoning variance to stay in place.

Monday’s Post-Journal is reporting that the group has filed a notice to appeal Judge Sedita’s ruling with the New York State Court of Appeals. However, they may not proceed with the process because of the costs that are involved.

The Sheldon House is currently owned by Jamestown Community College. Earlier this year JCC announced it was going to sell the property and the Lynn Group came forward with its offer of $240,000 to buy it, with the plan to turn it into its new business headquarters. Since then the sale has been approved by JCC, but has yet to be finalized – pending the outcome of the zoning appeal process.

https://www.wrfalp.com/residents-opposed-to-sheldon-house-variance-still-considering-appeal/feed/ 0 19464
Supreme Court Judge Upholds Zoning Board Decision Regarding Sheldon House Variance https://www.wrfalp.com/supreme-court-judge-upholds-zoning-board-decision-regarding-sheldon-house-variance/ https://www.wrfalp.com/supreme-court-judge-upholds-zoning-board-decision-regarding-sheldon-house-variance/#respond Mon, 15 Aug 2016 13:44:27 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=19024 Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

Sheldon House (photo by SUNY JCC)

MAYVILLE – A group of north side residents have lost in their effort to overturn a recent decision by the Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a variance for the Sheldon House.

A recent report by the Jamestown Post-Journal says that Supreme Court Judge Frank Sedita III dismissed a petition to challenge the zoning variance for the Sheldon House, which was filed by city residents Paul Leone, Ann Servoss and Timothy Mills on May 31.

At issue was whether or not the zoning board properly granted a variance for the Sheldon House, located at the corner of Lakeview Ave. and Falconer St., to be used as a business office for the Lynn Development Group. The property sits in an area zoned for residential use only, and the variance was needed to help pave the way for the Lynn Group to purchase the property from Jamestown Community College.

On May 4 the zoning board granted the variance, despite Leone and others appearing before the board and speaking against the variance, saying the case didn’t meet the hardship requirements necessary to allow a variance to be issued.

According to the Post-Journal, Sedita stated in his decision that the zoning board did not act in an arbitrary or capricious matter when approving the use variance.

The residents who filed the petition have the option of contesting Judge Sedita’s decision through the New York State Court of Appeals and have 30 days to make that decision.

https://www.wrfalp.com/supreme-court-judge-upholds-zoning-board-decision-regarding-sheldon-house-variance/feed/ 0 19024
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi: June 2016 Interview https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-jamestown-mayor-sam-teresi-june-2016-interview/ https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-jamestown-mayor-sam-teresi-june-2016-interview/#respond Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:25:44 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=18497

Originally airing Thursday, June 9, 2016.

WRFA public affairs director Jason Sample talks with Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi to learn more about a $10,000,000 state competitive economic development grant the city recently applied for to help bolster downtown Jamestown.

Teresi also discusses the city’s financial position through the first quarter of 2016, as well as what challenges are on the horizon for 2017.

Plus the mayor offers his thoughts on the Sheldon House sale from Jamestown Community College to the Lynn Development Group.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi

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https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-jamestown-mayor-sam-teresi-june-2016-interview/feed/ 0 18497