WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:41:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 Nelson Appointed to Jamestown City Council https://www.wrfalp.com/nelson-appointed-to-jamestown-city-council/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nelson-appointed-to-jamestown-city-council https://www.wrfalp.com/nelson-appointed-to-jamestown-city-council/#respond Mon, 02 Feb 2015 14:05:46 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=12565 City Court Judge, Hon. Fred Larson, presided over the swearing-in ceremony today of Tom Nelson, 21 Hunter Street, as the new Ward VI Jamestown City Councilman.  Nelson’s  wife, Dee, held the ceremonial Bible during the oath of office.   Nelson replaces former Councilman Paul Whitford (third from right).  City Council President Greg Rabb (left) and Mayor Sam Teresi also witnessed the ceremony.

City Court Judge, Hon. Fred Larson, presided over the swearing-in ceremony today of Tom Nelson, 21 Hunter Street, as the new Ward VI Jamestown City Councilman. Nelson’s wife, Dee, held the ceremonial Bible during the oath of office. Nelson replaces former Councilman Paul Whitford (third from right). City Council President Greg Rabb (left) and Mayor Sam Teresi also witnessed the ceremony.

JAMESTOWN – There’s a new member on the Jamestown City Council.

Last week the city council approved the appointment of Tom Nelson to serve as Ward VI councilman. Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi appointed Nelson to finish the term of the seat that was vacated by Democrat Paul Whitford, who resigned late last year because he had to move out of the district. Whitford has since joined the Chautauqua County Legislature, filling a seat that was also recently vacated by Jamestown Democrat Paula Dejoy, who had also moved out of her district.

Nelson is a registered Democrat and is a former member of the Jamestown Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission. He teaches History and Government at Frewsburg High for the past 28 years. While at Frewsburg, he’s served as Varsity Basketball Coach, Assistant Varsity Football Coach and Mock Trial Advisory. He’s also a member of the Carroll Masonic Lodge, Jamestown Vikings Lodge and the Norden Club. Nelson has been married to his wife Dee Nelson for 24 years and together they have 4 children.

Nelson will serve on the council until at least the end of this year, when the current term ends.

https://www.wrfalp.com/nelson-appointed-to-jamestown-city-council/feed/ 0 12565
Mayor Expected to Fill Vacated City Council Seat This Month https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-expected-to-fill-vacated-city-council-seat-this-month/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mayor-expected-to-fill-vacated-city-council-seat-this-month https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-expected-to-fill-vacated-city-council-seat-this-month/#respond Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:18:46 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=12194 JAMESTOWN 5.25x5.25 logoJAMESTOWN – When the Jamestown City Council holds its first work session of the new year Monday night it will be with a vacated seat.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi has yet to appoint a new council member to fill the seat that was vacated last month by Ward 6 Democrat Paul Whitford, who resigned on Dec. 8 because he moved out of Ward 6.

Within two weeks of his announced resignation, he was appointed to the Chautauqua County Legislature’s District 13 seat to replace outgoing legislator Paula DeJoy, who had to resign from her seat because of a move out of the district.

According to a recent report in the Jamestown Post-Journal, Teresi said he’s had several suggestions for the Ward 6 seat and will likely make an appointment during the first half of this month.

The city’s charter gives the mayor the power to appoint a new City Council member whenever a seat is vacated. The nominee must meet all standard qualifications the office and must also be in the same political party as the individual who vacated the seat.

The appointee will serve in office for at least the remainder of the current term, which expires at the end of this year.

The city council will hold several committee meetings Monday night to deal with routine business before moving on to its regular work session, which begins at 7:30 p.m. All meetings will take place on the fourth floor of city hall and are open to the public.

https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-expected-to-fill-vacated-city-council-seat-this-month/feed/ 0 12194
DeJoy Announces Resignation from County Legislature https://www.wrfalp.com/dejoy-announces-resignation-from-county-legislature/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dejoy-announces-resignation-from-county-legislature https://www.wrfalp.com/dejoy-announces-resignation-from-county-legislature/#respond Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:55:45 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=11955 Chautauqua County Legislature Chairman Jay Gould reads a commendation as Jamestown legislator Paula DeJoy looks on. DeJoy announced Wednesday night that she would be resigning from the panel because she'll be moving out of District 11 in Jamestown.

Chautauqua County Legislature Chairman Jay Gould reads a commendation as Jamestown legislator Paula DeJoy looks on. DeJoy announced Wednesday night that she would be resigning from the panel because she’ll be moving out of District 11 in Jamestown.

MAYVILLE – A member of the Chautauqua County Legislature announced Wednesday night that she would be resigning from her position on the panel.

Jamestown Democrat Paula DeJoy – who had represented District 13 for nearly five years – told lawmakers that she was stepping down because she and her family are moving out of the district.

DeJoy was first elected to the panel in 2009. During that time she served on both the Public Facilities and Administrative Services committees.

DeJoy tells WRFA that one of the things she’s most proud of during her time on the legislature is that she’s worked well with other representatives, regardless of political affiliation or geographic location. Earlier this year, DeJoy was one of the majority of legislators that approved the sale of the Chautauqua County Home. She says that the sale was for the good of the entire county and another accomplishment she was proud of.

Following her announcement on Wednesday night, Legislature Chairman Jay Gould presented DeJoy with a commendation for her service on the panel and she received a standing round of applause form her colleagues.

It will now be up to the county Democratic Committee to select DeJoy’s replacement, who will serve out the remainder of the current term until a general election takes place in November 2015.

Meanwhile, DeJoy said that she may get involved in local politics again. She’ll be moving to the west side of Jamestown and into Legislative District 13, which is currently represented by Republican David Wilfong. She said that she hasn’t decided yet whether she run for office in 2015 but will most like come to a decision by January of next year.

DeJoy’s announcement is the second resignation from a Jamestown Legislator this year. In the spring, Democrat Fred Larson announced his resignation after being appointed as Jamestown city court Judge. He was eventually replaced by appointee Beth Kresge, who is now running for election to fill out the remainder of that term. She is facing Jamestown Republican Elisabeth Rankin in the Nov. 4 general election.

https://www.wrfalp.com/dejoy-announces-resignation-from-county-legislature/feed/ 0 11955
Cornell Appointment Fails by 10 to 7 vote https://www.wrfalp.com/cornell-appointment-fails-by-10-to-7-vote/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cornell-appointment-fails-by-10-to-7-vote https://www.wrfalp.com/cornell-appointment-fails-by-10-to-7-vote/#respond Thu, 29 May 2014 11:36:54 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=10450 Chuck Cornell

Chuck Cornell

MAYVILLE – The Chautauqua County Legislature has voted against the appointment of Jamestown Democrat Chuck Cornell to fill a recently vacated seat in District 12.

Earlier this month, Cornell was selected by Democrats in his district to fill the seat being vacated by Fred Larson – who accepted an appointment to become Jamestown’s second full-time city judge. However, Cornell’s appointment required approval from the legislature, and on Wednesday night it voted 10 to 7 against having him join. It was the first time since 1983 that the legislature did not approve an appointment.

Prior to the vote, legislator Terry Niebel (R-Dunkirk) asked his fellow lawmakers to approve the appointment, saying it was the right thing do to, considering the support Cornell received from party members in his district.

“In the 150-year proud history of this legislature, there’s only been one instance where this body has turned the appointment by a local committee, and that was in 1983,” Niebel said. Not since then has there been any recommendation from a district committee that has been turned down, and there’s been dozens and dozens if not hundreds.”

Despite Niebel’s request, eight of his fellow 11 Republican legislators voted against Cornell’s appointment. Including majority leader John Runkle (R-Cassadaga). Runkle requested a five minute recess prior to the Cornell vote, in which he met privately with other members of his party. Following the meeting, Runkle said that Cornell’s reputation for party partisanship was a contributing factor for voting against his appointment.

“Several people felt that with the infusion of the Mr. Cornell that we might be returning to the days of yesteryear, which I was told by a number of legislators they did not want to do, but that’s my understanding of how the legislators who voted against it felt,” Runkle told WRFA following the meeting.


The biggest surprise may have been the two ‘no’ votes that were cast by Democrats Keith Ahlstrom (Dunkirk) and Shaun Heenan (Dunkirk). Ahlstrom would only say his vote was due to a letter that Cornell had wrote in November 2013. “This is a personnel-type issue… I would refer back to a letter that Mr. Cornell had in the Dunkrik Observer, I believe on November 18, [to explain] why I voted ‘no’.”

In the letter – which was entitled “Partisan Redistricting Works” – Cornell said the GOP’s recent “tsunami” victory in the 2013 election was due primarily to the new district that were developed “largely by a partisan Albany-based consultant hired by the Republican caucus to draw the lines.” Cornell also specifically mentioned both Ahlstrom and Heenan, saying the two voted against an earlier redistricting plan that was drawn by a nonpartisan, independent commission and as a result, the partisan plan was put into place.

Those voting against the appointment were: Ahlstrom, Heenan, Runkle, Bob Scudder (R-Fredonia), George Borrello (R-Irving), Pierre Chagnon (R-Bemus Point), Mark Tarbrake (R-Jamestown), Lisa Vanstrom (R-Jamestown), Ron Lemon (R-Frewsburg) and John Hemmer (R-Westfield).

Those seven who voted in favor of the appointment were: Niebel, Janet Keefe (D-Fredonia), Chuck Nazarro (D-Jamestown), David Wilfong (R-Jamestown), Paula DeJoy (D-Jamestown), David Himelein (R-Findley Lake) and Legislature Chairman Jay Gould (R-Ashville).

Legislator PJ Wendell (R-Lakewood) was absent.

Following the vote, Chuck Cornell said he was obviously disappointed with the outcome.

“All I really wanted to do was to serve. Public Service has been an important part of my life and I just wanted to serve. I was asked if I was interested. I was chosen unanimously by the committee that lives on the north side of Jamestown and so obviously I’m disappointed that I was not approved this evening.


Also in attendance during last night’s meeting was Chautauqua County Democratic Committee Chairman Norman Green, who said there are a couple of options the local committee will now consider.

“The committee certainly has the opportunity to go back,” Green explained.  “I will certainly recommend to the committee that they stick to their guns. I will certainly recommend to Mr. Cornell -we start petitions Thursday, the first day of petitioning season – and I will recommend to Mr. Cornell that he takes it to the people [in the general election].”

Green said he was also disappointed with the two Dunkirk Democrats who voted against the appointment.

“I’m disappointed that two Democrats – two people that we supported – haven’t supported us and it was a sad day from the Democratic representation from the city of Dunkirk,” Green said.

Keith Ahlstrom and Shaun Heanan voted the other way, Cornell would have been added to the legislature.

https://www.wrfalp.com/cornell-appointment-fails-by-10-to-7-vote/feed/ 0 10450
GOP Maintains 13 Seats on County Legislature, Despite Downsizing to 19 https://www.wrfalp.com/gop-maintains-13-seats-on-county-legislature-despite-downsizing-to-19/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gop-maintains-13-seats-on-county-legislature-despite-downsizing-to-19 https://www.wrfalp.com/gop-maintains-13-seats-on-county-legislature-despite-downsizing-to-19/#respond Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:55:56 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=7766 ElectionMAYVILLE – The 2013 Election has turned out to be a huge victory for Republican in the Chautauqua County Legislature.  Despite the fact that the legislature is downsizing to 19 members, the GOP will still control 13 seats on the panel, giving it a two-thirds – or ‘super’ – majority.

Among the key victories for the GOP on Election night was in District 11 in Jamestown, where Republican Challenger David Wilfong defeated incumbent and current minority leader Bob Whitney. The unofficial total from election night was 533 to 444.

Another key loss for democrats was in District 16, which covers the towns of Kiantone, Carroll and Poland. In that race, Republican and former legislator Ron Lemon defeated democratic incumbent Tom Erlandson by a wide margin of 1,077 to 641.

Two other democratic incumbents also loss their bid for re-election and in both cases, they lost to republican incumbents. The match-up of incumbents was the result of downsizing the legislature. In District 7, which covers the towns of Portland and Stockton, Republican John Runkle defeated Democrat Tom DeJoe. Meanwhile, in District 3, which covers the towns of Pomfret and half the village of Fredonia, Republican Bob Scudder knocked off Democrat William Coughlin.

In the other Contested races:

  • District 4: Janet Keefe (D,WF,I-Fredonia) def. Michael Sullivan (R, C-Fredonia)
  • District 5: Terry Niebel (R,C,I-Dunkirk) def. Susan Baldwin (D-South Dayton)
  • District 10: P.J. Wendel (R,C-Lakewood) def. Sharon Lisciandro (D,I-Lakewood)
  • District 12: Fred Larson (D,I-Jamestown)def. William Prieto (R,C-Jamestown);
  • District 15: Lisa Vanstrom (R,I-West Ellicott) def. Sam Ognibene (D,C-Falconer)
  • District 18: David Himelein (R,C,I-Findley Lake) def. Ed Carutis (D,WF-Sherman)

Legislators running unopposed were:

  • District 1: Keith Ahlstrom (D,WF-Dunkirk)
  • District 2: Shaun Heenan (D-Dunkirk)
  • District 6: George Borello (R,C,I-Irving)
  • District 8: Pierre Chagnon (R,C-Bemus Point)
  • District 9: Chuck Nazarro (D,I-Jamestown)
  • District 13: Paula DeJoy (D,I) Jamestown
  • District 14: Mark Tarbrake (R,C,I-Jamestown)
  • District 17: Jay Gould (R,C-Ashville)
  • District 19: John Hemmer (R,C,I-Westfield)
https://www.wrfalp.com/gop-maintains-13-seats-on-county-legislature-despite-downsizing-to-19/feed/ 0 7766
MORNING NEWS: County Democrats Announce Endorsements for 2013 Election https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-democrats-announce-endorsements-for-2013-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-county-democrats-announce-endorsements-for-2013-election https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-democrats-announce-endorsements-for-2013-election/#respond Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:40:36 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=5765 Dems endorse 8 incumbents, 5 newcomers and 1 Republican for County Legislature
A map of the legislative districts for Chautauqua County, approved and finalized for the 2013 elections.

A map of the legislative districts for Chautauqua County, approved and finalized for the 2013 elections.

MAYVILLE – Chautauqua County’s Democratic Committee has approved its list of preliminary endorsements for the 2013 local elections.

Last weekend the party’s nominating committee met, and endorsed Ron Johnson of Pomfret as the candidate for County Executive and Lori Cornell of Jamestown as the candidate for Chautauqua County Clerk. The party also cross-endorsed current District Attorney David Foley, a Republican from Fredonia, in his bid for reelection.

For the county legislature, the party so far is endorsing candidates for 14 of the 19 legislative districts.

A total of 8 incumbent democrats were endorsed by the party. They are: Dunkirk’s Shaun Heenan and Keith Ahlstrom in Districts 1 and 2 respectively; Billy Coughlin of Fredonia for District 3; Tom DeJoe of Brocton for District 7; Chuck Nazarro of Jamestown for District 9; Robert Whitney of Jamestown for District 11; Paula DeJoy of Jamestown for District 13; and Tom Erlandson of Frewsburg for District 16.

Democratic newcomers this year include Fred Larson of Jamestown, who is running for the District 12 seat and Sam Ognibene of Falconer who is running for the District 15 seat. Other democrats running for the first time include Fredonia’s Janet Keefe in District 4; Amy Dillenburg Farnham in District 5; and Sherman’s Ed Carutis in District 18.

The Democrats are also cross-endorsing Mark Tarbrake of Jamestown in district 14.  That district covers the area of Ellicott north of I-86, plus the towns of Gerry, Charlotte and Ellington.

County Democratic Commissioner Norman Green says they are still looking for candidates for District 6 which covers the town of Hanover; District 8 which covers Ellery and North Harmony; District 10 which covers Lakewood and parts of Busti and the city of Jamestown; District 17 which covers the towns of French Creek, Clymer, Harmony and parts of Busti, and District 19, which covers Westfield.

For a complete rundown of all candidates, plus exclusive audio interviews, visit our 2013 Election page.

https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-democrats-announce-endorsements-for-2013-election/feed/ 0 5765
MORNING NEWS: Edwards Responds to Legislators’ Request for Job and Economic Development Info https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-edwards-responds-to-legislators-request-for-job-and-economic-development-info/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-edwards-responds-to-legislators-request-for-job-and-economic-development-info https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-edwards-responds-to-legislators-request-for-job-and-economic-development-info/#respond Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:19:16 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=3748 MAYVILLE – It was a paperwork mix-up that is to blame for a miscommunication between some Chautauqua County legislators and the County Executive. Earlier this week, legislators Paula DeJoy (D-Jamestown) and Tom DeJoe (D-Brocton) sent a letter to County Executive Greg Edwards, asking for a jobs report from Edwards, detailing the number and types of jobs created by the county in recent years. The letter was a follow-up to one that was initially sent to Edwards in May and to which they never received a response.

According to the Jamestown Post-Journal, Edwards has responded to the legislators’ request, apologizing for not responding sooner, but said the letter had never arrived in his office – although it was read during the May voting session of the county legislator.

The county executive also informed the legislators that he has asked Planning and Economic Development Director Bill Daly to complete the data they have requested. The information will be presented during the Legislator’s Planning and Economic Development meeting in January.

https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-edwards-responds-to-legislators-request-for-job-and-economic-development-info/feed/ 0 3748
MORNING NEWS: County Legislature Democrats Support Teresi, Call on Edwards to Provide Information https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-legislature-democrats-support-teresi-call-on-edwards-to-provide-information/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-county-legislature-democrats-support-teresi-call-on-edwards-to-provide-information https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-legislature-democrats-support-teresi-call-on-edwards-to-provide-information/#respond Tue, 04 Dec 2012 14:13:28 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=3679 JAMESTOWN – Two members of the Chautauqua County Legislature are throwing their support behind the Mayor of Jamestown regarding his concern over tax breaks for a downtown property.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi recently expressed his concern over a”tax deal” the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency approved for the new owners of Covenant Manor. Last week, the IDA unanimously approved granting a payment in lieu of taxes for a potential buyer of Covenant Manor – a privately owned, subsidized housing building. In response, the mayor was quoted in the Jamestown Post-Journal calling it corporate welfare at its worst.

In a media release sent out Monday afternoon, Chautauqua County Legislator Paula DeJoy (D-Jamestown) announced that the Democratic Caucus of the county legislature stands behind Teresi’s comments and his concern for the effectiveness of the IDA.

DeJoy also raised the point that over six months ago, she and her colleague Tom DeJoe (D-Brocton) sent a letter to the County Executive requesting a response to several questions about economic development efforts under his leadership.   She said the questions and concerns she and DeJoe had expressed are consistent with those from Mayor Teresi. DeJoy added that so far, no reply has come from county executive Greg Edwards or County IDA Executive Director Bill Daly.

In an initial response to the request last May, Edwards told the media that all the information DeJoy and DeJoe have requested can be found on the county IDA website through reports that have been posted there. However, Minority Leader Lori Cornell (D-Jamestown) says lawmakers shouldn’t have to comb through piles of website materials and lengthy reports, adding that the onus is on the Administration to be accountable and answer the questions. Last week both Dejoy and DeJoe sent Edwards and Daly a follow up request, again seeking the information related to economic growth and job creation through the IDA.

https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-county-legislature-democrats-support-teresi-call-on-edwards-to-provide-information/feed/ 0 3679
County Lawmakers Call on IDA to Provide Jobs Report https://www.wrfalp.com/county-lawmakers-call-on-ida-to-provide-jobs-report/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-lawmakers-call-on-ida-to-provide-jobs-report https://www.wrfalp.com/county-lawmakers-call-on-ida-to-provide-jobs-report/#respond Tue, 22 May 2012 15:42:16 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=1723 MAYVILLE – A group of lawmakers in the Chautauqua County legislature wants to hold the county Industrial development Agency more accountable for bringing new business – and jobs – into the area. Legislators Tom DeJoe (D-Brocton), Paula DeJoy (D-Jamestown) and Lori Cornell (D-Jamestown) said that in light of New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s report on IDAs statewide, and his call for greater accountability, they and other legislators would like the Chautauqua County IDA Executive Director Bill Daly to provide a jobs report for County Legislators.

Cornell tells WRFA that lawmakers believe the request isn’t as much a criticism of the current IDA administration as it is part of the oversight obligation of the county legislature.

“It’s a way for us to respond to our legislative duty of oversight and apply that to this very critical area of county government and all of our communities,” Cornell explained. “We need more jobs [so we ask] ‘how do we do that?’ That’s our role as a legislature – to perform that type of oversight. So we very much look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the IDA. It’s not at all meant as an affront what-so-ever to the IDA.”

The New York State Comptrollers report on 2010 indicated that the Chautauqua County IDA had a low percentage of jobs created versus jobs retained relative to other counties in the state. According to the report, the Chautauqua County IDA had a sum total project amounts of $398 million, with $11.7 million in gross tax exemptions and $11 million in Payments in Leau of Taxes (PILOTs) for the same year. The report indicated that 608 jobs were estimated to be created, with 4012 jobs to be retained with and an estimated net job change of 457.

Cornell says the lawmakers will formerly file a resolution that involves the creation and submission of a regular jobs report from the IDA when the legislature holds its monthly voting session Wednesday night.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-lawmakers-call-on-ida-to-provide-jobs-report/feed/ 0 1723
County Committee to Review Funding Resolution for County Home https://www.wrfalp.com/county-committee-to-review-funding-resolution-for-county-home/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-committee-to-review-funding-resolution-for-county-home https://www.wrfalp.com/county-committee-to-review-funding-resolution-for-county-home/#respond Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:52:57 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=1334 MAYVILLE – A group of county lawmakers will discuss a resolution that could provide additional funding for the Chautauqua County Home in 2013. The resolution will be reviewed when the county legislature’s Human Services Committee meets at 6 p.m.

The resolution calls for a $500,000 appropriation from the county’s fund balance to match a federal grant for the county home when they meet later today in Mayville. It is being sponsored by several democrats on the legislature, including Minority Leader Lori Cornell (D-Jamestown), Assistant Minority Leader Robert Whitney (D-Jamestown), Victoria James (D-Jamestown), Paula DeJoy (D-Jamestown), Tim Hoyer (D-Jamestown), Tom DeJoe (D-Brocton) and Bill Coughlin (D-Fredonia). Sponsors are hoping to use that surplus as a local share to match intergovernmental transfers (IGT) from the federal government. In order to secure the matching funds for the County Home, a local share from the county must be provided.

Other committees meeting later today include the County’s Public Safety Committee at 4 p.m., which will review a new labor contract for part-time Deputy Sheriffs and a resolution to increase sheriff services in the Village of Brocton.

And the Planning & Economic Development Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in Mayville. All committee meetings are open to the public.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-committee-to-review-funding-resolution-for-county-home/feed/ 0 1334