WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Thu, 18 May 2023 11:23:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 BPU General Manager Says No Impact to Operations if City Signs Climate Smart Community Pledge https://www.wrfalp.com/bpu-general-manager-says-no-impact-to-operations-if-city-signs-climate-smart-community-pledge/ https://www.wrfalp.com/bpu-general-manager-says-no-impact-to-operations-if-city-signs-climate-smart-community-pledge/#respond Thu, 18 May 2023 11:23:13 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51946

Jamestown BPU General Manager Dave Leathers speaks with Jamestown City Council (May 15, 2023)

Jamestown Board of Public Utilities‘ General Manager doesn’t see a proposal to register Jamestown as a Climate Smart Community as negatively impacting the utility’s operations.

Dave Leathers met with Jamestown City Council Monday to give his thoughts on a resolution that would register the city as a Climate Smart Community in New York State.

Leathers said the BPU is very focused on clean energy standards and the Climate Leadership and Protection Act, “Those are state mandates, state laws that are focused on significant changes in the New York State economy related to greenhouse gas emissions and green energy as well as transportation, and buildings, and agriculture, and waste, and industry. So, that’s really where all of our efforts and all of of our focus are.”

Leathers said he sees the Climate pledge as a municipal effort and that it’s up to the City administration and Council to decide what they want to pursue, “Approving a resolution to take the pledge, I don’t see it as some huge, significant step. And I definitely don’t see it as anything that’s going to impact the BPU operations.”

Under the Climate Smart Community certification, local governments accumulate points for planning and implementation actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community resilience to the worsening impacts of climate change.

Certified communities can take part in the Climate Smart Communities Grant Program, which is a competitive 50/50 matching grant program for municipalities to implement projects focused on climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation.

Leathers said the pledge doesn’t commit the city to anything hard, “If in a year from now, you’ve gone into this and you decide you want to rescind that resolution for some reason, you could do that. There are items in the list of potential tasks that the BPU staff would be involved in and would be supportive.”

He said if the city has been certified as a Climate Smart community it could gain the city extra points when applying for grants.

Climate Smart Guidelines include:

1)    Build a climate-smart community.
2)    Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action.
3)    Decrease energy use.
4)    Shift to clean, renewable energy.
5)    Use climate-smart materials management.
6)    Implement climate-smart land use.
7)    Enhance community resilience to climate change.
8)    Support a green innovation economy.
9)    Inform and inspire the public.
10)    Engage in an evolving process of climate action.

Director of Development Crystal Surdyk said if the pledge was adopted that she could see the city’s Principal Planner acting as the required Coordinator for the program with the Planning Commission serving as the Task Force.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund asked for information on any upfront costs that might be involved with the city taking the pledge.

https://www.wrfalp.com/bpu-general-manager-says-no-impact-to-operations-if-city-signs-climate-smart-community-pledge/feed/ 0 51946
Stop Gap Insurance Costs Expected to Rise 37% in 2024 for Jamestown https://www.wrfalp.com/stop-gap-insurance-costs-expected-to-rise-37-in-2024-for-jamestown/ https://www.wrfalp.com/stop-gap-insurance-costs-expected-to-rise-37-in-2024-for-jamestown/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 10:58:55 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51927

Council member at large Kim Ecklund reads out finance committee resolutions (May 15, 2023)

Stop gap insurance costs are expected to rise 37% next year for the City of Jamestown.

City Council Finance Chair Kim Ecklund reported out that City Clerk Jennifer Williams and former City Comptroller Joe Bellitto have met with bid applicants to provide the city an Annual Stop Loss Program.

She said they both recommended staying with Highmark, who is the current administrator and insurance carrier, “Unfortunately, the increase is 37% for a budget increase of $160,521 for next year. So, all these times I keep saying we’ve got these increases, this was a pretty significant one. I was expecting to see an increase, I’m not going to lie, but I wasn’t expecting to see 37% for $160,000.”

Ecklund said there was a higher deductible offered by Highmark but Bellitto did not recommend that option.

She said the increase is due to cost of doing business and that there are five people on the plan whose medical costs have passed the stop loss amount of $175,000.

A resolution for accepting the bid by Highmark for a Stop Loss Program is expected to appear on the May 22 voting agenda.

https://www.wrfalp.com/stop-gap-insurance-costs-expected-to-rise-37-in-2024-for-jamestown/feed/ 0 51927
City Proposes $6.4 Million Bond for City Building Upgrades, Repairs https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/ https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/#respond Tue, 16 May 2023 11:41:29 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51918

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist outlines bond proposal as Council President Tony Dolce listens (May 15, 2023)

The City of Jamestown is proposing to bond for $6.4 million in order to do a variety of building improvements and repairs.

Mayor Eddie Sundquist presented the initial bond proposal to City Council Monday, saying the projects were limited to just municipal facilities.

He said the list of projects is just a draft because he wants Council to discuss the proposal. Sundquist said $3.15 million would go toward improvements and repairs at City Hall, including a $1.8 million roof replacement and façade work, “We had hoped that the patching we did on the roof was going to hold. We are still seeing leaks within the building on that roof and so it’ll need to be replaced. As a reminder, the building opened up in 1971.”

Sundquist said security improvements and HVAC upgrades are also part of the project. He added that 17 windows need to be replaced for a cost of $350,000.

Council member Marie Carrubba suggested that the city should be considering replacing the current gold-filmed windows, which she says are not energy efficient, “When you talk about climate action, these (windows) are horrible. Go down to the second floor and half of the windows you can’t look out of. I don’t know if they’re on the list to be replaced, but I can’t even imagine. I haven’t counted all of the windows in this building. But, I almost feel like we’re throwing good money after bad to keep trying to get these windows, which are very hard to get, they’re very expensive, versus trying to begin a process of replacing these windows in a manageable fashion.”

Sundquist said it was something the city could look into.

The replacement of the Fenton Roof at a cost of $2 million is also included in the bond proposal. Sundquist said the historic mansion is owned by the City and needs a new rubber roof due to leaks that are impacting the Fenton History Center‘s collection. He added that the $2 million price tag may get reduced if the city is able to find grants for the project.

Other projects that would be funded under a proposed bond include $250,000 to fix the roof at 145 Steele Street and $500,000 for a new water line at Bergman Park.

Sundquist said $500,000 is also included as gap funding for the Fleet Maintenance Building on Washington Street. An information sheet said this funding is due to increased labor and material costs that could not be foreseen when the project was initially budgeted. Sundquist said the city has applied for a $1 million reimbursement from New York State.

He added that the city is able to “comfortably” borrow up to $12 million, “We’re very low on our actual debt right now as a city and so we wanted to confirm with them what we think we can borrow. The other thing I’ll point out is that we still have ARPA funds. I didn’t include it in here because I think it’s a discussion for everyone. There is still $1.7 million in ARPA funds that could be applied toward this should the council wish. That obviously for some further discussion which would lower that debt level.”

Council member at Large Kim Ecklund requested information on other bonds the city has in addition to how a $6.4 million bond would impact the city budget.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/feed/ 0 51918
Jamestown BRWS Looking for Diamond Girls, Ambassador Families https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-brws-looking-for-diamond-girls-ambassador-families/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-brws-looking-for-diamond-girls-ambassador-families/#respond Mon, 08 May 2023 11:11:03 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51757 The Jamestown Babe Ruth World Series Committee is looking for Diamond Girls and Ambassador Families for the August World Series event.

Jamestown will be hosting the 2023 Babe Ruth 13-15 Year Old World Series at Diethrick Park from August 12th-19th.

The local committee is looking for girls ages 13 to 15 to be Diamond Girls, formerly called Hostesses. Diamond girls serve as ambassadors to the teams and must be available for the length of the series.

The commitee is also looking for families to serve as Host Family Ambassadors. Families serve as ambassadors to a team in an effort to support them throughout the series.

Those interested in either program should contact Jamestown Committee Vice President Kim Ecklund at (716) 664-0405 or email jamestownbrws@yahoo.com

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-brws-looking-for-diamond-girls-ambassador-families/feed/ 0 51757
City Council Again Tables Resolution to Hire Firefighters https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/ https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/#respond Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:04:14 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51514

Jamestown City Council discusses resolution to hire eight fire fighters (April 24, 2023)

Jamestown City Council once again tabled a resolution to hire eight new firefighters at its voting session.

Council member at large Jeff Russell made the motion, citing extenuating circumstances, following a lengthy discussion before a packed council chambers that included most of the members of the Jamestown Fire Department.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund cited financial concerns with the three-year $1.8 million SAFER grant, saying that costs presented to council for those three years is $2.1 million which didn’t include overtime costs, working out of title, and comp time.

She said in 2022, personnel expenses in the Fire Department were $250,000 over budget, “Talking financially, this grant will not provide all those previously mentioned items I just talked about as well as training, estimated at $46,000, uniforms estimated at $46,000, and other incidental expenses. While people don’t want to hear this, we as a council have to remain fiscally responsible and understanding the needs of our departments and empathetic to the future of Jamestown.”

Ecklund said based on these numbers, the city could be faced with a $450 to $500,000 total shortfall over the three years of the grant. She said the American Rescue Plan funds used to hire four firefighters in 2022 runs out the the last year of the SAFER grant, which leaves another $382,000 for the city to fund.

Crowd for the Jamestown City Council meeting (April 24, 2023)

Ecklund said a second ambulance would bring in more revenue but running the two ambulances would not bring in the $750 to $900,000 needed. Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon had informed Council previously that the estimated revenue from running two ambulances is about $400,000 total a year.

Council member Marie Carrubba commented that former City Comptrollers Joe Bellitto and Ryan Thompson had both previously stated that the hiring of the four ARPA funded firefighters would “stretch the city’s budget to its limit,” “The idea that we’d hire an additional eight would be unsustainable and we have to look at that. And I don’t always agree with Mr. Champ, but I think you said it very well tonight. We have to be concerned not only with the present, but the future and the financial condition of the city when we are reaching our constitutional taxing limit, when we’re not able to raise taxes, my question to all of the citizens are what do you want us to cut?”

Ecklund asked Mayor Eddie Sundquist if the SAFER grant would allow the city to hire less than the eight firefighters proposed.

Sundquist responded that if Council provides him a number, he can ask the Federal Emergency Management Agency about that. None of the previous discussions by the city administration until Monday’s voting session indicated that the grant allowed the city to hire less than eight fire fighters under the grant.

The motion to table the resolution until May passed with just Council member Regina Brackman voting no.

In a related resolution, Council did approve purchasing a second ambulance for the fire department with $250,000 in American Rescue Plan funds.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/feed/ 0 51514
Over Half Million Dollars in ARP Grants Awarded to 8 Jamestown Businesses https://www.wrfalp.com/over-half-million-dollars-in-arp-grants-awarded-to-8-jamestown-businesses/ https://www.wrfalp.com/over-half-million-dollars-in-arp-grants-awarded-to-8-jamestown-businesses/#respond Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:27:55 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51463

Jamestown Local Development Corporation meeting (April 19, 2023)

Over a half million dollars in American Rescue Plan funded grants have been approved for eight Jamestown businesses.

The Jamestown Local Development Corporation awarded $500,000 in Machinery and Equipment Upgrades funds as well as $50,000 in New Business Development funds at its monthly meeting.

Ballgame Heroes and Pearl City Cycle will each receive $25,000 under the New Business Development grant fund.

Jamestown Businesses Receiving ARP New Business Development Grant Funds

Department of Development Grant Manager Tim O’Dell said Pearl City Cycle is opening a retail store at 245 Fluvanna Avenue and will use the funds for store signage as well as painting the interior and exterior. He said Ballgame Heroes will use the funds for updating security systems, new displays inside, as well as for store programming and events.

The five businesses receiving $92,000 each in Machinery and Equipment Upgrade grant funds include:
Colecraft Commercial Furnishings toward a $361,792 total project
Dawson Metal Company toward a $134,900 total project
El Greco Woodworking, Inc. toward a $143,952 total project
International Ordnance Technologies toward a $226,600 total project
National Wire & Metal Tech Inc. toward a $320,000 total project

Crown Street Roasting was awarded $37,500 for a $50,000 project

Jamestown Businesses Receiving ARP Machinery & Equipment Upgrades Grant Funds

O’Dell said 29 full time and three part time jobs are to be created and 163 full time and five part job positions retained through the funding.

The Machinery and Equipment Upgrades grant has a 25% match requirement for the businesses as well as job creation benchmarks that must be met or funds could be clawed back.

Director of Development Crystal Surdyk said the department reached out to 18 businesses about applying for the Machinery and Equipment Upgrades grant. Included in that list was Jamestown Skate Products, which is owned by JLDC Board member Pete Scheira. Scheira did not submit an application for funding.

Jamestown Businesses Contacted About ARP Machinery and Equipment Upgrades Grant

Surdyk said, when asked why these specific businesses were contacted, said they were businesses that had made past inquiries and expressed interest in grant opportunities.

JLDC Board member and City Council member Kim Ecklund expressed concern that when the grant applications were being accepted in January, businesses had already developed their budgets for the year and might not have had the 25% capital match budgeted that’s required. She added she’d still like to see more and different businesses participate in the grant programs.

While the discussion and decision regarding the ARPA grants awarded to Jamestown Skate Products and It’s Your Day was removed from the agenda, JLDC Attorney and City Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo did share that the city was still waiting to hear back from the U.S. Treasury Department, “I spoke to the Congressional representative today on that issue. The Treasury Department has, for lack of a better term, bounced him from person to person to person. So, we’re still waiting on what is the status of state and local fiscal recovery fund guidance, specifically what they mean by violations of ethical rules.”

WRFA has reviewed the federal guidelines for the $28 million in ARPA funding awarded to the city in 2021 and did identify a provision that states “Recipients may not use [the money] in violation of the conflict-of-interest requirements contained in the Award Terms and Conditions, including any self-dealing or violation of ethics rules.”

We also have reached out to the Treasury Department office for clarification to see if any of the grants in question violated the “self dealing” provision found in those guidelines, but have yet to receive a response.

The JLDC also approved $5,100 in Downtown Programming funds for the Juneteenth Festival to hold a free concert event on the Wintergarden Plaza on Friday, June 16 as well as concert at Spire Theatre on Saturday, June 17. These concert events will be in addition to traditional festivities held in Jackson-Taylor Park in celebration of Juneteenth.

https://www.wrfalp.com/over-half-million-dollars-in-arp-grants-awarded-to-8-jamestown-businesses/feed/ 0 51463
Jamestown City Council Holds Lengthy Discussion on Hiring New Fire Fighters https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hold-lengthy-discussion-on-hiring-new-fire-fighters/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hold-lengthy-discussion-on-hiring-new-fire-fighters/#respond Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:00:34 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51380

Council Member at Large Kim Ecklund goes over fire fighter hiring financials (April 17, 2023)

Jamestown City Council members voice concern over costs and future layoffs on the issue of whether to hire eight new firefighters.

Council was provided by former City Comptroller Joe Bellitto the estimated costs to the city for hiring the firefighters as well as the estimates of costs once a three-year federal SAFER grant ends.

While the grant is $1.8 million, the estimated costs of the salaries and the city’s contributions to social security, state retirement, health insurance, worker’s compensation, and a one time purchase of turn-out gear comes out to $2,119,678 over a three year period. That equates to $319,678 the city would have to cover.

Council member at large Jeff Russell noted those estimates only covered the annual base salary, “These numbers do not include any overtime at all. They do not include comp time sell back, or any kind of impact pay, or other form of compensation from what I’m seeing. So, these are assuming that these firefighters do not work a single hour of overtime in 36 months, which is unrealistic. There’s going to be overtime involved.”

Russell said, should the city not receive the SAFER grant again after it ends in mid-2026, the costs to the city over the next three years would be $2,428,453, “We all know that our budget cannot increase by $2,428,000, which means, ultimately, if we apply for this grant three years from now and we don’t get this grant and we don’t get this grant money, we’re going to be laying off at least eight firefighters.”

Council members asked Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon if a proposed second ambulance could still be staffed if the additional eight firefighters were not hired. He responded that the four American Rescue Plan funded firefighters hired in July 2022 could staff that vehicle.

Coon said the estimated revenue from running two ambulances is about $400,000 total a year.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund said of the list of potential retirements in the fire department, that there were only eight employees she saw who may actually retire by 2026, which raised her concern that once the grant and ARPA funding runs out, there may be more than just the eight firefighters who would have to be laid off.

Council President Tony Dolce said while the city has an obligation to public safety, council also has a fiduciary responsibility, “So that’s why we’re sitting around the table, looking at numbers, and scratching our heads. And we want to provide service and we want to do this, but we also want to look at can we afford it and how long can we afford it for? What happens when this runs out and we can’t, we or whoever is at the table, can’t do this anymore? Then what happens?”

Dolce requested Council members continue looking at the numbers and talking to those in City Administration about questions they have. It is anticipated that Council will vote on this resolution at the voting session scheduled for Monday, April 24.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hold-lengthy-discussion-on-hiring-new-fire-fighters/feed/ 0 51380
Jamestown City Council to Review Accounting Software Purchase, Continue Discussions on Hiring Firefighters https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-to-review-accounting-software-purchase-continue-discussions-on-hiring-firefighters/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-to-review-accounting-software-purchase-continue-discussions-on-hiring-firefighters/#respond Mon, 17 Apr 2023 11:22:47 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51356 Jamestown City Council will review a request to purchase new accounting software to replace the city’s antiquated system.

The resolution would purchase Springbrook Software using $63,986.50 of American Rescue Plan funds to replace the KVS accounting system that’s been in use by the city since the early 2000s. The annual cost for the new software is $42,300.

Council held off on approving the purchase of this same software in October 2022 after learning it hadn’t been reviewed by the city’s IT department. Council member Marie Carrubba also requested that council be provided a reference list of other municipalities who use the software in New York State.

The resolution for the purchase at that time requested $91,683 in American Rescue Plan with annual maintenance costs being listed as $19,405. According to Council member at Large Kim Ecklund‘s comments at the meeting, the current KVS system’s annual maintenance costs are in the $17,000 range.

The staff report for the current resolution said the software was chosen after a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) process, adding that the Comptroller, City Clerk, and IT department performed various demonstrations to confirm functionality. The software has new features, including online portals for each employee to see payroll and tax data.

Council will resume discussions on the resolution to hire eight firefighters. Council members have been requesting additional information on the financial impact of the hirings, including how the administration proposes continuing to fund the positions once the three-year SAFER grant from the federal government runs out.

City officials have said that the purchase of a second ambulance will help bring in revenue that will help bridge that gap. Council members also requested a cost versus revenue comparison for the current ambulance owned by the city in addition to estimates on the amount of revenue that might be brought in by the second ambulance. A resolution to use $250,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to purchase that second ambulance appeared on Council’s agenda on April 10.

The operation of that vehicle depends on the additional hiring of firefighters.

Discussions on hiring an ombudsman will continue tonight, presuming the administration provides council with the salary schedule and cost-out requested by the City Council Finance Committee.

The position would replace the Associate Corporation Counsel position that’s now vacant in the Corporation Counsel’s office.

The City Council work session will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Police Training Room on the fourth floor of City Hall. There are no committee meetings due to lack of agenda items. The public is welcome to attend with the meeting being livestreamed on jamestownny.gov.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-to-review-accounting-software-purchase-continue-discussions-on-hiring-firefighters/feed/ 0 51356
Jamestown City Council Debates Changing City Code Regarding Public Works Director https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 11:37:50 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51315

Acting DPW Director Mark Roetzer explains how the professional engineer certificate works within the DPW Director role to City Council (April 10, 2023)

Jamestown City Council members don’t seem in favor of removing a professional engineering certificate requirement for the Public Works Director position.

An ordinance to amend the City Code to do just that came before council at its April 10 work session.

The city has had issues finding a replacement for former Public Works Director Jeff Lehman, who retired March 31, in part because of the engineering requirement.

It came to light that the only residency requirement for the position is that the director must live in Chautauqua County. Mayor Eddie Sundquist said this was a change in state law.

Council Member at Large Jeff Russell asked if removing that requirement would have any effect in the department being able to get work done.

Acting Public Works Director Mark Roetzer said the director doesn’t produce drawings that are then stamped and signed as a professional engineer, “But you’re reviewing drawings and plans and that sort of thing, specifications, so to not have a P.E. would be a detriment. If you hire someone who does not have it, they’d potentially become more of an administrator. The work that the director does now, part of it, would fall back on the other engineering staff that does have a P.E., or people under them that they oversee.”

Council member at Large Kim Ecklund expressed concern that could lead to the union requesting a stipend for extra work or change in job duties.

Roetzer said when the city receives plans, those were historically reviewed by Lehman, who had the P.E. designation. He pointed out that the DPW Director also is a member on the Planning Commission and the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities.

Russell stated he didn’t think the city should “lower its standards” by getting rid of the designation requirement.

Sundquist said only one application received for the DPW Director position had the required P.E. certificate, “And what we’ve heard, especially from Jeff (Lehman), to many folks who are getting P.E.’s are going into consulting firms that almost double the rate that we pay, which has been a concern. So, the county does not have a P.E. requirement for their Director of Public Facilities. Most communities do not. They have more of an administrator role at the top, which is the proposal.”

No action seems likely on the matter any time soon as the ordinance was tabled by the Public Safety committee with council members citing that city does have an acting director while the search continues.

Council also continued discussions on the proposed hiring of an Ombudsman in the Corporation Counsel‘s office. This position is proposed to replace the Associate Corporation Counsel position, which is being vacated by Ben Haskin.

Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo cited a need for a Human Resources-type of employee to help with mandatory employee trainings, “Issues with employee complaints and disputes, following up on council concerns, following up on public concerns apart from the police, following up with department heads to ensure that they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing, handing our EAP program which I’m not the happiest with, and, recently, dealing with our health insurance program which is not functioning the way it should be functioning.”

Raimondo said he thought the position should report both to the Mayor and City Council. He said he understands that the addition of the ombudsman may lead to the Corporation Counsel position being made part-time versus full-time.

Finance Chair Kim Ecklund requested a salary schedule with a projection for future years be provided. The position would be funded through 2023 by funds previously allocated for the Associate Corporation Counsel.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/feed/ 0 51315
Former Council Member Questions What City is Doing About Deer Population https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/ https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/#comments Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:18:56 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51272

Former Deer Management Group member Tom Nelson addresses Jamestown City Council (April 10, 2023)

A former member of the Jamestown Deer Management Group is questioning what the City of Jamestown is doing in regards to the city’s deer population.

Former Council member and current County Legislator Tom Nelson questioned council members about what’s been done, what’s going to get done, and if a committee has been formed regarding deer in the city, “I know many times you get people coming to council meetings complaining they don’t have a solution. I think many of you know I put forward a solution in September of 2021 which was rejected by many members of this council. So, my question to you is, you didn’t like that plan, what is your plan?”

Council had voted down a proposal 2 to 7 at the September 2021 voting session that would have allowed 8 bow hunters to receive licenses with the two sites for hunting limited to Jones Memorial Park and the wooded area behind the Allen Park Ice Rink. This was the proposal suggested by Council member at large Jeff Russell to replace an initial proposal to allow 15 licensed hunters to take down up to 4 antler-less deer between November 1st and December 31st in five designated areas of Jamestown.

Mayor Eddie Sundquist said he still supports efforts to reduce the deer population in the city, “Typically, some kind of hunt.. that is the recommendation from the DEC (State Department of Environmental Conservation). Can’t do sterilization because it has to be tied to a university and program, and other methods are just way too expensive or not going to be allowed by the state. So, whatever you guys want to do, let me know. I remain steadfast in supporting reducing the deer population as a resident of Ward 6 who sees a lot of it, and now we’re hearing from Ward 5 and others.”

Councilmembers Randy Daversa, Andrew Faulkner, Russell, and Brent Sheldon had mentioned at the October 3, 2022 City Council work session that they had met with each other to discuss the issue, but no follow-up meetings were ever announced.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund said on Monday that whatever that work group moved forward with should be a multi-pronged approach, “When Andy Liuzzo was on council, he was adamant about a deer program and actually worked with the town of Ellicott to issue more permits. I never heard the result of that. We never got a ‘Did it work? Did it not work?’ But, living on the edge of the town, there are more deer. There’s a lot of reasons why there is more deer and you can ask many hunters. There’s less people hunting. There’s more posted property for people to not be able to hunt on.”

At the October 2022 meeting, Council member Marie Carrubba said the deer group should include not just city council members but an attorney, people in favor of a hunt, as well as people with other options for handling the deer population.

https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/feed/ 1 51272