JPS Board President Paul Abbott, Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker, District Clerk Juanita Walter (May 17, 2023)
The Jamestown High School Varsity Boys Swimming team will be merging with three other districts for the 2023-24 school year.
Jamestown School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said the merger with Frewsburg, Southwestern, and Falconer is due to number of participants across all four districts. Frewsburg will be the host school.
School Board member Christine Schnars questioned why a school the size of Jamestown is having trouble with student participation in sports and other activities.
Whitaker said he had had that same discussion with Athletic Director Ben Drake and PTO President Joanne Dean, whose son is on the swim team, “Post COVID, the pretty dramatic drop off in interest in student participation in clubs, and activities, and sports. So, both of those things together, we have an issue as do many other school districts.”
Whitaker said he doesn’t have an answer for why participation is down specifically for the swim team.
Board President Paul Abbott wondered if the school’s Community Navigators could have a role in encouraging students to participate in extra curriculars, “That ought to be a task of somebody to reach some of these kids and get them into sports or music. It certainly enhances their educational experience but also, statistically, it absolutely increases their chances of graduating.”
Board Member Joe Pawelski shared that band and orchestra instruments had been purchased for students to use as well as demonstration programs held for elementary students to try out instruments to increase their interest in playing.
]]>Coco, Jefferson Middle School’s new therapy dog (January 10, 2023)
The Jamestown Public Schools District is working on a new visitor’s policy for schools.
The School Board approved the first reading of the “Visitor to the School” policy at their meeting Tuesday.
Board member Joe Pawelski said the policy is part of different safety factors being implemented in the schools, “People will have to check in before they’re allowed into the building, which is something that’s always been the case, but they also have to present proof, picture proof, of who they are, and that will be immediately checked to make sure there’s nothing in that person’s background that would prevent them from entering a school. So, this is another step in the direction of the safety of our school system.”
Chief Information Officer Jessie Joy said the district will have the ability to screen visitors, “..issue a visitor pass with the location and their photo on it so that anyone who sees that person in the building has a visual identifier as to who that person is. And most importantly, we’ll have an accurate and complete record of all of the individuals who have entered our school including their name, date of birth, and photo.”
Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said board will finalize the policy at a future meeting and that once it’s approved, the system will be implemented at the high school first.
The Board also approved Coco, a chocolate lab, to be used as a therapy dog at Jefferson Middle School. Coco’s handler will be her owner and Jefferson Middle School Principal Leslie Melquist.
]]>Pat Slagle and Joe Pawelski take oaths of office as members of the Jamestown School Board (July 12, 2022)
The Jamestown School Board has approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Jamestown for the School Crossing Guard Program.
Under the MOU, the City will recruit, hire and manage the guards for the five elementary schools with the school district picking up the cost.
Jamestown City Council approved a resolution related to the MOU in March 2022 with the staff report saying the program would be a $25,000 savings to the City.
The School Board also approved a contract with 15 head custodians and several maintenance workers. The collective bargaining agreement withe IBEW is effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said the contract includes tool allowances, uniform allowances, as well as salary increases across the five years.
Pat Slagle and Joe Pawelski took their oaths of office to begin their new term on the school board. The Board also nominated Paul Abbott to be its president again with Pat Slagle as Vice-President.
]]>Jamestown School Board meeting (May 18, 2022)
The Jamestown School Board approved a $610,000 capital overlay project for Persell Middle School at its meeting Wednesday night.
The project was first approved in the 2021-22 school year, but the district didn’t have enough funding in its accounts to move forward. With the passage of the $5 million capital improvement reserve fund by voters on Tuesday, May 17, the district now has the needed monies.
The overlay projects includes the construction of a new secure entrance to Persell Middle School. District administrative staff said Persell is the only school that doesn’t currently have a secure vestibule upon entry. The middle school’s administrative offices also will be moved to be adjacent to the new secure entry. Theatrical and house lighting will also be replaced in Persell’s auditorium.
The district will go out to bid on the project in the Fall.
School Board President Paul Abbott thanked and congratulated district staff on the successful passage of all budget items that were up for a vote on Tuesday, “I know there is a lot of work that goes into all of those things, and a lot of thought that goes into all of those things. And I know it’s been said before but this certainly helps set us up for the future. And that’s one of our goals to always not just be doing this year to year, but to have things in place so that our budgeting becomes a more stable process going forward.”
Abbott also congratulated Pat Slagle and Joe Pawelski on their re-election to the board. Their three-year term begins July 1.
The next Jamestown School Board meeting will be on Tuesday, June 7 in the Jefferson Middle School Auditorium.
]]>Results of 2022-23 Jamestown Public Schools Budget Vote
The 2022-23 Jamestown Public Schools Budget and propositions all passed in Tuesday’s public vote.
The unofficial vote had the $93.8 million spending plan passing 359 to 53. The proposition to establish a $5 million Capital Improvement Reserve fund passed 365 to 44 with the proposition to establish a $5 million Vehicles, Machinery and Equipment Reserve fund passing 373 to 35. The fourth proposition on the ballot to acquire property on Chandler Street for use as additional parking for Jamestown High School passed 348 to 57.
There were two School Board seats open with incumbents Pat Slagle receiving 377 votes and Joe Pawelski receiving 359 votes. Both ran unopposed.
Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said he’s very grateful to the community for their continued support, “It’s always nice to see that we have people who come out to vote. We would always love to have more people come out to vote, but those who did were overwhelmingly in favor of the budget that we put forward. And our goal is to educate our kids, help and support our kids, and also take care of the taxpayers, and we’re looking forward to doing that.”
The Jamestown School Board will hold a regular meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Building on Martin Road. It is open to the public.
]]>Jamestown Public School 2022-23 Budget
Polls open at noon in Jamestown today for the public to vote on the $93.8 million Jamestown Public Schools Budget.
The 2022-23 spending plan includes no tax increase. The total projected revenues come in at $94,030,000; with state aid making up the bulk of that at an anticipated amount of $75,680,000. That state aid amount is $4.8 million more than in the 2021-22 budget.
Also included in the budget is the hiring of 40 support staff.
Four other items aside from the budget that are on the ballot including the election of two School Board members.
Patrick Slagle said he’s running for a seat again because every year is exciting, “I think we’re doing a lot of great things. We’re going to start the Capital Improvement projects. Hopefully, shovels will be hitting dirt here in the next year or so, so I really want to stick around for that and really help design in the future what the district is going to look like.”
Joe Pawelski, who has been a member of the school board on and off over the last 40 years, is also running again, “I just enjoy being involved in the educational process. That’s my background and it’s just something I enjoy doing.”
Other items to vote on include a proposition to allow the Jamestown School District to pay $225,000 to purchase five parcels on Chandler Street currently owned by First Lutheran Church of Jamestown for parking space for the high school.
A $5 million capital reserve fund for the acquisition of vehicles, machinery and equipment as well as a proposition to establish a $5 million Capital Improvement Reserve Fund.
Polls are open from noon until 9:00 p.m. at Jefferson Middle School, Lincoln Elementary School, and Washington Middle School. More information about the 2022-23 Jamestown Public Schools Budget and propositions can be found at
]]>The terms for School Board members Joe Pawelski and Pat Slagle expire on June 30, 2022. The three-year term for each seat begins July 1, 2022. Both Pawelski and Slagle have informed WRFA that they plan to petition to run again.
Candidates must submit a completed petition containing the names of 100 or more qualified voters within the school district to be eligible for the May 17th ballot. Petitions are due back to the Superintendent’s Office located at 197 Martin Road in Jamestown by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
Also, for those not currently registered to vote in the May 17th election, JPS District Clerk, Jaunita Walter, is available to register any eligible voter between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from April 12, 2022 to May 2, 2022 in the Administration Building located at 197 Martin Road.
Anyone who is not registered with Chautauqua County Board of Elections is able to present themselves, in person, before Mrs. Walter with proof of identity and proof of address in order to be entitled to vote on May 17th. Anyone who has a New York State Driver’s license, may register to vote electronically through the Department of Motor Vehicles at
Applications are also available for Absentee Voting thirty days prior to the election. The application forms and instructions may also be obtained in the Superintendent’s Office.
For more information about the Board of Education petition process, voter registration, or absentee voting applications, call Mrs. Walter at 716-483-4420 or email
]]>Jamestown School Board budget workshop
Jamestown Public Schools‘ proposed 2022-23 budget includes hiring 40 additional staff members and no tax levy increase.
District Director of Budgets and Finance Brittnay Spry presented the budget to the board of education at a workshop Tuesday. Total projected revenues come in at $94,030,000; with state aid making up the bulk of that at an anticipated amount of $75,680,000. That state aid amount is $4.8 million more than in the 2021-22 budget.
The 40 proposed positions include hiring 15 additional paraprofessionals, 3 social workers, 5 school counselors, 2 Community Navigators, 5 Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) or Dean of Students, 5 elementary reading teachers, and 5 academic intervention specialist (AIS) teachers. Spry said the total cost of the positions is $2,495,000. While $519,000 of that cost would come from American Rescue Plan or other federal funds, the rest would be funded under the regular budget.
School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said he applied asterisks to 38 of the 40 proposed new budget vote positions, saying they are necessary due to what has happened in schools with the pandemic, “Meaning, that we have a crisis in literacy and reading. We have a crisis in mathematics. And we have extreme social emotional needs that is coming out kind of sideways in behavior related issues.”
Whitaker said adding these positions are a “drop in the bucket” with what the district actually needs, “What I’m hoping down the line, in the future, is that the result of the Maisto case, the Small Cities case, that was won against the state will provide us far greater resources in order to add far more AIS, reading, and support personnel.”
Finance Committee School Board Members Shelly Leathers and Pat Slagle echoed their agreement that more positions are needed in the district with Board member saying this is part of developing a five to ten year budget plan, “And along with that plan is hiring people to fill the gaps where they’re needed the most. And as Dr. Whitaker has pointed out, there’s some big needs out there right now. And as we fill those needs, as we fill those gaps, hopefully we can taper down over the next five to ten years. But we’re not rushing out to spend all this money in a short time frame. Right now, what we’re trying to do is put together a long-term plan so we can hire these people and keep them on board as long as we need them.”
The school board will vote on budget resolutions at its March 22 meeting with the budget vote coming before the public on Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
]]>Jamestown School Board
The Jamestown School Board will vote at its February 1st meeting on the new mascot and logo for Jamestown High School.
Board President Paul Abbott said he will present a resolution to accept the proposed change of the mascot to the “big cat” that was presented to the board at its December 7th meeting.
Board member and Mascot Committee Member Joe Pawelski said it was a long process to get to this point, “As it’s been said a hundred times before, we went way back and that was the original mascot years ago. So we thought if we could upgrade it a little bit it would be good to go and that’s what we did.”
Board Member Pat Slagle said he really liked the recommendation because of the “big cat’s” place in the school’s history, “You know, a lot of comments I’ve received, people are like, ‘What’s a cat have to do with Red Raiders?’ and I explained that it’s the original mascot and it’s unique cause it’s kind of odd. I think it’s like the Tarp Skunks. You know, Randy Anderson was on the committee and he said the same thing about the Tarp Skunks. You had to explain it and people thought, ‘Oh, it’s pretty cool,’ and they kind of attached themselves to it. So I hope the same thing happens here.”
The proposed mascot can be viewed and public comment submitted on the District’s website at:
]]>According to the Post-Journal, all local school districts saw their budget approved by local voters except for the Clymer Central School District.
Jamestown Public Schools – the county’s largest district – saw a light turnout but the results were overwhelmingly in favor of the $90.7 million budget that included no tax increase. The spending plan was approved 367 to 70. Meanwhile, voters also approved the lease and purchase of school buses by a vote of 386 to 48.
Also for Jamestown, incumbent school board members Patrick Slagle and Joe Pawelski were both reelected to new three-year terms. They were the only candidate to appear on the ballot this year.
In Clymer the $11.5 million budget was voted down by a vote of 580 to 459. The reason for the defeat was primarily due to the school board putting forward a spending plan that included a $13.3 percent tax increase over the current year.
At the Southwestern School district residents approved a $29.2 million budget that included a 1.5 percent tax increase, while in Falconer, residents approved a $23.7 million budget that included a very slight increase in the tax levy.
Frewsburg, Bemus Point, Panama, Chautauqua Lake, and Cassadaga Valley all saw their budgets approved as well.