WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:50:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 City of Jamestown May Be In Violation of City Charter Due to Number of Grants Not Being Accepted or Authorized By City Council https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-may-be-in-violation-of-city-charter-due-to-number-of-grants-not-being-accepted-or-authorized-by-city-council/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=city-of-jamestown-may-be-in-violation-of-city-charter-due-to-number-of-grants-not-being-accepted-or-authorized-by-city-council https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-may-be-in-violation-of-city-charter-due-to-number-of-grants-not-being-accepted-or-authorized-by-city-council/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:50:57 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=52435 The City of Jamestown may be in violation of its City Charter due to nearly $2 million worth of grants in the previous year not being accepted or authorized for use by City Council.

Based on a grant report provided to City Council at its December 5, 2022 meeting, only three out of 13 grants received by the City on the list had gone through formal acceptance and authorization by City Council.

Two examples of grants received by the city that had not been formally accepted include a $25,000 grant from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation toward improvements of the Johnson Street Playground and a $1.2 million State Environmental Protection Fund Local Waterfront Revitalization Project grant.

According to a staff report on a resolution to purchase new fencing for Johnson Street Park in the agenda for the June 12 City Council work session, the City has already used the grant from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation to purchase a new swing set, benches, picnic tables, new hoop, signage, trash receptacles, and repave the basketball court. As of Sunday, June 11, the basketball court with new hoop has been completed, but other new equipment had not been installed.

According to the City Charter, under Article IV, C-31.F for Powers of the Mayor,

“When authorized by the City Council so to do, the Mayor shall execute on behalf of the City all deeds, contracts and other papers to be executed as an act of the City. All contracts, agreements, obligations or other instruments made, executed or issued by order of the City Council or at the direction of the boards provided by this Charter and in behalf of said City or boards shall be signed by the Mayor except as otherwise provided by the Local Finance Law.”

At the Finance Committee meeting on June 5, Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo made the comment that per the Mayor, City Council didn’t need to approve a $4,310 grant awarded by the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth. Finance Committee Chair and Council member at large Kim Ecklund disagreed with that opinion at the meeting.

In a statement by Ecklund, she said she had requested council be updated monthly at minimum about what grants the city has applied for, but that has not been happening on a regular basis.

Johnson Street Playground with newly paved basketball court (June 11, 2023)

She replied to a request for comment on this matter, saying Council should be approving the acceptance of all grants,  “.. just as we would any donation by a group or person. I have no idea why these have not been brought in front of us to do this and it should be corrected. In particular, I do remember speaking about the Johnson Street project at Parks Commission. We have not been aware of any reason why these would not come to a legislative body for approval. I honestly only asked for the grant list in March because of the ‘surprise’ FEMA Grant and had not received a copy again until today because I had to ask for it yet again. The bottom line is there is a lack of communication and honestly these grants and any other financial donation or in kind gift needs to come before the legislative body for acceptance and approval.”

Mayor Eddie Sundquist responded on the issue with a statement saying that, “For many of these grants, we may have been awarded them, but have not yet received a formal contract from the entity. In addition, some grants the City applies for on behalf of entities but the funding does not pass through the City. Many of the state grants, we may have been awarded but have not yet received a contract. ESD and some state agency grants require a pre-application resolution and in that resolution, it authorizes acceptance, if won.”

Council President Tony Dolce said he agreed that Council needs to formally vote to approve and accept the grants. He said in a statement that he had requested the City Clerk and Corporation Counsel bring forth resolutions to Council to approve those grants.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-may-be-in-violation-of-city-charter-due-to-number-of-grants-not-being-accepted-or-authorized-by-city-council/feed/ 0 52435
Kim Ecklund Receives Republican Nomination to Run for Mayor https://www.wrfalp.com/kim-ecklund-receives-republican-nomination-to-run-for-mayor/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kim-ecklund-receives-republican-nomination-to-run-for-mayor https://www.wrfalp.com/kim-ecklund-receives-republican-nomination-to-run-for-mayor/#respond Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:52:42 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=50152

Kim Ecklund

The City Republican Committee has unanimously nominated Kim Ecklund to run for Mayor of Jamestown.

Ecklund will face Democrat and current Mayor Eddie Sundquist who announced his re-election campaign in early January.

Ecklund, who has served as a City Council Member at Large since 2004, said “it’s time,” “There are some things I feel I can make a difference in that I feel it’s time for me to step forward and at least try to do that.”

Ecklund said she plans to stay true to who she is, “Obviously, very important to me is fiduciary responsibility and obviously keeping the city in a fiscally responsible place. I’ve been on every avenue of City Council but some things obviously, public safety is very important, homeowners, and tax base, and businesses along with the quality of life issues that we have here.”

Ecklund has a multi-decade career in finance at eSolutions Furniture, formerly known as Bush Industries, in addition to her nearly 20 years in city government.

She has served on the City Council’s Public Works and Finance committees and has been the Chair of the Finance Committee for over three years. Ecklund currently serves on the Jamestown Local Development Corporation and the Parks and Recreation Commission and previously served on the Riverfront Management Commission, the Joint Task Force on Efficiency and Cost Reduction, as well as other ad hoc committees.

She is married to Keith Ecklund, a former Jamestown Firefighter. She has been a mentor through Chautauqua Striders for 18 years and also is the Vice President of the Jamestown Babe Ruth World Series Board of Directors.

She thanked the Republican Committee for their support and said she expects to make a more formal announcement about her campaign in the coming weeks.

https://www.wrfalp.com/kim-ecklund-receives-republican-nomination-to-run-for-mayor/feed/ 0 50152
City of Jamestown Christmas Tree to Arrive Monday, Nov. 9 https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-christmas-tree-to-arrive-monday-nov-9/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=city-of-jamestown-christmas-tree-to-arrive-monday-nov-9 https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-christmas-tree-to-arrive-monday-nov-9/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2020 14:17:44 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=36237 JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Parks, Recreation & Conservation Department will be harvesting the 2020 Christmas Tree on Monday at 9 a.m. with the tree arriving at City Hall at approximately 10 a.m.

This year’s tree will be a 40-foot tall White Spruce Tree that is being donated by the Carl and Donna Mazzurco Family. The tree will be harvested from the residence at 403 Cole Ave.

Once the tree is removed by a crew from the City’s Parks, Recreation & Conservation Department, along with the assistance from the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities crew and crane, it will then be loaded onto a truck and trailer that is donated and driven by Lake Shore Paving and transported to City Hall for display on Tracy Plaza.

The BPU crane will raise and hold the tree in place while it is secured in preparation for decorating with nearly 4,000 energy saving LED lights by Parks staff members. The White Spruce Tree will tower approximately 40 feet above its base on Tracy Plaza.

The ceremonial lighting of the Christmas Tree will be announced at a later date.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-of-jamestown-christmas-tree-to-arrive-monday-nov-9/feed/ 0 36237
Sundquist’s First Duty as Mayor: Appoint Five Department Heads and 38 Board, Commission Seats https://www.wrfalp.com/sundquists-first-duty-as-mayor-appoint-five-department-heads-and-38-board-commission-seats/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sundquists-first-duty-as-mayor-appoint-five-department-heads-and-38-board-commission-seats https://www.wrfalp.com/sundquists-first-duty-as-mayor-appoint-five-department-heads-and-38-board-commission-seats/#respond Sat, 23 Nov 2019 15:16:06 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=31858

Mayor elect Eddie Sundquist discusses his transition strategy during a press conference on Friday, Nov. 22.

[UPDATE (DEC 31, 2019 – 1:40 p.m.)]The Jamestown City Council reorganization meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 1 at noon at Jamestown Community College’s Scharmann Theater. New Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist will be sworn into office, along with the new members of the Jamestown City Council.

In addition, the council will act on several administrative appointments from the new mayor. We reached out to Sundquist today to get the list of his appointments but according to Sundquist, “The council is still debating the appointments submitted to them; therefore, they will not be public until tomorrow.”
– – –

JAMESTOWN – When Jamestown mayor-elect Eddie Sundquist is sworn into office on Jan. 1, his first official duty as mayor will be to fill several administrative positions as well as make appointments (or reappointments) to more than three dozen seats on various city boards and commissions (including three citizen representative seats and one city council representative seat on the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities).

As written in the city charter, the mayor is tasked with making appointments to a variety of director positions, along with various boards, commissions and city officers. However, the city council is given the power of consent, meaning any appointment by the mayor must be approved by at least a simple majority of the Jamestown City Council.

“Obviously there is a very limited amount of time for us to find everyone – again 38 spots along with department positions. So if we are able to and after we receive approval from the council – the council will receive the list about a week or two before the (appointment) vote – if we have approval to release it we will do so,” Sundquist said during his transition strategy announcement on Friday.

It should be noted that there is no requirement in the city charter that the mayor first provide a list his prospective appointees to the city council before making it public, let alone that the council must give the mayor persmission to provide the list prior to its review.


Among the administrative appointments Sundquist must make are for the following positions:

  • Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk (currently held by acting clerk Jim Olson through Dec. 31, 2019)
  • City Comptroller (currently held by Joe Bellitto through Dec. 31, 2019)
  • Director of Development (vacated Nov. 12 by Vince DeJoy)
  • Director of Public Works (currently held by Jeff Lehman through Dec. 31, 2019)
  • Corporation Counsel/HR Director (currently held by Peter Larson through Dec. 31, 2019)

Both current city clerk Jim Olson and current city comptroller Joe Bellitto plan to retire in the near future, though in Bellitto’s case he has stated he would be willing to stay on in 2020 to help transition a new comptroller.

In the case of the director of development, currently city principal planner Crystal Surdyk is coordinating the department through the remainder of this year.

Public works director Jeff Lehman is the longest-serving department head, having been in his position since 1994 and serving under two different mayors (Republican Richard Kimball and current mayor and Democrat Sam Teresi). Lehman has not indicated any plans to step down from his position and it will be up to Sundquist to determine if he should be reappointed for another four years or go with someone else.

Larson was appointed city attorney this past March to fill out the remainder of the term of former corporation counsel Marylin Fiore-Lehman, who announced her departure to take a position with the Chautauqua County District Attorney’s Office. He has also continued to work for the private practice of Bly, Sheffield, Bargar & Pillittieri since his appointment.

The position of Jamestown Public Safety Director / Police Chief is also an appointed position, which is currently held by chief Harry Snellings. However, the term of that position will not end until Dec. 31, 2021.


BPUAccording to information provided to WRFA by the city clerk’s office, there are 38 different city board and commission seats up for appointment or reappointment on Jan. 1.  Among them are four seats on the Jamestown BPU.

For the BPU, both citizen board members Martha Zenns and Terrance Horner are in the final year of their four-year term. In addition, citizen board member Ralph Wallace is in the final year of his two-year term on the board. Sundquist will also have to appoint a city council representative to the BPU. Currently Maria Jones is serving as the city council’s BPU member, but she lost reelection on Nov. 5 and as a result, another member of the new city council will have to be appointed to her seat. Rounding out the BPU citizen members are currently BPU chair Gregory Rabb  along with Jim Olson (both terms end on Dec. 31, 2021).  The remaining three BPU members will be Eddie Sundquist, who serves as board president by way of his position as mayor, along with the public works director (currently Jeff Lehman) and the president of the city council (currently Marie Carrubba).

(Note: Because Carrubba is a Democrat and the Republican party will take control of the council on Jan. 1, it’s expected a new city council president will be named and, as a result, that person will then assume that seat on the BPU. Speculation is that councilman Tony Dolce will be voted Council president on Jan. 1.)


There are ten other board and commission seats and officer positions that will also need appointment are reappointment come Jan. 1. They include:

Jamestown Local Development Corporation  (4 year term)

  • Two seats currently held by George Spitale and Mark Morton plus one city council representative seat, currently held by Kim Ecklund (2 year term)

Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (4 year term)

  • One seat currently held by Martha Zenns

Zonning Board of Appeals (3 year term)

  • Three seats currently held by Ellen DiTonto (current chair), Sally Martinez, and Judith Sandson.

Planning Commission (5 year term)

  • One seat currently held by Paul Whitford.

Property, Rehabilitation and Conservation Board of Appeals (3 year terms)

  • Seven seats currently held by Nanzy Griswold, Mary Maxwell, Sharon McKotch, Gary Sorenson,  and three vacancies.

Parks, Recreation and Conseration Commission (5 year term)

  • Two seats currently held by Russell E. Diethrick, Jr. and John Bauer

Riverfront Management Council (3 or 5 year terms)

  • One Vacancy; Two designated Parks, Rec. and Con. Commission Member (Currently Russell Diethrick Jr. and John Bauer); One Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy Representative; One Roger Tory Peterson Institute Representative; One Jamestown Audubon Society representatives; One Jamestown High School represenative; and three JHS Student representatives (all 5 year terms).

Veterans Memorial Commission (3 year terms)

  • Three seats currently held by Charles Telford (chair), Daniel Kell, and Theresa Baginski.

Board of Electrical Examiners (2 year term)

  • Two seats currently held by James McTavish and Steve Nowel.

Constable (4 year term)

  • Three positions  up for reappointment: Marie Hill (holdover), Camille Krawczyk (holdover), and Michael Berg.

Marriage officer (4 year term)

  • Three officers up for reappoinment: Gregory Rabb, Paul Whitford, and Lillian Ney.

“These can be voted on collectively on January 1 or tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting, probably January 27,” explained city clerk Jim Olson when providing the list to WRFA.

https://www.wrfalp.com/sundquists-first-duty-as-mayor-appoint-five-department-heads-and-38-board-commission-seats/feed/ 0 31858
Chadakoin Park, Splash Pad to be Discussed During Tuesday Park, Rec and Conservation Commission https://www.wrfalp.com/chadakoin-park-splash-pad-to-be-discussed-during-tuesday-park-rec-and-conservation-commission/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chadakoin-park-splash-pad-to-be-discussed-during-tuesday-park-rec-and-conservation-commission https://www.wrfalp.com/chadakoin-park-splash-pad-to-be-discussed-during-tuesday-park-rec-and-conservation-commission/#respond Tue, 03 Sep 2019 12:55:54 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=31098 JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission will hold its September meeting Tuesday, September 3 afternoon in city hall and among the items to be discussed is the proposal to rename Chadakoin Park and also installing a splash pad in the city.

Last month the idea of installing a splash pad and renaming the park were both introduced at the August 19 Jamestown City Council Work Session. During the meeting city resident Wanda Cooper spoke to city officials about changing the name of the park to honor the late Isabelle Jackson and Lula and Vivian Taylor. She said the name of the new park would be Jackson Taylor Park.

During the same meeting, Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi made a pitch to the City Council saying Jamestown could open a splash pad similar to the one in Dunkirk if it is able to secure funding to pay for the project.

Tuesday’s commission meeting will take place at 5 p.m. in the DPW Conference Room “A,” 4th floor, City Hall and is open to the public.

https://www.wrfalp.com/chadakoin-park-splash-pad-to-be-discussed-during-tuesday-park-rec-and-conservation-commission/feed/ 0 31098