WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:23:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 County Legislature Passes Law Providing Property Tax Exemption For Volunteer Firefighters, Ambulance Workers https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-passes-law-providing-property-tax-exemption-for-volunteer-firefighters-ambulance-workers/ https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-passes-law-providing-property-tax-exemption-for-volunteer-firefighters-ambulance-workers/#respond Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:23:44 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51578

EMS Council Chair Larry Barter addresses Chautauqua County Legislature (April 26, 2023)

A local law that gives volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers a break on property taxes has been approved by the Chautauqua County Legislature.

The local law provides a 10% exemption on real property taxes for volunteers who have been in the service for at least two years. For volunteers who are active and have 20 years of service, it provides a lifetime 10% exemption. A second local law approved allows the spouses of volunteers killed in the line of duty to retain that tax exemption as long as they don’t remarry.

Legislator Terry Niebel, one of the sponsors of the bill, spoke in support of the local law, “Without their services, we could easily be spending millions of dollars. Like most counties in New York State, Chautauqua County is experiencing a serious shortage of volunteers. With the two local laws on the agenda this evening, we’re offering the best benefit package allowed by the state.”
Niebel also urged other taxing districts in the county to consider offering the exemption.

The legislature also approved using $50,000 in American Rescue Plan funds toward a market study for the Jamestown Airport. The Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency had approved $25,000 in funding toward the $75,000 project in January.

County Executive PJ Wendel said the study is a necessary part of the Essential Air Service (EAS) application to the U.S. Department of Transportation. He said EAS provides subsidies to airlines to reduce the ticket prices, thus making it more affordable for flyers, “Once this (study) comes back, we are ready if we need to pivot and focus from a commercial airport to a general aviation airport. Shannon (Barnhart) has the tools and the skills. We’ve already got some plans and things we’ve talked about in chatter on what we can do as far as increasing smaller what they call T-hangers, increasing the operability of the airport.”

Wendel said with the Legislature’s approval the county will now do a request for proposals (RFP) to contract with someone for the study.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-passes-law-providing-property-tax-exemption-for-volunteer-firefighters-ambulance-workers/feed/ 0 51578
Studio D, 716 Boutique Officially Opens at Jamestown Airport https://www.wrfalp.com/studio-d-716-boutique-officially-opens-at-jamestown-airport/ https://www.wrfalp.com/studio-d-716-boutique-officially-opens-at-jamestown-airport/#comments Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:05:20 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51218

Officials cut ribbon on opening of Studio D Grab & Go, 716 Boutique in Jamestown Airport (April 10, 2023)

Studio D Grab and Go and the 716 Boutique officially cut the ribbon on their new location at the Jamestown Airport.

Studio D owner Diana Scott moved to the airport after losing her lease for her business in downtown Jamestown and was looking for more space , “I knew the airport had been vacant for some time and had a wonderful space. So, we approached the county regarding the space and we were able to move in in December. And we’ve been busy renovating and updating everything.”

Scott added there also is venue space and the 716 Boutique, “We should have around 10 to 11 vendors by the time we’re done. Everything is local. We have everything from jewelry to food products. We have candles, we have woodworking.. large variety. And the best thing is everything is local.”

Studio D Catering initially started operations in 2015. The new Airport location officially opens today and will be open 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday for lunch with catering events happening Friday through Sunday.

https://www.wrfalp.com/studio-d-716-boutique-officially-opens-at-jamestown-airport/feed/ 1 51218
Mayor Sundquist Discussed Workforce Development Concerns With Representatives in Washington D.C. https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-discussed-workforce-development-concerns-with-representatives-in-washington-d-c/ https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-discussed-workforce-development-concerns-with-representatives-in-washington-d-c/#respond Thu, 06 Apr 2023 11:26:39 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51142

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist meets with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in Washington D.C.

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist discussed workforce development concerns with representatives in Washington D.C. on a recent trip.

Sundquist was in the nation’s capitol for the National League of Cities‘ lobby day where he was able to meet with Congressman Nick Langworthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

He said part of day was spent discussing the Infrastructure Act and the concern from the White House over there being enough people to do the work of building new roads, bridges, and more, “And there was a really great discussion from senior leadership officials in the administration on how can cities be the driving force for workforce development? And how can we create models that can replicate across this country to train people to work on those items, that infrastructure, rebuilding our infrastructure across this country.”

Sundquist said one workforce development model is being worked on with the construction trades here in Jamestown, “The City Council allocated over a million dollars in workforce development funding. Half of that going to construction trades and the other half going to workforce development in terms of manufacturers, and other builders, and things like that. So, we’re working through that process now and we’re hoping to make sure that our workforce is on the cutting edge for what’s to come.”

Sundquist also discussed the importance of SNAP benefits and the need for the return of Essential Air Service to the Jamestown Airport with representatives.

Hear his comments on those topics and more on tonight’s Community Matters at 5:00 p.m. on 107.9 FM and streaming online at wrfalp.com

https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-discussed-workforce-development-concerns-with-representatives-in-washington-d-c/feed/ 0 51142
IDA Board Approves Partial Funding Toward Airport Study https://www.wrfalp.com/ida-board-approves-partial-funding-toward-airport-study/ https://www.wrfalp.com/ida-board-approves-partial-funding-toward-airport-study/#respond Wed, 25 Jan 2023 12:49:17 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=49641

Jamestown Airport

The Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency Board has approved using $25,000 toward an Airport Market Analysis Study.

IDA CEO and Deputy County Executive of Economic Development Mark Geise said the goal is to do the study as part of hopefully bringing back Essential Air Service to the Jamestown Airport.

The County had proposed in 2021 using $75,000 in American Rescue Plan funds for the feasibility study, but the County Legislature voted it down.

Geise said the IDA’s contribution of $25,000 will lower the cost of the study to the County to $50,000.

Jamestown Airport Manager Shannon Barnhart said the study will look at various data points, “You know, it’s a possibility that air service may not be the best thing for Chautauqua County, but we don’t know. We hope that it is. But without any data showing that people are actually going to fly, we hear every day people want air service back, but, ‘Did you ever fly? You know, are you going to fly? How many times are you going to fly? Where do you spend your money now?’ Someone has to get out there and do that. We do not have the resources within the county, or myself, to go out and do that study on our own.”

Barnhart said the feasibility study is the missing piece in the application to the Department of Transportation. She said it’s the County’s intention to use the study to work with an airline in the application for EAS designation.

County Executive PJ Wendel said there’s also a plan in the event that the study doesn’t go they way they expect, “And Shannon has a plan to shift gears and move towards how do we make this a general aviation airport and how do we start to gain revenue and build that base up again? So, I think this is important, it’s vital, and it’s really going to finally answer the question we’ve been asking and that question hasn’t been answered.”

Geise said he anticipates a resolution will be brought before the County Legislature in February for the remainder of the $50,000 needed to fund the study.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a point of transparency and disclosure to our audience, the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency is a corporate underwriter for WRFA and has provided a financial contribution for the general operations of the station within the past year. Funding we receive for General Operations is not used to fund our coverage of local news in the community. That is only made possible through a Community Service Grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. 

https://www.wrfalp.com/ida-board-approves-partial-funding-toward-airport-study/feed/ 0 49641
County Legislature Approves 2023 Budget with Tax Decrease https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-2023-budget-with-tax-decrease/ https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-2023-budget-with-tax-decrease/#respond Thu, 27 Oct 2022 11:27:37 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=47762

Chautauqua County Legislature Meeting (October 26, 2022)

The Chautauqua County Legislature has approved the 2023 County Budget with a 30-cent tax decrease.

The new property tax rate will be $7.80 per $1,000 assessed value with a real property tax levy of $69,681,835.

There was no change in the approved levy and tax rate from what County Executive PJ Wendel proposed in his budget last month.

The Legislature also approved an emergency resolution regarding the lease of the Jamestown Airport Restaurant.

Airport Manager Shannon Barnhart read a letter from Studio D Catering Owner Diana Scott requesting the lease agreement, “We believe that the Jamestown Airport Restaurant would be a great fit as we expand our private catering, begin to offer grab-and-go breakfast and lunches to more than 150 employees within a three-mile radius of the Airport.”

Studio D Catering has been in operation since 2015 and had lost its lease for its space in downtown Jamestown in 2021. Barnhart said the necessity of the emergency resolution was due to the holiday season starting next month and the catering company’s need for event space.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-2023-budget-with-tax-decrease/feed/ 0 47762
Proposed 2023 County Budget Has 30-Cent Tax Reduction https://www.wrfalp.com/proposed-2023-county-budget-has-30-cent-tax-reduction/ https://www.wrfalp.com/proposed-2023-county-budget-has-30-cent-tax-reduction/#comments Thu, 29 Sep 2022 11:46:17 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=47128

County Executive PJ Wendel presents proposed 2023 budget to Chautauqua County Legislature

Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel‘s proposed 2023 County budget reduces taxes by 30-cents.

Wendel said this is the third budget proposal he’s made that lowers county taxes.

He said the tax levy has an 4.1% increase, or an increase of $2.7 million, which is the maximum increase allowed by New York State, “But uniquely linked to that, our property tax value also went up 4.1%. So, it’s not like we increased spending frivolously. We increased it, what I feel, is a very moderate rate, taking into consideration the increase in the value of our homes. Along with that, we also saw inflation go up 8.2%. So, although you’re seeing increases in the levy, most, and I’d say the majority, of that, 90% or more, is based on unfunded mandates.”

Wendel said revenues increased by 6.9%. He said that was driven by a $5 million increase in sales tax. State aid also is up 16%, or $6.7 million.

When it comes to expenditures, Wendel said there has been a large increase in the number of full-time employees in County Government, going from 1,319 employees in 2022 to a proposed 1,353 in 2023, “But those, again, a large majority, if not all are funded by revenue or grant fundings. So, one of the goals I had, if you want to increase FTEs (full-time equivalency employees), make sure you have them funded, not ‘Let’s just try to make it happen later,’ but we have the funding as the positions are being created.”

Equipment costs are up 74% or $410,441. The proposed 2023 budget would use $4.5 million of the general fund to go toward $3.6 million in capital projects, $600,000 for a one time bonus for CSEA union members, and $292,000 for repayment of helicopter debt.

Wendel said the capital projects include investments in heavy equipment, the Dunkirk and Jamestown airports; information systems, emergency response systems, and at Jamestown Community College.
He said his goals for the 2023 budget were to present a structurally sound budget, maintain a general fund balance of five to 15% of revenues and present a budget with a tax levy at, or below, the tax levy limit.

An interview with County Executive Wendel on his proposed 2023 County budget can be heard on Community Matters at 5 p.m., September 29 on WRFA.

https://www.wrfalp.com/proposed-2023-county-budget-has-30-cent-tax-reduction/feed/ 1 47128
Chautauqua County Airport in Jamestown Celebrating 90th Anniversary with Family Events https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-airport-in-jamestown-celebrating-90th-anniversary-with-family-events/ https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-airport-in-jamestown-celebrating-90th-anniversary-with-family-events/#comments Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:37:21 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=46197

Jamestown Airport

The Chautauqua County’s Jamestown Airport is celebrating the airport’s 90th Anniversary this Friday and Saturday.

The airport will host a free outdoor movie night, showing Disney movie, Planes, at 8:15 p.m, Friday, August 19.

A pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Saturday, August 20. The buffet-style breakfast is $15 per person with kids ages 12 and under eating for $8.

The Jamestown Airport is located at 3163 Airport Drive in Jamestown.

https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-airport-in-jamestown-celebrating-90th-anniversary-with-family-events/feed/ 1 46197
Jamestown Airport Receives Over $1.3 Million in Federal Funding https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-airport-receives-over-1-3-million-in-federal-funding/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-airport-receives-over-1-3-million-in-federal-funding/#respond Fri, 12 Aug 2022 11:10:25 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=46093

Jamestown Airport

The Chautauqua County Airport in Jamestown is receiving over $1.3 million in Federal funding.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced the funding was allocated through the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP). That program was bolstered by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and will be used to conduct repairs and enhance airfield safety.

The Jamestown Airport will receive $311,228 to acquire snow removal equipment and $1,021,500 to install perimeter fencing.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-airport-receives-over-1-3-million-in-federal-funding/feed/ 0 46093
Mayor Sundquist Releases Annual State of the City https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-releases-annual-state-of-the-city/ https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-releases-annual-state-of-the-city/#respond Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:48:50 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=42388 Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist wants to “think big for the future of Jamestown” in his annual State of the City Address.

Sundquist said he wants to shape a new vision for Jamestown as “a modern city with strong roots.”

His goals include a “Vision Zero Campaign” to have zero fatalities or severe injuries from traffic accidents. Sundquist said the city has applied for a “safe routes to school” grant funding from the state department of transportation to help toward that campaign.

Sundquist also listed connecting and enhancing the waterfront of the Chadakoin River. Projects underway include the clean up of the lower Chadakoin River as well as grant funding received for development of the Chadakoin basin.

Another goal is to market Jamestown as a destination. Sundquist said he could see Jamestown becoming a hub for conventions. He also wants to use $5 million of American Rescue Plan funds toward healthy neighborhoods and housing initiatives.

He said the City administration has taken an aggressive approach toward supporting cannabis-related industries in the city. Sundquist said hundreds of jobs could be added and that new businesses have “already bought millions of dollars’ worth of unused property to redevelop thousands of square feet of currently vacant and underutilized warehouse, manufacturing, and commercial spaces.” He said with properties going back on the tax roll, the local property tax burden will be reduced.

Sundquist said he’s working with the county to secure a permanent location for CARTS in downtown Jamestown and that he’s continuing to work with county officials to restore commercial passenger air service to the Jamestown airport.

Sundquist said the joint municipal broadband feasibility study has been completed. He said the next step is to create an ad hoc committee that will go over the study, speak with experts, and determine a path forward.

The full State of the City address is available to read online at jamestownny.gov.

https://www.wrfalp.com/mayor-sundquist-releases-annual-state-of-the-city/feed/ 0 42388
Jamestown, Dunkirk Airports Each Receive $790,000 Under Infrastructure Bill https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-dunkirk-airports-each-receive-790000-under-infrastructure-bill/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-dunkirk-airports-each-receive-790000-under-infrastructure-bill/#comments Wed, 15 Dec 2021 11:30:24 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=41595

Jamestown Airport

The Jamestown and Dunkirk Airports will both receive $790,000 under the recently passed Federal Infrastructure bill.

Congressman Tom Reed announced the allocation that is part of $937-million dollars in funding to airports in New York State.

Reed said in a statement, “One of the many reasons we supported the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill was to secure much needed funding to improve our airports. We care about our local residents having the opportunity for safe and efficient air travel and thanks to this bill, we see vital investments being made for infrastructure development at our airports.”

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-dunkirk-airports-each-receive-790000-under-infrastructure-bill/feed/ 1 41595