WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Thu, 25 May 2023 10:59:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 County Legislature Supports State’s Amendment to How Bed Tax Monies Can Be Spent https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-supports-states-amendment-to-how-bed-tax-monies-can-be-spent/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-legislature-supports-states-amendment-to-how-bed-tax-monies-can-be-spent https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-supports-states-amendment-to-how-bed-tax-monies-can-be-spent/#respond Thu, 25 May 2023 10:59:31 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=52111

Chautauqua County Legislature meeting (May 24, 2023)

The Chautauqua County Legislature has passed a resolution supporting state bills that alter how the county can spend the bed tax monies it collects.

With the County’s 5% occupancy tax up for renewal by New York State, Assemblyman Andy Goodell and State Senator George Borrello have sponsored legislation that requires half of the 2% allocated for lake management and enhancement funds be used for “activities that control, treat, and/or remove invasive or nuisance submerged aquatic vegetation, reduce harmful algae blooms, or provide shoreline cleanup.”

There are no changes in the 3% allocated toward tourism efforts.

Legislator Susan Parker motioned to amend the resolution, saying she supports the extension of the occupancy tax, “And I support removing the strict expenditure requirements proposed by Assemblyman Goodell and Senator Borrello. This amendment will allow the county legislature to elect to allocate occupancy tax monies at its discretion as I think it should at that level without the dictate of New York State.”

Legislator Elisabeth Rankin countered that the state has always had a say in how the money is spent, “This is not unusual for them to do that and the state absolutely has the right to suggest how this money is spent. It’s without them and without their support, we would not have the occupancy tax. It’s just like the fact that if we wanted to increase the sales tax by 1%, we have to have the state’s support.”

Legislator Terry Neibel said he would be voting no against the amendment due to state representatives indicating there isn’t time to make changes to the resolution.
The amendment failed 3 to 14 with just Legislators Bob Bankoski, Tom Nelson, and Susan Parker voting yes. Legislators then unanimously passed the resolution.

County Executive PJ Wendel said the change in allocation should not affect the Watershed Coordinator position, “We’ve already made changes and corrections. You might see some increases in departmental budgets now. We’re looking for the best places to put some salary for Dave McCoy. He’s not living lavishly, but it’s where do we find that salary and do we take it from two different departments, do we put it in one.”

The extension of the 5% occupancy tax goes through the end of 2025.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-supports-states-amendment-to-how-bed-tax-monies-can-be-spent/feed/ 0 52111
Jamestown Democratic, Republican Committees Announce Endorsements for November Election https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-democratic-republican-committees-announce-endorsements-for-november-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jamestown-democratic-republican-committees-announce-endorsements-for-november-election https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-democratic-republican-committees-announce-endorsements-for-november-election/#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 12:19:47 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=50351 The City Democratic and Republican Committees have announced their slate of candidates for the November General Election.

Democrat and current Mayor Eddie Sundquist previously announced he is seeking re-election for a second term with Republican Council Member at Large Kim Ecklund recently announcing she will be running against him for the seat.

The City Democratic Committee has endorsed local attorney John I. LaMancuso to run for City Court Judge. His father, John L. LaMancuso, has held that position for 29 years. Republicans have not endorsed a candidate for that race.

Democratic endorsements for City Council At Large include Isaiah Rashad II and returning candidate Alyssa Porter. Republicans have endorsed incumbents Jeff Russell and Randy Daversa; as well as Russ Bonfiglio.

Republican Ward 1 Council member Brent Sheldon and Ward 2 Council member and Council President Tony Dolce are running unopposed.

Ward 3 Democratic Incumbent Regina Brackman will again face Republican Robert Reedy. That race in 2021 was determined by three absentee ballots.

Democratic incumbent Marie Carrubba has been endorsed again to represents Ward 4 and will face Republican Joe Paterniti.

Republican Incumbent Bill Reynolds will face Democrat Kaycee Colburn for Ward 5 and Republican Incumbent Andrew Faulkner will be running against former Council Member at Large Vanessa Weinert in Ward 6.

For the County Legislature endorsements, Democratic incumbent Billy Torres and Republican Phillip Landy have been endorsed for District 9.

Republican incumbent Jamie Gustafson will face newcomer Democrat Julie Jackson-Forsberg for District 10.

Republican incumbent Dave Wilfong is unopposed for District 11.

District 12 endorsements include Republican Elisabeth Rankin against former Democratic County Legislator and former County Attorney Fred Larson.

Democratic Incumbent Tom Nelson will face Republican Joseph Tickle for District 13.

Candidate petitioning to get on the election ballot begins tomorrow, February 28 and ends April 6. Any primaries necessary will be held on Tuesday, June 22, 2023.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-democratic-republican-committees-announce-endorsements-for-november-election/feed/ 0 50351
Legislature Approves Creation of Media Information Officer with Some Contention https://www.wrfalp.com/legislature-approves-creation-of-media-information-officer-with-some-contention/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=legislature-approves-creation-of-media-information-officer-with-some-contention https://www.wrfalp.com/legislature-approves-creation-of-media-information-officer-with-some-contention/#respond Thu, 26 Jan 2023 12:42:55 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=49662

Chautauqua County Legislature meeting (January 25, 2023)

The Chautauqua County Legislature has approved the creation of a County Media Information Officer position, but not without some contention.

The position will be charged with disseminating all county communications and will be located in the County Executive’s office.

Democratic Legislator Susan Parker said she was against the creation of the position because it wasn’t a good use of county resources, “The County Executive Department is a tax-funded department. And in 2013, had three employees and in 2023 has now seven, which is an increase of 124.4% in the County Executive’s staff. So, I don’t feel like there’s need or that it is a good use of tax funded money.”

Republican Legislator Lisa Vanstrom countered, saying the position is important given what was experienced during the Pandemic with misinformation, “That we have a solid message to send out that’s in line with what we are are doing and transparency included. I think that our County Executive is trying to promote transparency and camaraderie with on top of the whole team here but with the public.”

Democratic Legislator Tom Nelson said while he agreed a Media Information Officer is necessary these days, he thinks the duties should be handled by someone already employed in the County Executive’s office.

Republican Legislators Terry Neibel and Elisabeth Rankin also voiced their support of the local law with Democratic Legislator Billy Torres echoing the same concerns as other Democrats.

The position comes with a salary of $60,475 to $92,778. The local law passed by a vote of 13 to 3, with Parker, Nelson, and Torres voting no.

https://www.wrfalp.com/legislature-approves-creation-of-media-information-officer-with-some-contention/feed/ 0 49662
County Legislature Approves Grant Funding for Dunkirk Airport Runway Lighting Project https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-grant-funding-for-dunkirk-airport-runway-lighting-project/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-legislature-approves-grant-funding-for-dunkirk-airport-runway-lighting-project https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-grant-funding-for-dunkirk-airport-runway-lighting-project/#respond Tue, 13 Sep 2022 10:27:17 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=46720

Chautauqua County Legislature at a special meeting on September 12, 2022

The Chautauqua County Legislature approved a resolution accepting a $669,915 grant for the Dunkirk Airport at a special meeting Monday night.

Airport Manager Shannon Barnhart, speaking at the meeting, said that money from the Federal Aviation Administration would go toward upgrading the lighting on the crosswind runway to LED lights. She said it is required to have fully working lights on the runway. Barnhart added the project has already been approved and that the legislature was just accepting the grant award.

Legislator Elisabeth Rankin noted that 90% of the project will be funded by the FAA grant, “As we support the airport infrastructure, the infrastructure needs support and funding, this grant is vital to the support of safe and effective operations at the airport. And I’m in favor of this funding and of this resolution.”

The total cost of the project is $744,351 with a 5% share of $37,218 coming from both the county and the New York State Department of Transportation.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-grant-funding-for-dunkirk-airport-runway-lighting-project/feed/ 0 46720
County Legislature Adopts 19-Member Reapportionment Plan, Approves Creation of Landfill Commission https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-adopts-19-member-reapportionment-plan-approves-creation-of-landfill-commission/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-legislature-adopts-19-member-reapportionment-plan-approves-creation-of-landfill-commission https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-adopts-19-member-reapportionment-plan-approves-creation-of-landfill-commission/#respond Thu, 28 Jul 2022 11:41:04 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=45817

District 10 Legislator Jamie Gustafson introduces herself to the County Legislature (July 27, 2022)

The Chautauqua County Legislature has approved a 19-district reapportionment map, but voted down sending it to referendum in November.

A local law establishing a 17-district map failed in a vote of 3 to 14 with Legislators John Penhollow and Paul Whitford being absent. Only Legislators Bob Bankowski, Susan Parker, and Billy Torres supported the reduction.

Proponents of the 17-district plan included local League of Women Voters representative Mary Croxton who spoke at the public hearing saying with the over 5% decrease in population from the last census, keeping the same number of legislators makes less sense, “We need to be more efficient and cost effective as a county government. Maintaining the same number of legislative districts with all of the technical and economical challenges that we have taken place and are expected to take place over the coming decade is not efficient or cost effective. Chautauqua County residents and the taxpayers cannot afford the status quo.”

County Reapportionment Co-Chair Larry Wilcox spoke in opposition to the 17-district plan, saying the plan would divide more rural towns into different election districts than the 19-district plan, which would only divide two towns, “One-third of the small towns in this county are divided into two or more legislative districts under the 17-member plan. That’s one of the reasons the 19-member plan, which I encourage you to adopt, is far superior to the 17-member plan. The people in this rural area would have their voting power diluted under the 17-member plan, but it would be intact under the 19-member plan.”

The local law setting a 19-district map passed 14 to 3 with Legislators Bankowski, Parker, and Torres voting against it. A resolution to have a referendum on the 19-district map failed along the same lines in a vote of 3 to 14.

The Legislature approved the appointment of Jamie Gustafson to lead Legislative District 10. She replaces Ken Lawton, who has moved out of the district. Legislator Gustafson has lived in the district with her family for 30 years and is employed by M&T Bank. District 10 represents the southwest side of Jamestown, the Village of Lakewood and part of the Town of Busti.

The Legislature approved a local law by a vote of 12 to 5 to create a Chautauqua County Landfill Commission.

Public Facilities Deputy Director Aaron Gustafson, speaking at privilege at the floor, stated concern over why the Commission was being proposed. He stated that the doors of communications work both ways, “We do not feel that the added level of government, the commission, will solve anymore issues than the current processes that are already in place, especially given the concerning involvement of private interest that are proposed to be part of the commission. We fail to see how private business members would help foster better communication between the division and this legislative body. In fact, it seems it most certainly would create an environment for conflicts of interest.”

Legislator Susan Parker proposed two separate amendments that would have added language not allowing the commission to entertain privatizing landfill operations and also would not allow private customers as members of the commission. Both proposed amendments failed. Legislators Parker, Bob Bankowski, and Elisabeth Rankin cited concern about conflicts of interests from private businesses and that concerns about the Landfill could be handled with existing means of communication.

The commission will have seven members appointed by the County Executive including two County Legislators as well as representatives of the government of the Town of Ellery, a large municipal customer, a large private customer, a waste hauler, and a representative of a community hosting a County transfer station.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-adopts-19-member-reapportionment-plan-approves-creation-of-landfill-commission/feed/ 0 45817
County Legislature Approves Local Law on How Worker’s Compensation Costs Allocated to Municipalities https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-local-law-on-how-workers-compensation-costs-allocated-to-municipalities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-legislature-approves-local-law-on-how-workers-compensation-costs-allocated-to-municipalities https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-local-law-on-how-workers-compensation-costs-allocated-to-municipalities/#respond Thu, 26 May 2022 11:03:51 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=44703

Chautauqua County Legislature (May 25, 2022)

After voting down a proposed change that would have phased in payments for Jamestown, Dunkirk, and Westfield, the Chautauqua County Legislature approved a local law amending the County’s Worker’s Compensation Plan.

The local law changes the county administered plan so that costs are now allocated at 60% experience and 40% on wages. Previously, the costs were allocated at 60% experience and 40% property valuation.
Legislator Bob Bankowski proposed an amendment that would have allowed a two year phase in of the plan with proposed allocations the first year based 10% on valuation, 30% wages and 60% experience.

He agreed that the way the plan was set-up has been “broken” for many years and that it needed to be fixed to make it fair and equitable to all taxpayers, “But I just feel that with the amended print two that I proposed, it’s not going to be that drastic an effect on everyone. It phases in over the course of two years and everything should be fine. It gives Jamestown and Dunkirk some time to actually get their ducks in a row and make adjustments in their budget.”

County Finance Director Kitty Crow stated at the meeting that the increased costs to the Village of Westfield will be $7,766; $86,139 to the city of Dunkirk; and Jamestown would see an $157,315 increase in costs. She confirmed in email to WRFA that any municipality with an unusual increase now has the option of an installment payment plan and that this language was intentionally added to allow a phase-in by way of a payment plan.

The amendment proposed by Bankowski failed in a vote of 6 to 12, with Legislators Bob Bankowski, Susan Parker, Elisabeth Rankin, Billy Torres, Paul Whitford, and Dave Wilfong voting yes. Bankowski also made a motion to table the law for further discussion and that also failed 6 to 12.

The local law ultimately passed 15 to 3 with Legislators Bob Bankowski, Susan Parker, and Dave Wilfong voting no.

Finance Director Crow also clarified at the meeting that while the 2023 budget will see a $700,000 savings under Worker’s Compensation, the savings would have happened regardless of whether the Legislature changed how the plan costs were allocated.

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist stated earlier this week that city is already looking at other Worker’s Compensation firms under the assumption the local law would pass.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-local-law-on-how-workers-compensation-costs-allocated-to-municipalities/feed/ 0 44703
County Legislature Approves Resolution Regarding Wastewater Surveillance Program https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-resolution-regarding-wastewater-surveillance-program/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-legislature-approves-resolution-regarding-wastewater-surveillance-program https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-resolution-regarding-wastewater-surveillance-program/#respond Thu, 24 Mar 2022 11:20:00 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=43334

Chautauqua County Legislature meeting – March 23, 2022

A resolution regarding a Wastewater Surveillance Pilot Program passed 16 to 2 in the Chautauqua County Legislature Wednesday night.

Legislator and County Board of Health member Liz Rankin said the program is not mandated and the county had originally planned to use American Rescue Plan monies to fund doing it before the grant was received. She said the grant had already been accepted with the resolution on the agenda adopting a budget for the grant.

Rankin said she was voting yes not just to fulfill the grant obligations but also because she believed in what the grant supports, “The wastewater surveillance program is an early warning system for managing COVID and to give a community profile, give us a heads up, not to isolate and quarantine people, but to mobilize staff and resources, first responders, and long term care systems. Public health surveillance has been around for a very long time.”

Rankin added wastewater surveillance has been done for decades including being used in the 1940s for polio, in the 1980s for Hepatitis A virus and norovirus outbreaks, and in the 1990s as well, “We are not creating something new. We are folding in a technology that’s going to work for us now. This is a great opportunity for us to stay on top of public health trends. The samples are collected at publicly owned central treatment plants and not in neighborhoods and not at specific houses. We’re not targeting anyone in particular. It is planning for the community based on results.”

An amendment proposed by Legislator Tom Harmon added language that would limit the collection of wastewater samples to publicly owned wastewater treatment plants. The amendment also stated a spreadsheet report on the collections would be provided after the pilot program ended on July 31, 2022.

Legislators John Davis and Bob Scudder were the two no votes.

The legislature unanimously approved a $2 million grant from the State Department of Health to hire fellows to work with the County Health Department.

Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon said he spoke with an epidemiologist who lives in his district who worked on the creation of the fellowship program. He said the program was established six months into the pandemic when state and local counties realized they didn’t have enough health care workers to deal with the pandemic effectively, “So the concept was, how do we get more people involved in public health, trained in public health, educated in public health. So this was created as a means of encouraging people to become more educated in public health by putting them to work in fellowships working with public health departments in the counties, doing work on the ground, learning about public health.”

Chagnon said under the program, fellows will be employed by not-for-profit organizations and work for and at the direction of the County Health Department, “Not at the direction of the state at all. So, they’re there to help the county health department, public health department. And they’re there to learn and experience the public health field first hand so that they can become better educated about the practice of public health and also to encourage those who are interested in pursuing education in public health.”

Chagnon emphasized the concerns he’s heard about the fellows working for the state are misinformed.

The legislature also passed a resolution accepting a a $25,000 grant for the Chautauqua County Mental Hygiene Department‘s Mobile Crisis Unit. The grant is to be used for education and training; billing, equipment and electronic medical record expenses.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-legislature-approves-resolution-regarding-wastewater-surveillance-program/feed/ 0 43334
It was the Republican’s Night on Election Day in Chautauqua County https://www.wrfalp.com/it-was-the-republicans-night-on-election-day-in-chautauqua-county/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=it-was-the-republicans-night-on-election-day-in-chautauqua-county https://www.wrfalp.com/it-was-the-republicans-night-on-election-day-in-chautauqua-county/#comments Wed, 03 Nov 2021 13:18:04 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=40979 It was a huge election night for Republicans in Chautauqua County.

PJ Wendel

Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel easily won re-election to his first full term over Democratic challenger Norm Green by a vote of 17,455 to 5,516.

Wendel had first been appointed to replace George Borrello as County Executive in January 2020 after Borrello vacated the seat due to being elected to the State Senate. He defeated Democrat Richard Morrisroe in a special election last year to fill out Borrello’s term.

Wendell said he was humbled by the results, “My team has been very focused and, you know, we’ve been leading by example, moving the county forward and we’re going to continue to do that for the next four years.”

Republican County Clerk Larry Barmore won a third term over Democratic Challenger David Salley by a vote of 16,505 to 6,192.

Republicans will retain a super majority on County Legislature with 15 Republicans being elected to 4 Democrats. District 11 Democratic Incumbent Bob Whitney lost to former legislator David Wilfong by a vote of 328 to 534.

In County Legislative District 12, Republican Incumbent Elisabeth Rankin won re-election by a vote of 614 to 307 over Democrat Heather Fagan.

Republicans also will have a super majority on Jamestown City Council even with the Ward 3 race too close to call.

Council President Tony Dolce called it a “statement election,” “The public spoke loud and clear. They wanted a check and balance on the Mayor and his administration. And they came out in droves and voted for all three At-Large candidates. There was a change in Ward 6 with Andrew Faulkner – a huge win, that was a huge upset. And even Grant Olson who didn’t run or actively campaign won that seat.”

Republican Incumbents Kim Ecklund and Jeff Russell came first and second for the At-Large race with Republican newcomer Randy Daversa coming in third with 16% of the vote.

In other ward races, Ward 4 Democratic councilmember Marie Carrubba held onto her seat against Republican Rick Elardo.

And the Ward 3 race between Democratic Incumbent Regina Brackman and Republican Robert Reedy will come down to absentee ballots with Brackman currently leading by 11 votes.

For the 8th Judicial State Supreme Court Justice race, Grace Hanlon, John Licata, Frank Caruso and Raymond Walter all were elected.

Voters statewide voted no on ballot propositions 1, 3, and 4 which all dealt with elections and redistricting.

However, Proposition 2 was passed which adds the right to clean water, clean air, and a healthful environment to the New York Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

Proposition 5 also passed which allows the New York City Civil Court to hear and decide lawsuits involving claims of $50,000, rather than the current threshold of $25,000.

For full local election results, visit VoteChautauqua.com

https://www.wrfalp.com/it-was-the-republicans-night-on-election-day-in-chautauqua-county/feed/ 2 40979
County Executive, County Clerk, Jamestown City Council Races Featured on Election Day https://www.wrfalp.com/county-executive-county-clerk-jamestown-city-council-races-featured-on-election-day/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-executive-county-clerk-jamestown-city-council-races-featured-on-election-day https://www.wrfalp.com/county-executive-county-clerk-jamestown-city-council-races-featured-on-election-day/#respond Tue, 02 Nov 2021 11:50:30 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=40957 Today is Election Day.

In County races, incumbent Republican County Executive Paul “PJ” Wendel is facing Democratic challenger Norm Green. Wendel is running for full 4-year term after being appointed to replace George Borrello in January 2020 when Borrello was elected to the State Senate. Green formerly worked in the Chautauqua County Board of Elections as its Democratic Commissioner for over 20 years.

The County Clerk race will feature incumbent Republican Larry Barmore against Fredonia Democrat David Salley.

All 19 County Legislature seats are on the ballot. In Jamestown, the contested races are in District 11 between incumbent Democrat Bob Whitney and Republican Dave Wilfong; and in District 12 between incumbent Republican Elisabeth Rankin and Democrat Heather Fagan.

In the City of Jamestown, all City Council seats are on the ballot.

In Ward 3, incumbent Democrat Regina Brackman faces Republican Robert Reedy. Brackman was appointed in April to fill the seat after the untimely death of Vickye James. In Ward 4, incumbent Democrat Marie Carrubba is running against Republican Rick Elardo.

In Ward 5, Republican Grant Olson is facing Democrat Doug Lawson, however Olson announced in mid-September that he was no longer seeking re-election. As it was too late to remove his name from the ballot, should Olson win and decline to accept his seat again, Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist would be charged with appointing a Republican from Ward 5 to replace him in January.

And in Ward 6, incumbent Democrat Tom Nelson is going up against Republican Andrew Faulkner.
There are six candidates running for 3 At-Large seats. Incumbent Republicans Kim Ecklund and Jeff Russell are running for re-election as well as Republican Randy Daversa. Running on the Democrat line are Christina Cardinale, Ellen Ditonto, and Alyssa Porter. Democrat Tamu Graham-Reinhardt is not seeking re-election for her At-Large seat.

There are two seats open for the 8th Judicial State Supreme Court Justices. Running on all four lines of Democrat, Republican, Conservative and Working Families are Grace Hanlon and John Licata. Frank Caruso and Raymond Walter are running on the Democrat, Republican, and Conservative lines.

There are also 5 propositions located on the back of the ballot.

Proposal 1 deals with redistricting and, if passed, includes capping the number of State Senate seats at 63, require that incarcerated persons be counted at the place of their last residence for redistricting, and require the state to count residents, including people who are residents but not citizens, should the federal census fail to do so.

Proposal 3 removes the requirement that persons must register to vote at least ten days before an election. This would allow people to register to vote the same day as elections.

Proposal 4 would allow no-excuse absentee voting. Currently, in order to qualify for an absentee ballot, a voter must be absent from their county of residence, ill, or physically disabled.

Proposal 2 would add a right to clean water, clean air, and a healthful environment to the New York Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

And proposal 5 would allow the New York City Civil Court to hear and decide lawsuits involving claims of $50,000, rather than the current threshold of $25,000.

Polls are open Tuesday from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. in Chautauqua County.

For all of WRFA’s Election coverage, visit wrfalp.com/election-2021

For voting information, including sample ballots and voting locations, visit VoteChautauqua.com

We’ll have Election Night coverage starting at 8pm tonight on 107.9 WRFA-LP.

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-executive-county-clerk-jamestown-city-council-races-featured-on-election-day/feed/ 0 40957
Chautauqua County Legislature Passes 2022 Budget With Property Tax, Tax Levy Decrease https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-passes-2022-budget-with-property-tax-tax-levy-decrease/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chautauqua-county-legislature-passes-2022-budget-with-property-tax-tax-levy-decrease https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-passes-2022-budget-with-property-tax-tax-levy-decrease/#respond Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:04:29 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=40883

Chautauqua County Legislature

The Chautauqua County Legislature unanimously passed the 2022 budget with a property tax and tax levy decrease.

The new property tax rate will be $8.10 per $1,000 assessed value, which is 40-cents lower than the current rate. The real property tax levy will be $66,912,293, which is $271,102 dollars lower than the current levy.

Audit and Control Chair Legislator Chuck Nazzaro thanked everyone involved in the budget process, saying County Executive PJ Wendel had presented a structurally sound budget back in September, “This budget provides property tax relief, there’s no use of undesignated fund balance, it creates a contingency account for those unexpected expenses, and meets our five-year plan.”

Legislator Terry Niebel said he supports the budget but urged some caution, “We did create 42 new positions this year. And I realize that many of these positions are 100% funded either by the state or federal government, but look, two or three years from now we’re going to have to decide how we’re going to fund these positions or if we’re going to fund these positions at all.”

The Legislature also approved via block vote 13 resolutions related to spending American Rescue Plan funds. A resolution on a new handgun project was pulled. Projects that were approved for funding included the $4.68 million to purchase a crane, two dump/plow trucks, a snow blower, and long-arm excavator. The use of $1.4 million to purchase property to turn them into shovel-ready sites as approved. The Frank W. Bratt Ag Building will receive $1.1 million for building upgrades. And over $2 million dollars will go toward economic development initiatives such as bolstering the bed tax fund, providing marketing assistance, workforce development initiatives, and funding the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth.

A resolution to spend $72,000 in ARP fund to do a study of the Jamestown Airport on bringing back Essential Air Service failed by a vote of 4 to 15.

Legislator Elisabeth Rankin voted no, saying so much work has already been done on the airport, “I am totally in favor of any infrastructure investment that will help the county. And I’ve been the beneficiary of years of flying in and out of Jamestown Airport. However, I do believe we’ve given it its chance and I think its time has come and gone. And I’m not in favor of a study, of spending money on a study that I don’t think is going to get us anywhere.”

Legislators Chuck Nazzaro, Jay Gould, and Bill Ward also voiced their opposition to spending money on another study of the airport.

Legislators did unanimously approve a contract with the the County Sheriff’s Supervisor’s Association. The contract agreement runs from January 1st, 2022 through December 31st, 2025. It includes modifications to longevity, employer and employee cost share of the health plan, the retiree cash-out benefit, the addition of a cell phone stipend of $50 per month, an increase to the clothing allowance, and a change from a three to a four step salary schedule.

https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-passes-2022-budget-with-property-tax-tax-levy-decrease/feed/ 0 40883