WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Tue, 16 May 2023 11:41:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 City Proposes $6.4 Million Bond for City Building Upgrades, Repairs https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/ https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/#respond Tue, 16 May 2023 11:41:29 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51918

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist outlines bond proposal as Council President Tony Dolce listens (May 15, 2023)

The City of Jamestown is proposing to bond for $6.4 million in order to do a variety of building improvements and repairs.

Mayor Eddie Sundquist presented the initial bond proposal to City Council Monday, saying the projects were limited to just municipal facilities.

He said the list of projects is just a draft because he wants Council to discuss the proposal. Sundquist said $3.15 million would go toward improvements and repairs at City Hall, including a $1.8 million roof replacement and façade work, “We had hoped that the patching we did on the roof was going to hold. We are still seeing leaks within the building on that roof and so it’ll need to be replaced. As a reminder, the building opened up in 1971.”

Sundquist said security improvements and HVAC upgrades are also part of the project. He added that 17 windows need to be replaced for a cost of $350,000.

Council member Marie Carrubba suggested that the city should be considering replacing the current gold-filmed windows, which she says are not energy efficient, “When you talk about climate action, these (windows) are horrible. Go down to the second floor and half of the windows you can’t look out of. I don’t know if they’re on the list to be replaced, but I can’t even imagine. I haven’t counted all of the windows in this building. But, I almost feel like we’re throwing good money after bad to keep trying to get these windows, which are very hard to get, they’re very expensive, versus trying to begin a process of replacing these windows in a manageable fashion.”

Sundquist said it was something the city could look into.

The replacement of the Fenton Roof at a cost of $2 million is also included in the bond proposal. Sundquist said the historic mansion is owned by the City and needs a new rubber roof due to leaks that are impacting the Fenton History Center‘s collection. He added that the $2 million price tag may get reduced if the city is able to find grants for the project.

Other projects that would be funded under a proposed bond include $250,000 to fix the roof at 145 Steele Street and $500,000 for a new water line at Bergman Park.

Sundquist said $500,000 is also included as gap funding for the Fleet Maintenance Building on Washington Street. An information sheet said this funding is due to increased labor and material costs that could not be foreseen when the project was initially budgeted. Sundquist said the city has applied for a $1 million reimbursement from New York State.

He added that the city is able to “comfortably” borrow up to $12 million, “We’re very low on our actual debt right now as a city and so we wanted to confirm with them what we think we can borrow. The other thing I’ll point out is that we still have ARPA funds. I didn’t include it in here because I think it’s a discussion for everyone. There is still $1.7 million in ARPA funds that could be applied toward this should the council wish. That obviously for some further discussion which would lower that debt level.”

Council member at Large Kim Ecklund requested information on other bonds the city has in addition to how a $6.4 million bond would impact the city budget.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-proposes-6-4-million-bond-for-city-building-upgrades-repairs/feed/ 0 51918
Community Helps Plant Over 35 Trees at West Third Street ‘Re-Tree-Ing’ Event https://www.wrfalp.com/community-helps-plant-over-35-trees-at-west-third-street-re-tree-ing-event/ https://www.wrfalp.com/community-helps-plant-over-35-trees-at-west-third-street-re-tree-ing-event/#respond Mon, 15 May 2023 11:39:04 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51899

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist, Council Members Jeff Russell, Tony Dolce, Brent Sheldon, Kim Ecklund, Parks Manager Dan Stone, City Council member Marie Carrubba, Acting DPW Director Mark Roetzer, City Council member Randy Daversa, and Jamestown Citizen at the Third Street Tree Planting (May 13, 2023)

Several dozen people showed up Saturday to help plant the 37 trees that now line the block of West Third Street where the former Cathedral Oak trees stood.

The “Re-Tree-Ing” event held by the Jamestown Parks Department was part of the annual Arbor Day celebration and designation of Jamestown as a Tree City USA for a 42nd year.

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist said it was unfortunate to have to remove the 100 year old oak trees back at the end of 2020, “That due to various issues of disease in the root systems, we started seeing trees fall down on properties. It was a very tough decision for the city. Since that time, we’ve been working with the community to redesign West Third Street and make it more of a gateway into the downtown core. And so we’ve been doing just that.”

The redesign project involved the replacement of sidewalks, driveway aprons, new candlestick lighting, and the planting of new trees on West Third Street between Hall and Hallock Streets.

It was funded using $500,000 in American Rescue Plan monies.

Parks Manager and Arborist Dan Stone thanked the many people involved over the years in parks and with the forestry program. He gave special recognition to Chautauqua Art Gallery owner Leslie Calimeri for putting together the Third Street Oak Trees Art Show, “It involved a bunch of other local artists and photographers in the city and throughout the area. With her project, most of these donations, the work that they did and what they sold it for, most of those people did not take money for it. They donated 100% back, or at least a good portion back, of what they had done.”

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist and Parks Manager Dan Stone recognize Chautauqua Art Gallery owner Leslie Calimeri with the Joan P. Shevory Citizen Forester Award (May 13, 2023)

The art show raised $2,341 dollars for the Urban Forestry Fund. Calimeri was presented with the Joan P. Shevory Citizen Forester Award for her efforts.

The trees planted Saturday include a combination of ‘Columnar’ Sargent Cherry trees, ‘Columnar’ Oaks, ‘Frontier’ American Elms, and ‘Sun Valley’ Red Maple.

https://www.wrfalp.com/community-helps-plant-over-35-trees-at-west-third-street-re-tree-ing-event/feed/ 0 51899
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Eddie Sundquist – May 4, 2023 https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-eddie-sundquist-may-4-2023/ https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-eddie-sundquist-may-4-2023/#respond Fri, 05 May 2023 14:13:12 +0000 https://wrfalp.net/?p=51739

WRFA’s Julia Ciesla-Hanley speaks with Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist about the efforts by the administration to get approval to hire eight firefighters.

Eddie Sundquist

More Posts for Show: Community Matters]]>
https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-eddie-sundquist-may-4-2023/feed/ 0 51739
Jamestown Public Schools Student Artwork On Display at City Hall https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-public-schools-student-artwork-on-display-at-city-hall/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-public-schools-student-artwork-on-display-at-city-hall/#respond Thu, 27 Apr 2023 10:39:11 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51538

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist and JPS Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker stand with local students, from left to right, Aracelli DiNapoli, Jarren Cotter, Annaleigh Young, Gracelynn Davis, Rylee Cronin, Sadie Ecklof, and Parker Tomaszewski, who were among those to have artwork selected to hang in City Hall.

Artwork by Jamestown Public Schools students is now on view in the lobby of Jamestown City Hall.

Sixteen JPS students from Bush and Fletcher elementary schools, Persell and Washington middle schools, and Jamestown High School had artwork selected for the display by their art teacher and the city.

Students whose artwork was selected were Annaleigh Young, Gracelynn Davis, and Rylee Cronin from Bush; Randalyn Torres and Sadie Ecklof from Fletcher; Aiden Fitzpatrick, Aquila Becker, Chevie Daniels, Jarren Cotter, Lilyanna Espinoza, and Morgan Hays from JHS; Kammey Kapizi and Makaelyn Piotrowski from Persell; Aracelli DiNapoli, Ireland Bartlett, and Parker Tomaszewski from Washington.

Students were presented a certificate of achievement from Mayor Eddie Sundquist and Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker during a recent reception at city hall.

The display marks the first time student art has been displayed in City Hall in roughly two decades.

The student artwork will be on display through the end of the year.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-public-schools-student-artwork-on-display-at-city-hall/feed/ 0 51538
City Council Again Tables Resolution to Hire Firefighters https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/ https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/#respond Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:04:14 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51514

Jamestown City Council discusses resolution to hire eight fire fighters (April 24, 2023)

Jamestown City Council once again tabled a resolution to hire eight new firefighters at its voting session.

Council member at large Jeff Russell made the motion, citing extenuating circumstances, following a lengthy discussion before a packed council chambers that included most of the members of the Jamestown Fire Department.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund cited financial concerns with the three-year $1.8 million SAFER grant, saying that costs presented to council for those three years is $2.1 million which didn’t include overtime costs, working out of title, and comp time.

She said in 2022, personnel expenses in the Fire Department were $250,000 over budget, “Talking financially, this grant will not provide all those previously mentioned items I just talked about as well as training, estimated at $46,000, uniforms estimated at $46,000, and other incidental expenses. While people don’t want to hear this, we as a council have to remain fiscally responsible and understanding the needs of our departments and empathetic to the future of Jamestown.”

Ecklund said based on these numbers, the city could be faced with a $450 to $500,000 total shortfall over the three years of the grant. She said the American Rescue Plan funds used to hire four firefighters in 2022 runs out the the last year of the SAFER grant, which leaves another $382,000 for the city to fund.

Crowd for the Jamestown City Council meeting (April 24, 2023)

Ecklund said a second ambulance would bring in more revenue but running the two ambulances would not bring in the $750 to $900,000 needed. Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon had informed Council previously that the estimated revenue from running two ambulances is about $400,000 total a year.

Council member Marie Carrubba commented that former City Comptrollers Joe Bellitto and Ryan Thompson had both previously stated that the hiring of the four ARPA funded firefighters would “stretch the city’s budget to its limit,” “The idea that we’d hire an additional eight would be unsustainable and we have to look at that. And I don’t always agree with Mr. Champ, but I think you said it very well tonight. We have to be concerned not only with the present, but the future and the financial condition of the city when we are reaching our constitutional taxing limit, when we’re not able to raise taxes, my question to all of the citizens are what do you want us to cut?”

Ecklund asked Mayor Eddie Sundquist if the SAFER grant would allow the city to hire less than the eight firefighters proposed.

Sundquist responded that if Council provides him a number, he can ask the Federal Emergency Management Agency about that. None of the previous discussions by the city administration until Monday’s voting session indicated that the grant allowed the city to hire less than eight fire fighters under the grant.

The motion to table the resolution until May passed with just Council member Regina Brackman voting no.

In a related resolution, Council did approve purchasing a second ambulance for the fire department with $250,000 in American Rescue Plan funds.

https://www.wrfalp.com/city-council-again-tables-resolution-to-hire-firefighters/feed/ 0 51514
Jamestown City Council Hears Case to Bring Ombudsman Position Back https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-case-to-bring-ombudsman-position-back/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-case-to-bring-ombudsman-position-back/#respond Wed, 19 Apr 2023 11:19:50 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51408

Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo makes case for new ombudsman position to City Council (April 17, 2023)

Jamestown City Council heard the case for bringing back the Ombudsman position to fill human resources needs.

Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo has requested the title be brought back to replace the recently vacant Assistant Corporation Counsel position in his office. He said the salary range for the position is around $54,000 to $85,000. The position is currently funded through the end of 2023.

City Council President Tony Dolce voiced concern that the city would have to fund two full time positions when the ombudsman position was eliminated over 20 years ago to save money, “As you look into 2024, you have to consider, especially if you’re going to go to a higher range within that someone is hired and they move up and they keep moving up. That’s obviously going to have a long term effect down the road on the budget to have a full time Corporation Counsel and a full time Ombudsman. You could be at some time doubling the costs that you have.”

Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist said human resources needs of the city have changed “tremendously,” “We’re seeing more and more mental health issues. We’re seeing more and more disputes between employees that we’ve not seen in many, many years. And our EAP only covers so much of that. And so we’re trying to bring an HR position in to assist in that process on top of the litigation that Mr. Raimondo is currently engaging in, which council is aware of, that will take a significant amount of time.”

Council member Marie Carrubba agreed that there are more HR issues for businesses today than in the past and that it would be difficult for the Corporation Counsel to wear “both hats.”

Council also reviewed a request to purchase new accounting software.

The City chose Springbrook Software following a request-for-proposal process. Mayor Sundquist said the bid of $63,986.50 for the purchase and $42,300 annual maintenance cost is higher than the bid received in Fall 2022 due to the former request not including an accounts receivable feature.

The software would be purchased using American Rescue Plan funds and would replace the KVS accounting system that’s been in use by the city since the early 2000s.

Sundquist said the new software would help the city continue digitizing some of its paperwork, “It would also allow us to approve purchase orders and that sort of things for departments as well move all of our timesheets online. Right now we do all timesheets on paper, as well as paper slips for each different departments. It would also allow employees their own access, in fact this is something we’re getting from a lot of the newer employees, which is the ability to see their paystub and not get a paper stub, as well as to change their tax filings.”

Sundquist noted the software will free up staff time and have cost savings in paper purchases. He added that the last audit of the City recommended that the city move to this kind of system.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-case-to-bring-ombudsman-position-back/feed/ 0 51408
JLDC to Receive an Update on Questionable Grant Awards for Board Members During Wednesday Meeting https://www.wrfalp.com/jldc-to-receive-an-update-on-questionable-grant-awards-for-board-members-during-wednesday-meeting/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jldc-to-receive-an-update-on-questionable-grant-awards-for-board-members-during-wednesday-meeting/#respond Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:09:24 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51385

Attorney Elliot Raimondo (center) talks with members of the Jamestown Local Development Corporation during its March 15, 2023 meeting

UPDATE: The Jamestown Local Development Corporation will not be discussing the ARPA grants awarded to Jamestown Skate Products and It’s Your Day at its monthly meeting following an update sent this morning that removed that item for tonight’s agenda. 

City officials are expected to offer an update Wednesday afternoon on the question of whether or not the Jamestown Local Development Corporation (JLDC) violated federal guidelines by approving economic development funds for projects tied to sitting board members.

Among the items on the JLDC meeting agenda for this month is a “discussion and decision regarding the ARPA grants awarded to Jamestown Skate Products and It’s Your Day.”

Jamestown Skate Products is owned by JLDC Board Member Pete Schiera and was approved for a $15,000 grant in October through the JLDC Downtown Small Business Evolution program. It’s Your Day wedding planning service was approved for a $64,000 grant in February from the JLDC’s Building Acquisition & Business Expansion program. The owner of that business is the spouse of JLDC Board Member Jeffrey Russell, who also serves on the Jamestown City Council.

A third grant was also approved by the JLDC board in February for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, after the church applied for funding from JLDC Downtown Programming & Events program. That grant application was submitted on behalf of St. Luke’s by employee Rev. Luke Fodor, who also sits on the JLDC board. In all three cases, the board members in question did not vote when it came time to award the funding.

In February, WRFA reported that the JLDC board likely violated its own bylaws and possible even state law by awarding funding to businesses connected to sitting board members, recusals notwithstanding. JLDC bylaws – which govern how the corporation must function – prohibit the awarding of loans or grants for any business in which a sitting board member (or immediate family member) owns a material interest. The JLDC board may have also violated Article 18 of the State General Municipal Law, which prohibits municipal officers from receiving public money they oversee and that “there are no exceptions for when an individual discloses his or her interest, recuses him or herself or abstains from the discussion or vote on a matter.”

In response, JLDC attorney Elliot Raimondo said during the March board meeting that it was his opinion that the St. Luke’s grant should be allowed to stand because Fodor doesn’t own any material interest in the church. As a result, the conflict of interest provisions in the JLDC bylaws and State Law didn’t apply to him.

However, Raimondo and Mayor Eddie Sundquist said the JLDC would hold off on awarding the funding to Jamestown Skate Products and It’s Your Day until they looked into the matter further with the US Treasury Department, to determine if the awards violated any federal provisions tied to how ARPA funds are to be appropriated.

They said that if it was okay with federal officials, then the awards would be allowed to stand, despite any stipulations found in the local bylaws or in state law.

“We are waiting for that guidance before I make a final opinion on the federal aspect of it. And as much as the prior votes were concerned, we did follow general municipal law, which is what city council uses, whereby recusals happen and votes were then taken place, so I don’t find that we did anything not above board in that respect,” Raimondo explained in March.

WRFA has reviewed the Treasury Department’s guidelines for the $28 million in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) the city received in 2021 through ARPA and did identify a provision that states:

“…recipients may not use SLFRF funds in violation of the conflict-of-interest requirements contained in the Award Terms and Conditions, including any self-dealing or violation of ethics rules. Lastly, recipients should be aware that federal, state, and local laws and regulations, outside of SLFRF program requirements, also apply…”

– Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2022 / Rules and Regulations – Page 4340

We reached out to the Treasury Department office for clarification to see if any of the three grants in question violated the “self-dealing” provision found in those guidelines, but have yet to receive a response.

Meanwhile, the JLDC’s April meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, in the mayor’s conference room – fourth floor of city hall. It is open to the public and will also be video-streamed online at the city website.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jldc-to-receive-an-update-on-questionable-grant-awards-for-board-members-during-wednesday-meeting/feed/ 0 51385
Jamestown City Council Debates Changing City Code Regarding Public Works Director https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 11:37:50 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51315

Acting DPW Director Mark Roetzer explains how the professional engineer certificate works within the DPW Director role to City Council (April 10, 2023)

Jamestown City Council members don’t seem in favor of removing a professional engineering certificate requirement for the Public Works Director position.

An ordinance to amend the City Code to do just that came before council at its April 10 work session.

The city has had issues finding a replacement for former Public Works Director Jeff Lehman, who retired March 31, in part because of the engineering requirement.

It came to light that the only residency requirement for the position is that the director must live in Chautauqua County. Mayor Eddie Sundquist said this was a change in state law.

Council Member at Large Jeff Russell asked if removing that requirement would have any effect in the department being able to get work done.

Acting Public Works Director Mark Roetzer said the director doesn’t produce drawings that are then stamped and signed as a professional engineer, “But you’re reviewing drawings and plans and that sort of thing, specifications, so to not have a P.E. would be a detriment. If you hire someone who does not have it, they’d potentially become more of an administrator. The work that the director does now, part of it, would fall back on the other engineering staff that does have a P.E., or people under them that they oversee.”

Council member at Large Kim Ecklund expressed concern that could lead to the union requesting a stipend for extra work or change in job duties.

Roetzer said when the city receives plans, those were historically reviewed by Lehman, who had the P.E. designation. He pointed out that the DPW Director also is a member on the Planning Commission and the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities.

Russell stated he didn’t think the city should “lower its standards” by getting rid of the designation requirement.

Sundquist said only one application received for the DPW Director position had the required P.E. certificate, “And what we’ve heard, especially from Jeff (Lehman), to many folks who are getting P.E.’s are going into consulting firms that almost double the rate that we pay, which has been a concern. So, the county does not have a P.E. requirement for their Director of Public Facilities. Most communities do not. They have more of an administrator role at the top, which is the proposal.”

No action seems likely on the matter any time soon as the ordinance was tabled by the Public Safety committee with council members citing that city does have an acting director while the search continues.

Council also continued discussions on the proposed hiring of an Ombudsman in the Corporation Counsel‘s office. This position is proposed to replace the Associate Corporation Counsel position, which is being vacated by Ben Haskin.

Corporation Counsel Elliot Raimondo cited a need for a Human Resources-type of employee to help with mandatory employee trainings, “Issues with employee complaints and disputes, following up on council concerns, following up on public concerns apart from the police, following up with department heads to ensure that they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing, handing our EAP program which I’m not the happiest with, and, recently, dealing with our health insurance program which is not functioning the way it should be functioning.”

Raimondo said he thought the position should report both to the Mayor and City Council. He said he understands that the addition of the ombudsman may lead to the Corporation Counsel position being made part-time versus full-time.

Finance Chair Kim Ecklund requested a salary schedule with a projection for future years be provided. The position would be funded through 2023 by funds previously allocated for the Associate Corporation Counsel.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-debates-changing-city-code-regarding-public-works-director/feed/ 0 51315
Former Council Member Questions What City is Doing About Deer Population https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/ https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/#comments Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:18:56 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51272

Former Deer Management Group member Tom Nelson addresses Jamestown City Council (April 10, 2023)

A former member of the Jamestown Deer Management Group is questioning what the City of Jamestown is doing in regards to the city’s deer population.

Former Council member and current County Legislator Tom Nelson questioned council members about what’s been done, what’s going to get done, and if a committee has been formed regarding deer in the city, “I know many times you get people coming to council meetings complaining they don’t have a solution. I think many of you know I put forward a solution in September of 2021 which was rejected by many members of this council. So, my question to you is, you didn’t like that plan, what is your plan?”

Council had voted down a proposal 2 to 7 at the September 2021 voting session that would have allowed 8 bow hunters to receive licenses with the two sites for hunting limited to Jones Memorial Park and the wooded area behind the Allen Park Ice Rink. This was the proposal suggested by Council member at large Jeff Russell to replace an initial proposal to allow 15 licensed hunters to take down up to 4 antler-less deer between November 1st and December 31st in five designated areas of Jamestown.

Mayor Eddie Sundquist said he still supports efforts to reduce the deer population in the city, “Typically, some kind of hunt.. that is the recommendation from the DEC (State Department of Environmental Conservation). Can’t do sterilization because it has to be tied to a university and program, and other methods are just way too expensive or not going to be allowed by the state. So, whatever you guys want to do, let me know. I remain steadfast in supporting reducing the deer population as a resident of Ward 6 who sees a lot of it, and now we’re hearing from Ward 5 and others.”

Councilmembers Randy Daversa, Andrew Faulkner, Russell, and Brent Sheldon had mentioned at the October 3, 2022 City Council work session that they had met with each other to discuss the issue, but no follow-up meetings were ever announced.

Council member at large Kim Ecklund said on Monday that whatever that work group moved forward with should be a multi-pronged approach, “When Andy Liuzzo was on council, he was adamant about a deer program and actually worked with the town of Ellicott to issue more permits. I never heard the result of that. We never got a ‘Did it work? Did it not work?’ But, living on the edge of the town, there are more deer. There’s a lot of reasons why there is more deer and you can ask many hunters. There’s less people hunting. There’s more posted property for people to not be able to hunt on.”

At the October 2022 meeting, Council member Marie Carrubba said the deer group should include not just city council members but an attorney, people in favor of a hunt, as well as people with other options for handling the deer population.

https://www.wrfalp.com/former-council-member-questions-what-city-is-doing-about-deer-population/feed/ 1 51272
Jamestown City Council Hears Details About Proposed Purchase of Second Ambulance https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-details-about-proposed-purchase-of-second-ambulance/ https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-details-about-proposed-purchase-of-second-ambulance/#respond Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:12:11 +0000 https://www.wrfalp.com/?p=51221

Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon addresses Jamestown City Council (April 10, 2023)

Jamestown City Council heard more details at its work session about a proposed purchase of a second ambulance for the Jamestown Fire Department.

A resolution proposes using $250,000 in American Rescue Plan funds for the purchase.

Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon said the number of mutual aid calls has been rising steadily since 2019, with 324 calls that year, 342 calls in 2020, 419 calls in 2021, and 468 calls in 2022, “I have little reason to believe that number would be under 500 this year. Our call out continues to increase. Again, these are all calls Jamestown Fire does respond to but we have to use mutual aid for that transport vehicle.”

After the question of the life expectancy of the vehicle was raised, Coon said ambulances generally last in the 10 to 15 year range.

The Fire Department’s current ambulance is a 2013 model. Mayor Eddie Sundquist said the city received $300,000 in revenue through billing in 2022 for use of the first ambulance.

Coon said he’d have to get Council estimates on what could be gained through billing for a second ambulance.

Council member Marie Carrubba asked specifically what expenses were involved with running the ambulance and how that compared with the revenue brought in.

Council members had requested additional information from the administration before the voting session in March about how the purchase of the second ambulance could help bring in revenue to support the proposed hiring of eight firefighters after the three-year $1.8 million federal grant funding those positions ran out.

Sundquist said that information will be made available at the April 17 work session. He cited the issue that former Comptroller Joe Bellitto is only assisting the city on a contractual basis and isn’t full time while the city continues to look for a full-time Comptroller.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-council-hears-details-about-proposed-purchase-of-second-ambulance/feed/ 0 51221