WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Wed, 20 Mar 2019 14:31:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 WRFA Presents: Arts on Fire LIVE on April 4 Featuring Author David Schein https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-presents-arts-on-fire-live-on-april-4-featuring-author-david-schein/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wrfa-presents-arts-on-fire-live-on-april-4-featuring-author-david-schein https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-presents-arts-on-fire-live-on-april-4-featuring-author-david-schein/#respond Wed, 20 Mar 2019 14:14:16 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=29271 JAMESTOWN – Author David Schein returns to Jamestown, NY on Thursday, April 4 to read from his novel “The Adoption” during the first installment of an Arts on Fire LIVE series presented by WRFA Radio.

Gleaned from Schein’s many travels to Ethiopia where he co-founded with the children of the Southern Dawn Circus the One Love AIDS/HIV Awareness Theater, “The Adoption” fictionalizes the lives of children growing up in Ethiopia and the USA over the span of 20 years. The book focuses on an Ethiopian girl named Kalkidane who’s been adopted by a couple from America and later accompany her on return trips to her home country to meet with her previous family. Thus begins a relationship lasting 20 years. As the book alternates between Kalkidane’s life in Chicago and her sibling’s lives in Ethiopia, it chronicles the always disruptive visits of the American family and the gradual dispersal of the Kalkidane’s siblings from their hometown.

Schein says he hopes to engage the huge Ethiopian Diaspora in the USA, and to have “The Adoption” translated into Amharic, the lingua franca of Ethiopia. He is currently on a book tour that has taken him to New Orleans and Chicago. In the fall of 2019 he will give readings on the West Coast.

The appearance by Schein in Jamestown is also a return for him to a city he called home for several years when he served as the Executive Director of the Reg Lenna Civic Center and Arts Council for Chautauqua County (which merged in 2015 to become Reg Lenna Center for the Arts).

The Adoption book cover

In addition to Schein reading excerpts from his book in front of a live audience, WRFA Station Manager Dennis Drew will also conduct an interview.

The reading and interview will be the first of a new WRFA series of entitled Arts On Fire LIVE. Building off the long-running local Arts and Entertainment radio program Arts on Fire (Fridays at 5 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.), Arts on Fire LIVE will be the first multimedia series in the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts’ Media Arts Studio on the third floor of the facility.

Arts on Fire LIVE is planned to be a series of concerts, readings, interviews and more presented before small audiences. Most of these events will be recorded with live audiences and broadcast at a later date on WRFA 107.9 FM during the regular Arts on Fire time slot.

The announcement of the new live series comes as WRFA marks its 15th anniversary of being on the air.

Arts on Fire LIVE with David Schein begins at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 4. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Patrons are invited to enjoy refreshments before the performance and meet Schein after the performance in the adjacent Pre-function Room, also on the 3rd Floor. The book will also be for sale at that point.

The event is free to the public but seating is limited. Those wishing to attend must RSVP by calling 716-484-7070 or sending an email to RSVP@reglenna.com.

Audience members may enter the awning entrance of the building at 108 E. 3rd St. (between Forte and 3rd on 3rd Gallery) and take the elevator to 3R.

“Arts on Fire LIVE” is made possible by support from Arts Consulting Group. The Media Arts Studio is possible with grants from the Sheldon, Gebbie and Lenna Foundations, Downtown Redevelopment Initiative, the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation and Holmberg Foundation.

For more information, visit reglenna.com.

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National Comedy Center in Jamestown, NY Opens to Public https://www.wrfalp.com/national-comedy-center-in-jamestown-ny-opens-to-public/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=national-comedy-center-in-jamestown-ny-opens-to-public https://www.wrfalp.com/national-comedy-center-in-jamestown-ny-opens-to-public/#respond Thu, 02 Aug 2018 13:42:09 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=26051

Local and state officials were on hand for the grand opening of the National Comedy Center in Jamestown, NY on Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018. Pictured from left to right: George Borrello, Chautauqua County Executive; Howard Zemsky, Empire State Development Director; NY Sen. Catherine Young; NCC board chairman Tom Benson; NCC executive director Journey Gunderson; Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi; NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo; and NY Assemblyman Andrew Goodell. (Image courtesy of NY State Governor’s Office)

JAMESTOWN – The National Comedy Center is open for business.

The state of the art, $50 million facility opened its doors to the public for the first time on Wednesday, immediately after a ribbon cutting ceremony was held featuring Gov. Andrew Cuomo along with other local and state officials as well as representatives of the NCC.

Prior to cutting the ribbon, Gov. Cuomo explained the history behind the NCC and why it’s located in Jamestown.

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the National Comedy Center grand opening. (Image courtesy of NY Governor’s Office)

“In the 1980s the [Arts Council for Chautauqua County] went to Lucille Ball and said, ‘you know we’d like to do a Lucille Ball Comedy Center in Jamestown.’ And she said, ‘look, I think you should think bigger, and not just about Lucille Ball. It should be a national center for the art of comedy. Because that’s what comedy is, and it should celebrate the art, and it should be about not just one person, Lucille Ball, it should be about a national center for the art,'” explained the governor.

And that started a long, long journey. The governor also explained how the NCC will serve as a catalyst for tourism in Jamestown and the Chautauqua Region, helping to inject much needed tourism revenue into the local economy.

“Tourism has been a phenomenal industry and a phenomenal growth industry. Over 240 million visitors, the state hit a new record in terms of tourism. It’s up 20 percent in the amount of income that we’re generating. It’s now an over $100 billion industry in the state of New York. So it really is big business. It’s over $550 million now for the Chautauqua-Allegany area alone. And I think this is going to take those numbers and bring them to a new level. And it’s not just the comedy center. It’s the combination, it’s the synergy within new hotels that have been done, with river walk, with the Jamestown Downtown Redevelopment Initiative.”

Joining the governor was Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, who acknowledged that the successful opening of the NCC is rooted in hard work and dedication of the project’s many stakeholders who refused to take “no” for an answer.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi at the National Comedy Center grand opening. (Image courtesy of NY Governor’s Office)

“A friend of mine once told me there are a thousands reasons why a deal doesn’t happen, and one reason why it does. And that’s because somebody or a group of somebodies as taken care of all the thousand things that can go wrong, address them, and then make the project move forward and go right. That’s the story not only of the National Comedy Center over the past 33 years, but also what’s been happening in Jamestown.”

The NCC is supported by over $14 million in resources from the state, including $4.4 million awarded through a competitive, community-driven process with the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council; an additional $5 million through the Buffalo Billion II initiative; $5 million via New Markets Tax Credit Program; and other state sources. It is expected to attract more than 114,000 visitors each year and give a $23 million boost to the local economy annually, while also sparking further economic development and helping to improve the economic environment in the region.

The NCC is anticipated to support over 200 jobs and generate $6.5 million in wages annually across Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Erie counties.

As part of its grand opening, the NCC is presenting a week-long celebration of comedy performances and dialogues to commemorate the grand opening, which coincides with the annual Lucille Ball Comedy Festival, featuring more than 50 events including appearances by comedy greats such as Amy Schumer, Lewis Black, Lily Tomlin, Fran Drescher, and original Saturday Night Live cast members Dan Aykroyd and Laraine Newman.

A group enjoy their visit to the National Comedy Center during its first day of being open to the public on Aug. 1, 2018. (Image courtesy of NY Governor’s Office)

Highlighting Thursday’s activities are the sold out “Comedy and the First Amendment” panel discussion at the Robert H. Jackson Center focusing comedy legend Lenny Bruce and featuring Bruce’s daughter Kitty Bruce, noted first amendment attorney Paul Cambria and Lewis Black.

Also Thursday night at the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts is the Saturday Night Live Originators: Hazy Recollections program featuring original SNL cast members Dan Aykroyd and Loraine Newman.

And there’s also late night Comedy at the Tropicana Room inside the Lucy-Desi Center.

For more information on the Comedy Festival and National Comedy Center, visit ComedyCenter.org.


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25-Year Development Odyssey: The National Comedy Center Finds a Home in Jamestown’s Historic Train Station https://www.wrfalp.com/25-year-odyssey-the-national-comedy-center-finds-a-home-in-jamestowns-historic-train-station/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=25-year-odyssey-the-national-comedy-center-finds-a-home-in-jamestowns-historic-train-station https://www.wrfalp.com/25-year-odyssey-the-national-comedy-center-finds-a-home-in-jamestowns-historic-train-station/#comments Sat, 09 Jun 2018 03:58:11 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=25566

The Downtown Jamestown Gateway Train Station

JAMESTOWN, NY – The acquisition of the Gateway Train Station (formerly “Erie-Lackawanna Train Station“) and its surrounding property by the National Comedy Center in the Summer of 2017 was the culmination of a 25-year renovation and development effort that featured a combination of public and private investment, as well as coordinated efforts on several local fronts.

That’s according to Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, who provided WRFA with his timeline of events going back more than 25 years to help clarify any confusion over the project, as well as to highlight the numerous steps involving the city’s acquisition, development, and eventual disposition of historic property.

Teresi is familiar with the history of the development of the structure because prior to being elected mayor in 1999, he had served as the city’s Development Director throughout the 1990s, meaning he was there in 1992 when the dilapidated structure first came on the city’s radar.


According to Teresi, in March 1992 the Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (JURA) purchased the train station from the property’s previous owners, John Evan with about $120,000 in funding from the federal Community Development Block Grant program. The mayor said even at that time, the train station was in poor condition and would have required significant money for restoration and development.

A photo from Pinterest shows how the train station appeared prior to redevelopment

It’s worth noting that around the same time JURA was working to acquire the train station, a group of local stakeholders, including the Arts Council for Chautauqua County, were developing a concept to make Jamestown a national comedy attraction, building off the Lucille Ball connection and the recent success of the Festival of New Comedy at the time.

According to Teresi, the project being developed was a “National Comedy Center and Hall of Fame,” with the train station serving as a possible location. However, none of the local foundations at the time felt confident enough in the project to support it, and it eventually was shelved and the celebration of Lucy moved in another direction over the next several years.

Meanwhile, JURA maintained possession of the property for the next 14 years as officials worked to identify and secure enough funding to begin the restoration effort.  During that period the train station was placed on both the New York State Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places in 2003.


According to the mayor, in 2005 JURA was able to secure a total of $6 million through the federal transportation bill that was secured with the help of Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, along with Rep. Brian Higgins.

A media release from Congressman Higgins at the time says the number was actually $2.6 million, although that could have been funding for just one year, while Teresi’s figures were the funding totals over multiple years.

The funding was the leverage needed to help raise other money from not just the state, but local funders as well, including the Gebbie Foundation.


In May 2008, the ownership of the train station was transferred from JURA to the city of Jamestown at no cost, which allowed the city to raise more funding for development that it would have been unable to qualify for otherwise. That year the city also entered a property management agreement with the Downtown Jamestown Development Corporation (DJDC).

According to Teresi, the city felt that it could maximize renovation funding by utilizing the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program, but only for-profit entities are eligible to participate in that program. They mayor said that in April 2010 the property was transferred to a spinoff for profit-entity called Downtown Jamestown Revitalization, LLC (DJR), which was created in 2004.  DJR was be controlled by a board of directors that included the Mayor of Jamestown, the DJDC board president, and the president of the Gebbie Foundation. Each voting member also had a designee to act in their place when necessary. The designees were the city development director, the Gebbie Foundation executive director, and another board member from DJDC.

Once incorporated, DJR served as a holding company for the train station and would be able to apply for and then sell off HTCs to investors to help with the redevelopment effort. In order to avoid paying taxes on a property, the DJR received a tax abatement from the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) that would continue during the lifetime of DJR ownership.


Congressman Brian Higgins (second from left) and Sen. Charles Schumer (right of Higgins) were both in Jamestown in 2010 to welcome the start of renovation work for the long-dilapidated train station. Mayor assistant Matthew Hanley (far left) and then-city councilman Vince DeJoy (far right) are also pictured. (Image from Higgins.House.gov)

Once in possession of the train station property, DJR initiated its plan for how it would eventually use the property. That plan involved marketing the soon-to-be renovated train station to private development. But because it participated in the HTC program, DJR was required under law to maintain ownership of the property for at least five years from the time the HTCs were sold to investment groups.  The plan was to have DJR identify developers and, if one was found before the five-year requirement was up, it would lease the train station to the developer with an option to transfer ownership.

Teresi said at the time DJR developed its plan, it didn’t have the National Comedy Center in mind, considering it hadn’t even been conceptualized yet by the officials with the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center for Comedy. Instead, DJR hoped to have developers come forward and present plans until a viable plan was presented.

By August 2010, enough money had been raised to begin the train station renovation and ground was broken. In October 2012, the renovation was complete and the ribbon was cut on the new facility.


During the time period between 2010 and 2012, the Lucy-Desi Center had transitioned to a new board and new executive director (Journey Gunderson). The new leadership worked to re-energize the organization and put it on a new path. As a result, it developed a strategic plan featuring its Legacy of Laughter “four pillars,” which included the Lucille Ball Comedy Festival, a comedic arts education program, comedy film festival, and the establishment of the first national comedy museum and hall of fame.

Both 2011 and 2012 were successful years for the Lucille Ball Comedy Festival and in the fall of 2012, Gunderson and Lucy-Desi Center board president Tom Benson shared their plan for developing a national comedy attraction with the Jamestown City Council and mentioned the train station as one of the possible locations.

In January 2013, the DJDC merged with the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation and former DJDC executive director Lee Harkness was hired by DJR as the train station general manager. His role was to find rentals, plan events, and find other uses for the space to help generate enough revenue to pay utility costs and other overhead, while DJR continued to seek out development opportunities.


NCC Executive Director Journey Gunderson (far left) and Melissa Rivers (third from left) helps shovel dirt at the groundbreaking for the National Comedy Center in 2015. (image from AP)

In December 2014, the NCC was awarded $1.5 million by the 2014 NYS Regional Economic Development Council. At the time, a description of NCC project said it is comprised of the adaptive reuse of both the train station in and a public utility / former trolley station building, along with construction of a new connecting building on the corner of Washington and 2nd Street to provide the necessary total square feet of exhibit space.

In March 2015, the NCC purchases the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities former trolley substation at the corner of Washington and W. 2nd Street for $130,000 from the city of Jamestown.

In July of that year, a groundbreaking for the NCC takes place during the 2015 Lucille Ball Comedy Festival. In December the NCC received $2.025 million from the 2015 NYS Regional Economic Development Council.


State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli (left) listens to National Comedy Center director Journey Gunderson explain the mission and vision of the center, which is being built in Jamestown. DiNapoli was in Jamestown in October 2015 to tour the location for the National Comedy Center and learn about various economic development projects in the city.

In February 2016, the NCC enters a lease agreement with DJR and moves into the Gateway Train Station.  The lease included zero dollars in rent and in exchange, the NCC would assume all operations of the property, including utilities and insurance, along with any needed structural repairs as well as scheduling events and activities. The mayor said the lease also included an option to transfer the property once the HTC five-year waiting period is over. Because of the federal funding tied to the project, the terms of the lease say the NCC must also keep the train station’s center concourse open to the public and available for public transportation usage.

Once the NCC takes over operation, it decides to not keep the position of Train Station General Manager when assuming operations and Harkness is terminated.

At the end of 2016, the NCC is awarded another $834,000 by Empire State Development. The additional funding follows awards of $2.025 million in 2015 and $1.5 million in 2014, bringing the total amount awarded by New York State to approximately $4.3 million. $600,000 of the awarded funds from Empire State Development are for continued development of the Center and adjacent Comedy Center Park, and $234,000 of the grant dollars are Market NY tourism capital funds.


In February 2017 The IDA extends the PILOT agreement with DJR for one year to give the NCC an additional year to transfer the train station over to the non-profit.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo at the National Comedy Center in Jamestown, NY on Aug. 3, 2017.

By April 2017, the NCC received a $3 million grant from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and a $5 million grant from New York State which was unveiled by Governor Andrew Cuomo in his State of the State Address as part of the Buffalo Billion II program.

By May of 2017 the NCC secured all funding for its capital budget with the closing of a Federal New Markets Tax Credit transaction that provided the Project with approximately $5 million of equity funding. The $8 million from a month earlier provided the leverage that was required as the New Markets Tax Credit closing was predicated on having all other necessary funding in place.

With enough funding secure and the 5-year HTC waiting period over, Teresi said the DJR board officially transferred ownership of the train station property over to the NCC at no cost in June 2017. The property value was listed as $500,000, but Teresi said because of the financial contributions the NCC had made between utility costs, insurance, and building upkeep – in addition to the NCC serving as an economic driver for other downtown development projects, the DJR board gave the property to NCC at no cost.

The transfer was then finalized in August and with the property transfer complete and the DJR plan from 2010 realized, the for-profit corporation is no longer needed and dissolves.

Despite the culmination of more than 25 years of effort to renovate and develop the train station, the seven years of work by DJR and its board spent toward finding a viable project for it, and the amount of fundraising required by the NCC to realize its vision and own the train station property, there was no public announcement by mayor Teresi, nor any media release announcing the property transfer or dissolution.


The National Comedy Center in Jamestown, NY will open on Aug. 1, 2018.

In April 2018, the NCC announced its grand opening will take place on Aug. 1, 2018.

The Center, which comes with a combined cost of $35 million between the money invested in the Train Station, as well as the NCC build out,  is expected to attract more than 100,000 annual visitors and have a $23 million annual stabilized economic impact on the region.

WRFA plans to tell more about the history of the National Comedy Center’s development in the summer of 2018 when we talk with NCC board chair Tom Benson.

https://www.wrfalp.com/25-year-odyssey-the-national-comedy-center-finds-a-home-in-jamestowns-historic-train-station/feed/ 1 25566
WRFA 10th Anniversary Celebration is Saturday Sept. 13, Featuring 10,000 Maniacs, Rollings Hills Radio and More! https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-10th-anniversary-celebration-is-saturday-sept-13-featuring-10000-maniacs-rollings-hills-radio-and-more/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wrfa-10th-anniversary-celebration-is-saturday-sept-13-featuring-10000-maniacs-rollings-hills-radio-and-more https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-10th-anniversary-celebration-is-saturday-sept-13-featuring-10000-maniacs-rollings-hills-radio-and-more/#respond Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:09:20 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=11374 10kmshow-wrfa

10th Anniversary Celebration with 10,000 Maniacs, Rolling Hills Radio with Ken Hardley, and more!

JAMESTOWN – The area’s only locally owned and operated non-religious radio station, WRFA (107.9 FM Jamestown, streaming at www.WRFALP.com), will celebrate 10 years on the local airwaves on Saturday, Sept. 13 with an afternoon and evening of live radio programing that includes interviews and musical performances.



  • 3 p.m. Interviews with community members and local non-profit organization leaders (Streaming and broadcasting);
  • 4 p.m. Community Matters roundtable discussion on local economic development with community leaders, hosted by Jason Sample (Streaming and broadcasting);
  • 5 p.m. Rolling Hills Radio with Ken Hardley with special guests John Latini and Miche Fambro (live at the Reg Studio Theater and streaming, broadcasting) (Get Tickets);
  • 7 p.m. Interviews with WRFA and Reg Lenna Staff (Streaming and broadcasting);
  • 8 p.m. Live concert with 10,000 Maniacs (live at the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts and streaming, broadcasting) (Get Tickets).


10 Years of Community Radio

wrfa10logoonblacktwitterWRFA began broadcasting as a non-commercial, low power radio station on Sept. 13, 2004 with a mission to provide educational and volunteer radio programming to listeners in the Jamestown area. It was started by musician Dennis Drew from 10,000 Maniacs, with a broadcast license held by the Arts Council for Chautauqua County.

Since its first broadcast, the station has grown to include online streaming, a variety of volunteer-produced programs and a public affairs department that focuses on news and issues affecting the greater Jamestown Community. Today, the station continues to operate with an independent spirit, mixing syndicated public radio programming with locally produced music, news and public affairs shows. Its license is currently held by Reg Lenna Center for The Arts.

Celebration Begins with Community Matters Roundtable

The 10-year anniversary celebration starts on Friday, Sept. 12 with a special recording of Community Matters, a program that focuses on issues that relate to the Jamestown and Chautauqua Region.

The program will feature a roundtable discussion on the future of economic development in the Jamestown area and will include officials from both local and state governments. The program will be moderated by WRFA Public Affairs Director Jason Sample. The program will be streamed online on Saturday, Sept. 13 beginning at 4 p.m.

Rolling Hills Radio-thumbSpecial Rolling Hills Radio Performance

On Saturday, Sept. 13 at 5 p.m., the 35th episode of Rolling Hills Radio with host, Ken Hardley, will be broadcast live and streamed online from the Studio Theater (adjacent to The Reg) before a live audience.

Rolling Hills Radio, features singer/songwriters and small groups from around the nation and locally who perform Americana, folk, country and other roots music. Hardley will be joined on stage by Michigan’s John Latini and Miche Fambro from Geneseo, N.Y.

The show begins at 5 p.m. and is free to the public, but tickets must be ordered ahead of time at The Reg box office.

10,000 Maniacs at the Reg Lenna

Jamestown’s 10,000 Maniacs are part of a small group of American bands that defined college rock during the 1980’s and 1990’s. For over three decades they have written and performed powerful, danceable and socially conscious original music including “What’s The Matter Here?”, “Like The Weather” and “These Are Days.” The group toured extensively and independently produced their own records years before the industry caught on. After signing with Elektra Records, they achieved international fame with several albums, including the acclaimedOur Time In Eden.

SiManiacs Poster - smnce the departure of original singer, Natalie Merchant and the death of founding member Robert Buck, the band has settled with a lineup including original members, Steve Gustafson and Dennis Drew, longtime drummer Jerry Augustyniak, guitar player Jeff Erickson and their vocalist since 1994, Mary Ramsey. The Maniacs released the album, Music From The Motion Picture in 2013 and is currently working on their new album, Twice Told Tales.

The Maniacs played at The Reg in 2006 and, in 2011, celebrated 30 years with concerts at Jamestown Community College (JCC) and an art retrospective at The Reg’s 3rd On 3rd Gallery.  Drew, who continues to serve as General Manager of WRFA, is no stranger to starting up radio stations. Before his time with 10,000 Maniacs, he and bassist Gustafson started JCC’s first radio station.

Tickets for 10,000 Maniacs are $10. Limited premium seating is available for $25.

V.I.P. packages may also purchased. These include tickets to the concert, a pre-show reception on The Reg mezzanine and a meet and greet after the concert with the band in the 3rd On 3rd Gallery.The packages are priced at $60 and $75 and include food and beverages from local businesses including Sandee’s Bakery, Hartley’s Potato Chips, Stedman Corners Coffee Roasters, Gypsy Moon Cake Co., Tom’s Place, Lone Palm Cookie Company, Ecklof Bakery, Fresh Picked Vegetarian Delicatessen, Peterson’s Candies and Southern Tier Brewing Company.

Live Streaming of All Events

Live streams of all the anniversary programs can be found on Sept. 13 at www.WRFALP.comStreaming services will be provided by event sponsors, Digitell, Inc. and the official provider of voice and data for the Reg Lenna Center for The Arts, DFT Communications. Other sponsors include Shults Auto Group, Arthur R. Gren Company, Inc., Hogan Energy Consulting and Northwest Savings Bank.

Tickets for all of these events can be purchased and more information can be found at www.reglenna.com or by calling (716) 484-7070. The box office is open week days between 10 a.m.and 5 p.m. Reg Lenna Center for The Arts is located at 116 East Third Street with convenient street and ramp parking.

https://www.wrfalp.com/wrfa-10th-anniversary-celebration-is-saturday-sept-13-featuring-10000-maniacs-rollings-hills-radio-and-more/feed/ 0 11374
Reg Lenna Center for the Arts Appoints Executive Director https://www.wrfalp.com/reg-lenna-center-for-the-arts-appoints-executive-director/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=reg-lenna-center-for-the-arts-appoints-executive-director https://www.wrfalp.com/reg-lenna-center-for-the-arts-appoints-executive-director/#respond Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:55:36 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=8231 The interior of the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts.

The interior of the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts.

JAMESTOWN – One of the leading arts organizations in Chautauqua County has found its new executive director.

The Reg Lenna Center For the Arts board of director has appointed Kathleen Eads to the position of Executive Director. A native of California, Eads has been working in theater and performing arts for over 25 years, most recently as Managing Director of the Antaeus Company in Los Angeles. During the last decade, she has also worked for Disney Theatrical as their Senior Broadway Marketing Manager and was also instrumental in the creation of Baruch College’s Performing Arts Center, serving as its first General Manager and Director.

Eads’ appointment was made following a comprehensive search and interview process by both the Reg Lenna’s board of directors, staff and various community partners. Her first day on the job will be Monday, January 6.

Eads says she looks forward to utilizing her broad background in the arts to serve the Reg Lenna Center For The Arts and the greater Jamestown Community. Under her direction, the organization will continue to work with community organizations, sponsors, production partners and schools to bring a diverse season of arts and educational opportunities to the area. The Reg Lenna Center for the Arts is also the license holder for WRFA Radio in Jamestown.

Earlier this year, the Reg Lenna Civic Center and the Arts Council for Chautauqua County merged to become one agency, now known as the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts. Neither organization has had an executive director for the past several years.

For more information on Reg Lenna Center For The Arts and its programs, visit reglenna.com or call 716-664-2465.

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MORNING NEWS: Reg Lenna, Arts Council Announce Joint-Merger https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-reg-lenna-arts-council-announce-joint-merger/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-reg-lenna-arts-council-announce-joint-merger https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-reg-lenna-arts-council-announce-joint-merger/#respond Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:15:51 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=6219 JAMESTOWN – Two major arts organizations in southern Chautauqua County are merging together.

After decades of close collaboration and support, the Arts Council for Chautauqua County and the Reg Lenna Civic Center will merge into one organization. The boards of both nonprofits have voted on and approved the merger with the expectation that it will be finalized by late summer.

The Reg Lenna Civic Center and the Arts Council for Chautauqua County complement one another in mission and operations. With a 90-year history of delivering performing arts, cinema and productions from community organizations, the Reg Lenna Civic Center will continue to expand these traditions with the merger. 

The Arts Council for Chautauqua County, which formed in 1979, has grown into a countywide agency whose main focus includes servicing arts organizations and artists, presenting arts education for regional youth and operating the 3rd on 3rd Art Gallery. It also owns the license for WRFA.

Once the merger is complete, both organizations’ programming will continue as before, but as part of one larger and more sustainable body called the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts.

This merger was made possible by funding from the Sheldon Foundation, Gebbie Foundation, Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, and the Lenna Foundation.

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MORNING NEWS: Elmira College Theater Professor, Actors in Jamestown on Saturday https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-elmira-college-theater-professor-actors-in-jamestown-on-saturday/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-elmira-college-theater-professor-actors-in-jamestown-on-saturday https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-elmira-college-theater-professor-actors-in-jamestown-on-saturday/#respond Fri, 03 May 2013 12:10:28 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=5296 JAMESTOWN – A selection of short plays from Elmira College Theater will be presented this Saturday, May 4 at 7 p.m. in the Reg Studio Theater.

“Short and Sweet”  is a collection of four short plays, two dramas and two comedies, created to be performed by and for young adults in almost any setting.   These plays, directed by a first year student, an advanced student, an alumna, and a faculty member, provided needed opportunities for our actors to spread their wings onstage while entertaining audiences in an unusual, off-off-broadway Café La Mama style setting.  “Short And Sweet” is offered free of charge and is open to the public.

Elmira College’s John Kelly, will also present a Physical Characterization workshop in the same space at 11am on May 4.  The workshop is open to actors from their teens through adulthood and costs $35.

The Reg Studio Theater is located at 108 East Third Street in Jamestown, NY.

“Short And Sweet” is part of a series of theatrical workshops and performances produced by Willow Bay Theater, Arts Council For Chautauqua County and the Reg Lenna Civic Center.

For more information visit artscouncil.com or call 716-664-2465.

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MORNING NEWS: 3rd on 3rd Gallery Opens New Exhibit Tonight https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-3rd-on-3rd-gallery-opens-new-exhibit-tonight/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-3rd-on-3rd-gallery-opens-new-exhibit-tonight https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-3rd-on-3rd-gallery-opens-new-exhibit-tonight/#respond Fri, 12 Apr 2013 13:21:55 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=4995 JAMESTOWN – The Arts Council for Chautauqua County’s next exhibit in the 3rd On 3rd Gallery will have its public opening on Friday night.

“Comfort Zones: Places Of Joy and Solitude” will showcase the art of Audrey Kay Dowling.  The show features landscapes and land features through oils, mixed media and claywork.

The opening reception on Friday April 12 is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m.  Food and beverages will be served.  A $5 charge helps cover gallery costs and will support other Arts Council programming.  Children under 18 are free.

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MORNING NEWS: 3rd Street Canvas Returns to Jamestown, Nominations Now Being Accepted https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-3rd-street-canvas-returns-to-jamestown-nominations-now-being-accepted/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-3rd-street-canvas-returns-to-jamestown-nominations-now-being-accepted https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-3rd-street-canvas-returns-to-jamestown-nominations-now-being-accepted/#respond Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:51:01 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=4648 JAMESTOWN – Arts Council For Chautauqua County is now accepting submissions for “3rd Street Canvas – An Urban Literary Trail.” The 3rd Street Canvas is a public art installation that will display the writing of community members on buildings and other structures on and around Third Street in downtown Jamestown.

The goal of the project is to give the community an opportunity to participate directly in a public art installation created from their own writing. This will be the second “3rd Street Canvas”  art installation in Jamestown since 2011.

All entries must be received by April 1st to: 3rdstreetcanvas@gmail.com.
Submissions should not exceed 100 words and can be of any genre: poetry,
prose, micro-fiction, autobiography, etc.  Each submission must have a title
A brief narrative describing the author’s inspiration behind the submission
must accompany the writing.  Only original material will be accepted.

Include your name, address and telephone number with your submission and a
few sentences about yourself.  Only two submissions per person will be

A panel of community members will review the entries, choosing up to 40 for
downtown display.   Those not chosen for submission will be featured on the 3rd Street Canvas website:  3rdstreetcanvas.wordpress.com  No prior professional writing experience is necessary.

“3rd Street Canvas – An Urban Literary Trail” is made possible by Arts
Council For Chautauqua County with support from Chautauqua Region Community
Foundation.  For more information visit  www.artscouncil.com.

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MORNING NEWS: SWAN 2013 Exhibit Opens on Saturday https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-swan-2013-exhibit-opens-on-saturday/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=morning-news-swan-2013-exhibit-opens-on-saturday https://www.wrfalp.com/morning-news-swan-2013-exhibit-opens-on-saturday/#respond Mon, 04 Mar 2013 15:16:44 +0000 http://wrfalp.wordpress.com/?p=4569 JAMESTOWN – The annual observation of Support Women Artists Now begins in Jamestown in March.

“SWAN 2013″ – an art show – opens Saturday March 9 at 3rd On 3rd Gallery  in Jamestown, N.Y. The exhibition features new photographs and art from Jennifer Randall, Angela Caley, Debra Eck, Jennifer Schlick and Ashley Ordines.

The reception begins at 6 p.m. A $5 charge covers gallery fees, food and beverages. Patrons under the age of 18 are admitted free. The show will be open to the public through April 5.

WomenArts is a worldwide community of artists and allies that works for empowerment, opportunity, and visibility for women artists. They provide a variety of free online networking, fundraising and advocacy services, and organize Support Women Artists Now Day (SWAN Day), an annual international holiday celebrating women’s creativity in all its forms. They believe in the power of women artists to create, connect, and change the world.

For details on all events, visit www.artscouncil.com.

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