WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Wed, 06 Jun 2018 15:52:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 Governor Proposes Measure Giving Teachers Power to Report Students to Court, Remove Access to Guns https://www.wrfalp.com/governor-proposes-measure-giving-teachers-power-to-report-students-to-court-remove-access-to-guns/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=governor-proposes-measure-giving-teachers-power-to-report-students-to-court-remove-access-to-guns https://www.wrfalp.com/governor-proposes-measure-giving-teachers-power-to-report-students-to-court-remove-access-to-guns/#respond Wed, 06 Jun 2018 12:15:09 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=25497

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo

ALBANY – Governor Andrew Cuomo has proposed an expansion to his “Extreme Risk Protection Order” bill to give teachers the power to go to court to prevent a student’s access to guns, if they suspect the student might bring a gun to school and potentially engage in a school shooting.

Cuomo says the measure would give teachers, and school administrators, the power, if they believe a student might use guns to be a danger to themselves or others, to go to court.

A judge could then determine whether the student needs a mental health exam, and whether the student’s or their family’s guns should be taken away.

Cuomo says he believes people in the state overwhelmingly support the measure and predicts it will become an election issue in the fall.

With the legislative session ending in a couple weeks it is unlikely the measure will be approved by the GOP controlled Senate.

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Media Conference Call – Congressman Tom Reed: October 3 2017 https://www.wrfalp.com/media-conference-call-congressman-tom-reed-october-3-2017/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=media-conference-call-congressman-tom-reed-october-3-2017 https://www.wrfalp.com/media-conference-call-congressman-tom-reed-october-3-2017/#respond Tue, 03 Oct 2017 16:25:43 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=23072

A conference call with Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) and regional media representatives. Held Tuesday morning, October 3, 2017.

In this week’s conference call Rep. Reed fields questions related to the mass shooting incident in Las Vegas that took place Sunday Oct. 1, tax reform, and the Standard Data Act.

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

https://www.wrfalp.com/media-conference-call-congressman-tom-reed-october-3-2017/feed/ 0 23072
Plumb Campaign Sets Record Straight Regarding 2nd Amendment Comments https://www.wrfalp.com/plumb-campaign-sets-record-straight-regarding-2nd-amendment-comments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=plumb-campaign-sets-record-straight-regarding-2nd-amendment-comments https://www.wrfalp.com/plumb-campaign-sets-record-straight-regarding-2nd-amendment-comments/#comments Fri, 02 Sep 2016 13:55:42 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=19405 John Plumb

John Plumb

LAKEWOOD, NY – The Democratic candidate for New York’s 23rd Congressional District is highlighting false statements regarding the 2nd Amendment that have been made against him by Republican incumbent Tom Reed (R-Corning).

Lakewood Democrat John Plumb’s campaign sent out a media release this week, citing several regional news sources that reported accusations made by Reed about Plumb’s record on 2nd Amendment rights, with the Plumb campaign saying they are factually incorrect.

Plumb’s campaign spokesperson Sam Newton said Reed is fabricating quotes about Plumb’s stance on protecting 2nd Amendment rights – in particular siding with the president Obama on gun control. Newton said that Plumb never said that, but instead said that he would rather have congress address the issue of gun violence, rather than the president.

Newton cited several articles in the media release that show how Reed has inaccurately presented Plumb’s view on the 2nd Amendment, including an Aug. 30 article from the the Hornell Evening Tribune:

After Plumb spoke, asserting his support for the Second Amendment, Reed took to the microphone and said, ‘”I don’t know where he (Plumb) stands on any of the issues, but I know where he stands on one.” Citing a Plumb interview with The Evening Tribune, the congressman said, “You said publicly that you support President Obama’s executive action on gun control. That’s not standing for the Second Amendment.”

… In a Jan. 8 article titled “Reed, Plumb Agree to Disagree,” the challenger actually said he would prefer Congress step up and address the issue of gun violence rather than the president.”I don’t like the president’s unilateral approach because Republicans and Democrats alike should work together to find solutions to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and the dangerously mentally ill — which Tom Reed opposes and our current Congress steadfastly refuses to do anything about,” [Plumb] said.

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

Newton said the false claims by Reed are just the latest example of him making false statements about Plumb. Earlier in the campaign Reed’s reelection campaign was accused of making a fake website and social media pages about Plumb. Newtown said Reed has also denied voting for every foreign trade deal that came before him and has claimed he didn’t vote to shut down the Department of Homeland Security – both of which are false statements.

“First, Congressman Reed made a fake website about Commander Plumb to mislead voters. He then denied voting for every foreign trade deal that came before him and has claimed he didn’t vote to shut down the Department of Homeland Security,” Newton said. “Now he is fabricating quotes about Commander Plumb’s stance on protecting our Second Amendment rights. Congressman Reed embodies the unethical behavior that we are all fed up with in Washington. Those are not the values Commander Plumb stands for and why it’s time for a new representative here in the Southern Tier, Western New York and the Finger Lakes.”   

Plumb is challenging Reed for his seat in the 2016 general election. Over the past two decades he’s served as a submarine officer in the Navy and later as an official at the Department of Defense. Most recently he’s served as director of defense policy and strategy at the National Security Council and is also a Navy Reserve Commander. He graduated from Randolph High School in 1988.

Reed is an attorney and former mayor of Corning who was elected to Congress in 2010 and has represented Chautauqua County since January 2013, when redistricting created the new boundaries for the state’s 23rd congressional district.

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[LISTEN] Reed Calls for Defeat of Radical Islamic Terror in Wake of Orlando Mass Shooter https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-reed-calls-for-defeat-of-radical-islamic-terror-in-wake-of-orlando-mass-shooter/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=listen-reed-calls-for-defeat-of-radical-islamic-terror-in-wake-of-orlando-mass-shooter https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-reed-calls-for-defeat-of-radical-islamic-terror-in-wake-of-orlando-mass-shooter/#comments Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:29:47 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=18499 Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)

WASHINGTON – As thousands in Orlando turned out Monday to mourn 49 people killed inside an LGBTQ nightclub, federal investigators examined possible motives for the gunman who committed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

The White House and the FBI said 29-year-old Omar Mateen – an American born Muslim – appears to be a “homegrown extremist” who had touted support not just for the Islamic State, but other radical groups that are its enemies.

FBI Director James Comey said the agency sees no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the United States, nor is there any indication that Mateen was part of any kind of network.

On Monday Chautauqua County’s representative in Congress spent 30-plus minutes in conference call with regional media, offering his reaction and thoughts on the Orlando mass shooting.

Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) renewed his calls to defeat radical Islamic terrorism, saying more needs to be done to help law enforcement work toward preventing these types of attacks within our own borders.

“We are engaged in a war – a war of terror that is based upon a radical Islamic terrorist jihadist effort, where individuals are committed to an ideology that doesn’t represent the entire Muslim religion, but represents an extreme ideology, an extreme terroristic-based path of destruction of America and American way of life, that is represented by this shooter,” Reed said.

The Corning Republican also acknowledged that while Mateen was not an immigrant, he added that the threat represented by him will not be going away.

“If we continue to think that this threat is not amongst us and is also trying to get here to American soil, I think we’re going to potentially expose ourselves to greater risks going forward,” Reed said. “So securing our border has to be part of this conversation.”

Reed added that the U.S. also needs to commit more intelligence resources in locating and eliminating the ISIS threat in the Middle East so that it couldn’t influence others to act on its behalf, either in the U.S. or in other allied nations.

WRFA Specifically asked Reed if anything can be done to prevent mass shootings in general, given that so many have taken place over the years which were not connected to radical Islamic terrorism. He agrees that a large number of mass shootings were not perpetrated by Islamic terrorists, adding that they were committed by those suffering from mental illness. As a result, he said the country needs to focus on identifying and helping those with mental illness rather than focusing on creating federal gun restrictions.

“It’s not about gun control,” Reed said. “It’s about getting assistance to those that have suffered from mental illness. I view it as a mental condition. I view is as something where if someone had a medical condition that required special oversight by government officials, we need to make sure that that is part of the conversation. But we respect the due process and freedoms of those individuals as we go forward.”

While Congressman Reed said the country needs to focus on going after terrorists, his Western New York colleague in the house and former Chautauqua County Representative Brian Higgins (D-Buffalo) told a Buffalo television station that Mateen should not have been able to purchase the weapons he used to begin with, calling the semi-automatic rifle and semi-automatic handgun a “weapon of mass destruction” – adding that perhaps nobody should be able to purchase them.

Governor Andrew Cuomo also stated that congress needs to look into passing legislation similar to New York’s SAFE Act.

https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-reed-calls-for-defeat-of-radical-islamic-terror-in-wake-of-orlando-mass-shooter/feed/ 3 18499
[LISTEN] American Chronicles Episode 13 – The 2nd Ammendment https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-american-chronicles-episode-13-the-2nd-ammendment/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=listen-american-chronicles-episode-13-the-2nd-ammendment https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-american-chronicles-episode-13-the-2nd-ammendment/#respond Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:58:29 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=15633

What The Second Amendment Really Says……At Least it Once Did
© 2015 John C. Merino

You remember “Joe the Plumber” confronting then candidate Barak Obama during his first presidential run. Pictures of “Joe” pointing his figure in Obama’s face… talking about his second amendment rights as if to lecture a candidate who taught constitutional law at Harvard, about the topic.

Not long ago, after the shooting near Santa Barbara, California, “Joe” posted an open letter to the victims’ families. In part it read, “Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights”

Now there’s the unfortunate logic that permeates the gun debate in America. Outside of a woman’s right to choose an abortion, no other topic infuriates people more………..regardless of the side of the question you might be on.

Let’s look at the history of the Second Amendment:

Absolutely and definitively, the framers were focused on “a well regulated militia”. In today’s terms, it could be extrapolated to mean, the National Guard. Period.

When the second amendment was originally written, James Madison’s notebooks clearly indicate the focus was about militias………. but in those days, every adult white male was required to be in the militia, and they were required to own a gun and bring it from home.

The whole question was about an individual’s rights to fulfill a prescribed duty of serving in the militia. How could a man so serve, if they didn’t own a gun?

So the question of individual rights has arguments on both sides. If defined by the gun control advocates, the original intent referred only to militias. As defined by the pro-gun lobby, individuals were given their right to own weapons in the same second amendment.

Who’s correct?

In 2008 the Supreme Court… in the case of the “District of Columbia v. Heller” determined that the second amendment does in fact guarantee individual rights to bear arms…..though lower court judges and scholars who’ve debated the 27 word amendment for decades have typically arrived at the opposite conclusion.

Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, based the decision on the theory of “originalism” which is the concept that any constitutional question should be based on the original intent of the authors.

In this case, he stretched quite a bit, especially given the framers notes regarding the subject… written during debates about the document. A well trained Militia was all that was debated………not an individual’s rights…………..though of course it was a different time and in order to simply put food on the table, most families had to hunt. There were no other options…..and it seems back then, no crazies looking to commit mass murder either.

Now I’m a legal gun owner. I’ve had my carry permit for 35 years, since serving as Police Commissioner of Lewiston, N.Y.

I enjoy target shooting…..appreciate the value of the protection guns bring to citizens……and the skill it takes to actually hit the target to begin with.

I’ve plenty of close friends who hunt. I don’t, but I like the Venison steaks they bring me during hunting season, so owning guns is not my sticking point.

What does bother me, however, is the intransigent posture of the NRA.

What’s wrong with a national background check system, a waiting period and the security of knowing that the person looking to buy a gun isn’t simply crazy, a domestic abuser, a felon or worse… someone whose mind is set on causing harm and needs a weapon to do it “their way”.

Logic and the last decade of increasing mass shootings should tell us that knowing who’s looking to secure gun ownership must be……well……NORMAL……..whatever that is.

…and how else do we insure that, without national background checks and a relatively short waiting period? We can’t.

This isn’t a constitutional question. It is rather, a question of humanity and common sense.

It is critical that our elected officials stop pandering to the NRA. I’m tired of hearing that the problem is one of mental illness and that’s where we must focus our resources and efforts. Well, of course it is. There’s no denying it……only whackos commit unconscionable acts of violence.

……yet statically it is FACT that states with the strictest permit processes including thorough background checks and a waiting period, have the least deaths from gun violence.

It shouldn’t come as a shock that there are still places in this country where you can walk in to a gun show, buy a weapon and be asked……………well…………nothing.

Plunk down your cash, buy a weapon and ammunition and walk out the door.

A national background check and waiting period is the least we can offer the thousands of victims’ families.

Yes, I know………..criminals will still find a way to get their hands on guns. It happens every day…….but if a national background check system prevents just one crazy from obtaining a weapon, that potentially saves a life……..

………and isn’t one life worth a little patience.

I’m John Merino and this is American Chronicles.

American Chronicles is a bi-weekly locally produced feature on WRFA written and produced by retired Gebbie Foundation CEO, John C. Merino. Currently, John is an Adjunct Professor of Micro-Economics, Organizational Management, and 20th Century World History at Mercyhurst University. American Chronicles airs twice monthly, Friday mornings at 7:15 and Friday Afternoons at 4:35. American Chronicles features original stories (partly fact and partly fiction), commentary on local, state , national, world conditions and more.

Find past episodes at www.wrfalp.com/tag/american-chronicles/


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