WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:40:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wrfalp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wrfa-favicon-54e2097bv1_site_icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WRFA-LP 107.9 FM https://www.wrfalp.com 32 32 58712206 Wilfong Points to Record of Reducing County Taxes in Bid for GOP Nomination for Mayor https://www.wrfalp.com/wilfong-points-to-record-of-reducing-county-taxes-in-bid-for-gop-nomination-for-mayor/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wilfong-points-to-record-of-reducing-county-taxes-in-bid-for-gop-nomination-for-mayor https://www.wrfalp.com/wilfong-points-to-record-of-reducing-county-taxes-in-bid-for-gop-nomination-for-mayor/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2019 17:52:49 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=29024

David Wilfong during a 2015 Meet the Candidates Forum when running for reelection for District 11 of the Chautauqua County Legislature

JAMESTOWN – The Chautauqua County legislator from Jamestown who’s now seeking the Republican Party’s nomination as candidate for Mayor is relying on his voting record of reducing taxes in county government to convince voters he’s the right man for the job.

In early February current Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi (D) announced he would not be seeking a sixth term in office, opening the door for new leadership in City Hall. One of the individuals who’s come forward to seek the mayoral position is legislator David Wilfong (R-District 11).

Wilfong first ran for an open district 11 seat in the Chautauqua County Legislature in 2011 after former legislator Maria Kindberg (D) opted not to seek reelection. He was defeated that year by Robert Whitney (D). However, he ran once again in 2013 on a platform of selling the Chautauqua County Home in order to reduce property taxes. He defeated Whitney in that rematch and has been reelected twice since then – both in 2015 (defeating Whitney for a second time) and in 2017 (defeating Democratic challenger Frank Besse).

In a recent interview with WRFA, the three-term Republican said that since he joined the County Legislature at the start of 2014, county property taxes have gone down each year and he’s hoping to use that record to help win over voters in November.

“A lot of people don’t realize that at the county level, we have lowered your property taxes for the last five years in a row. So I have a history of making sure I do what the people sent me to Mayville to do,” Wilfong said.

Wilfong, who also currently serves as the chairman of the Chautauqua County Republican Committee, said he’s also shown he’s willing to work with people from the Democratic side of the aisle.

“I’m going to run on my background and the platform I’m going to run on is that I have the knowledge and the skill to reach across the aisle and get things done for the people of Jamestown.”

Wilfong also said he’s well aware of the financial challenges facing the city of Jamestown, which is currently at its constitutional taxing limit and which also has been working under an extremely tight spending plan for the past several years. Still, Wilfong said he does have some cost-saving proposals in mind and he’ll be rolling them out in the coming months. In addition, he said that if elected he’ll also be asking more from the Jamestown City Council.

David Wilfong (R-District 11) during the October 2018 Chautauqua County Legislature meeting

“One of the things that I’m going to request from the city council is that I need more leadership from them and I need more guidance from them because one of the things I learned, being successful at the county, is we don’t do that by ourselves,” Wilfong said. “Mayor Teresi doesn’t spend a dime.  George Borrello, our county executive, doesn’t spend a dime. It’s the city council and the county legislature that okays purchases. So you can say ‘Sam Teresi did this’ or ‘Sam Teresi did that’ but that’s not the truth. The city council is okayed those expenditures.”

Wilfong is also aware that in order for the city to rebound, it will continue to need help from New York State. During the past three budgets the city has requested a total of more than $2.7 million in supplemental state aid to close annual deficits (the state approved the requests in 2017 and 2018 and appears ready to do so again this year).

Wilfong credits the strong relationship mayor Teresi has with fellow Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo in helping to get that aid delivered. But he also hopes the state would continue offering support if he were elected to office.

“Mayor Teresi has been a good steward of reaching out the governor and receiving funding so we can pay our bills. I would just hope that if I was elected governor that same courtesy would be extended. I just hope there wouldn’t be political games going on because I would be a Republican mayor,” Wilfong said.

But before Wilfong can even run as a Republican in the November General Election, he will first likely have to win a primary in June. Both he and first-term city councilman At Large Andrew Liuzzo (R-At Large) are seeking the party’s nod for the mayoral race, with Wilfong being the candidate receiving the endorsement of the Jamestown Republican Committee. Both candidates are in the process of gathering signatures on their election petitions in order to qualify for the June primary.

Meanwhile, the City Democratic Committee has selected local attorney Eddie Sundquist as its endorsed candidate and he appears to be unopposed in seeking the full party’s nomination as a candidate for mayor.

https://www.wrfalp.com/wilfong-points-to-record-of-reducing-county-taxes-in-bid-for-gop-nomination-for-mayor/feed/ 0 29024
Three New Members Added to BPU in New Year’s Day Mayoral Appointments https://www.wrfalp.com/three-new-members-added-to-bpu-in-new-years-day-mayoral-appointments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=three-new-members-added-to-bpu-in-new-years-day-mayoral-appointments https://www.wrfalp.com/three-new-members-added-to-bpu-in-new-years-day-mayoral-appointments/#respond Fri, 01 Jan 2016 20:05:14 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16698 Jamestown BPUJAMESTOWN – Three long-time members of the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities have been replaced by three new members as part of the New Year’s Day appointments made by Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi and unanimously approved by the Jamestown City Council.

During the city council’s New Year’s Day inaugural meeting on Friday, all nine members of the city council were sworn in to a new, two-year term in office, with just one new member joining the fold. Ward III Democrat Victoria James will be the only new member of the city council, replacing Republican Alphonso Pagan, whom she defeated in the November Election.

Also during Friday’s meeting the council approved several appointments by Teresi, including three new members for the BPU.

The newest BPU members will be Tyler Case, Terrance Horner, and Ralph Wallace. They are replacing: John Zabrodsky, appointed by Teresi in January 2000 and serving as BPU chairman from January 2002 to December 2015; Wayne Rishell, appointed by Teresi in January 2002; and Carl Pillittieri, appointed by Teresi April 2004.

The appointments came with no discussion or comment and were included in a laundry list of mayoral appointees for various agencies, commissions and boards involved with city government.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi

“After consulting with members of the city council, colleagues on BPU and senior management staff, and advisors in the community, I decided to bring in [the three new members],” Teresi told reporters on Friday following the meeting. “They come from three different disciplines and backgrounds in the community and share mine and the council’s love for the city and commitment to building the entire city of Jamestown. Each showed a great deal of interest in joining the city government family on the BPU and I’m very happy to have them join us.”

The three new members will replace three individuals who bring a combined 42 years of board experience to the BPU. Perhaps even more noteworthy, the three outgoing members have been outspoken critics of the city government’s use of BPU profits – by way of dividend payments – to help balance its annual budget each year since 2014. That dividend sharing was first used by the city decades ago, but eventually went out of favor with city leaders. However, the dividend sharing was re-introduced by Teresi in an effort to close spending gaps in the city budget the past three years.

Despite the difference of opinion on how to best use BPU profits and the ensuing (and at times contentious) debates that took place, the mayor would not say that was the reason for not reappointing the three to another term.

“I’m not going to make this about what has happened in the past,” Teresi said. “New Year’s Day is a day about looking forward and that’s exactly what we’re doing here – celebrating and thanking the contributions of those board members that I had the opportunity, the pleasure and the honor of originally appointing. They’ve been good board members that have served the public utilities of this city well, and this city as a whole well. We thank them and honor them for their service through a difficult and diverse period of challenge and accomplishments for [the BPU].”

Chase is a city resident who currently serves as Human Resources Administrator at The Resource Center, where he’s been employed since 2003. This past November he also ran as a Democratic candidate for city council in Ward 1, losing to Republican incumbent Brent Sheldon. He’s also active in several community groups and organizations.

Horner is a retired Biomedical Technician who worked at WCA hospital in Jamestown for 30 years before retiring in 2013. He’s also a U.S. Army veteran and is involved in several community and regional organizations.

Wallace serves as the Operations Manager for Jamestown Metal Products, a position he’s held for the past 15 years. He’s also worked in management for several other manufacturers including CAE Ultrasonics, Jamestown Sterling Corporation, and Visu-Wall Storage Systems.

Teresi said he believes the diverse backgrounds of the three new members will serve the BPU well, ensuring representation from all aspects of the city and also bringing new energy and ideas into the fold.

“This is not about the three members that gave 16, 14, and 12 years of dedicated, good service to the community. It’s a matter of moving forth and refreshing and replenishing,” Teresi said. “It’s not the first time there have been new members brought onto the BPU and it certainly won’t be the last time.”

The six other members of the BPU, in order of seniority, are: Jeff Lehman, serving by way of position as DPW director since 1994; Teresi, serving by way of position as mayor since 2000; Greg Rabb, serving by way of position as city council president since 2008; Maria Jones, serving as city council liaison since 2013; Martha Zenns, appointed by Teresi in January 2014; and Charles “Chuck” Cornell, appointed by Teresi in July 2014.



https://www.wrfalp.com/three-new-members-added-to-bpu-in-new-years-day-mayoral-appointments/feed/ 0 16698
Too-Close-to-Call Local Elections to be Determined Today https://www.wrfalp.com/too-close-to-call-local-elections-to-be-determined-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=too-close-to-call-local-elections-to-be-determined-today https://www.wrfalp.com/too-close-to-call-local-elections-to-be-determined-today/#respond Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:31:36 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16327 ElectionMAYVILLE – The outcome of several too-close-to-call local elections will be known Tuesday afternoon.

The Chautauqua County Board of Elections will canvass absentee and affidavit ballots Tuesday, starting at 1 p.m. Members of the Board of Election will count the ballots for each of the races at the following times:

  • 1 p.m. – WESTFIELD TOWN CLERK: Democrat Andrea Babcock  leads Republican incumbent Tim Smith by 23 votes;
  • 1:30 p.m. – LAKEWOOD VILLAGE MAYOR: Cara Birrittieri leads Republican incumbent Dave Wordelman by 19 votes;
  • 1:45 p.m. – KIANTONE TOWN SUPERVISOR: Write in Candidate John Ostrander leads Republican Incumbent Kevin Meyers by 2 votes;
  • 2 p.m. – COUNTY LEGISLATURE DISTRICT 11:Republican incumbent David Wilfong leads Democrat Robert Whitney by 42 votes;
  • 2 p.m. – COUNTY LEGISLATURE DISTRICT 12: Republican incumbent Elisabeth Rankin leads Democrat Beth Kresge by 31 votes;
  • 2 p.m. – JAMESTOWN CITY COUNCIL WARD 3: Democratic challenger Vicki James leads Republican Incumbent Alphonso Pagan by 39 votes.

Candidates are welcome to attend or to designate an attorney or other person to act as their representative at the table. Following the counting of the ballots, the totals will be added to the totals to determine the unofficial leader.

Nothing is official until certification of the balloting on or before Nov. 27.

https://www.wrfalp.com/too-close-to-call-local-elections-to-be-determined-today/feed/ 0 16327
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Norman Green Discusses the 2015 Local Election https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-norman-green-discusses-the-2015-local-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=listen-community-matters-norman-green-discusses-the-2015-local-election https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-norman-green-discusses-the-2015-local-election/#comments Tue, 17 Nov 2015 14:17:18 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16323

Originally airing Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015.

WRFA Public Affairs Director Jason Sample talked with Chautauqua County Democratic Elections Commissioner Norman Green about the 2015 Elections. Norm discusses low voter turnout, a lack of contested races, why the Democrats have had little success in winning county legislator seats, and the contested races that were too close to call on Election Night.

Norman Green

Norman Green

More Posts for Show: Community Matters]]>
https://www.wrfalp.com/listen-community-matters-norman-green-discusses-the-2015-local-election/feed/ 3 16323
Several Local Races Await Arrival of Absentee Ballots to Officially Declare Winner https://www.wrfalp.com/several-local-races-await-arrival-of-absentee-ballots-to-officially-declare-winner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=several-local-races-await-arrival-of-absentee-ballots-to-officially-declare-winner https://www.wrfalp.com/several-local-races-await-arrival-of-absentee-ballots-to-officially-declare-winner/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2015 17:08:56 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16192 ElectionMAYVILLE – Even though Election Day 2015 is now over, there’s still work that needs to be done.

That’s according to the Chautauqua County Board of Elections, which says there are still some races that could be affected by outstanding absentee ballots, which will be counted within the next two weeks. In addition, the board is required to recanvas voting machine results to make them official.

There are four races in Chautauqua County that have been given top priority in the process of recanvassing, auditing and counting of absentee ballots.


Those races include the two Chautauqua County legislature races in Jamestown. For District 12, Republican incumbent Elisabeth Rankin leads Democrat Beth Kresge by 31 votes (430-399) with 150 absentee ballots sent out and 69 returned as of Wednesday.

Also in County Legislature District 11 – Republican incumbent David Wilfong leads Democrat Robert Whitney by 42 votes (347-305) with 66 absentee ballots sent out and 44 returned as of Wednesday.

Another race that was too close to call on election night was the race for Lakewood Village Mayor. Democrat endorsed Cara Birrittieri leads Republican incumbent Dave Wordelman by just 20 votes (418-398) with 95 absentees sent out and 53 returned.

Absentees will also be needed to determine the winner of the Westfield Town Clerk race, with the two candidates separated by just 23 votes, with 119 absentee ballots sent out. Currently, Democrat Andrea Babcock  leads Republican incumbent Tim Smith.

Also in an interesting write-in campaign for Kiantone town Supervisor, resident John Ostrander received 107 write-in votes, just two behind Republican Incumbent Kevin Meyers, who was the only name appearing on the ballot.  There were 9 absentees sent out and 4 returned as of Wednesday.

Officials say the opening of any sealed affidavit and absentee ballots will take place starting Nov. 17.  The close races will be tabulated first in front and in full view of the candidates involved or their representatives.

https://www.wrfalp.com/several-local-races-await-arrival-of-absentee-ballots-to-officially-declare-winner/feed/ 0 16192
Chautauqua County Legislature to See Few Changes Following 2015 Election https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-to-see-few-changes-following-2015-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chautauqua-county-legislature-to-see-few-changes-following-2015-election https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-to-see-few-changes-following-2015-election/#respond Wed, 04 Nov 2015 15:14:25 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16168 Jamestown legislators David Wilfong (left) and Elisabeth Rankin both won reelection in their respective legislature seats. The two join 13 other Republicans who won legislature races on Election Day 2015.

Jamestown legislators David Wilfong (left) and Elisabeth Rankin both won reelection in their respective legislature seats. The two join 13 other Republicans who won legislature races on Election Day 2015.

MAYVILLE – With only eight of 19 contested races in the Chautauqua County Legislature, there wasn’t expected to be much of a change, and that sentiment held true following the 2015 Elections, with only a handful of new faces joining the ranks of the legislature.


The legislature will have just four new members starting in January, with only one incumbent being unseated in a contested race on Election Day.

In District 2, challenger Robert Bankoski (D-Dunkirk) defeated incumbent Shaun Heenan (R-Dunkirk) 679 to 365.

Two other newcomers were also elected after winning their respective contested races. In District 1, Kevin Muldowney (R-Dunkirk) defeated Democrat William Rivera (D-Dunkirk) 693 to 385. Muldowney will take the seat currently held by long-time legislator Keith Ahlstrom (D-Dunkirk), who did not seek reelection.

And in District 7, Mark Odell (R-Portland) defeated David Wilkinson (D-Cassadaga) 653 to 289. Odell will take the seat vacated by outgoing legislator John Runkle (R-Stockton), who is not seeking reelection.

The final newcomer is District 4‘s Christine Starks (D-Fredonia), who ran unopposed and will take over the seat held by legislator Janet Keefe (D-Fredonia), who also did not seek reelection.


There were two contested legislature races in the Jamestown area, and both Republican incumbents won reelection. In District 11 David Wilfong (R-Jamestown) defeated Robert Whitney (D-Jamestown) 347 to 305. In District 12, it was incumbent Elisabeth Rankin (R-Jamestown) defeating challenger Beth Kresge (D-Jamestown) 430 to 399. Both races were rematches from the 2013 election.

Other incumbents being reelected despite having opposition on the ballet were Legislature Chairman and Jay Gould (R-Ashville, District 17), Bob Scudder (R-Fredonia, District 3) and Terry Niebel (R-Dunkirk, District 5).

As a result of the elections, the GOP gained a seat in the legislature, strengthening its super-majority. Of the 19 members, 15 will be Republicans, 4 will be Democrats.


D1: Kevin J. Muldowney (R-Dunkirk) (Won Contested Race)
D2: Robert Bankoski (D-Dunkirk) (Won Contested Race)
D3: Bob Scudder* (R-Fredonia) (Won Contested Race)
D4: Christine Starks (D-Fredonia)
D5: Terry Niebel* (R-Dunkirk) (Won Contested Race)
D6: George Borrello* (R-Irving)
D7: Mark Odell (R-Portland) (Won Contested Race)
D8: Pierre Chagnon* (R-Bemus Point)
D9: Charles Nazzaro* (D-Jamestown)
D10: Paul Wendell* (R-Lakewood)
D11: David Wilfong* (R-Jamestown) (Won Contested Race)
D12: Elisabeth Rankin* (R-Jamestown) (Won Contested Race)
D13: Paul Whitford* (D-Jamestown)
D14: Mark Tarbrake* (R-Jamestown)
D15: Lisa Vanstrom* (R-Jamestown)
D16: Ronald Lemon* (R-Frewsburg)
D17: Jay Gould* (R-Ashville) (Won Contested Race)
D18: David Himelein* (R-Findley Lake)
D19: John Hemmer* (R-Westfield)

* – Incumbent

A map of the legislative districts for Chautauqua County.

A map of the legislative districts for Chautauqua County.

https://www.wrfalp.com/chautauqua-county-legislature-to-see-few-changes-following-2015-election/feed/ 0 16168
Jamestown City Government to See Little Change Following 2015 Election https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-government-to-see-little-change-following-2015-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jamestown-city-government-to-see-little-change-following-2015-election https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-government-to-see-little-change-following-2015-election/#respond Wed, 04 Nov 2015 15:00:11 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16173 JAMESTOWN sealJAMESTOWN – Not much will change in ‪Jamestown city government for 2016.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi (D) was elected to a fifth consecutive term. Teresi ran unopposed, receiving 1983 votes. There was also 132 write-ins.

For the Jamestown City Council races, of the nine current members, only one was defeated.

Ward 3‘s Alphonso Pagan (R) was defeated by Vicki James (D) 136 to 97. All other council members were reelected, including those who faced opposition.

  • WARD 1: incumbent Brent Sheldon (R) 249 d. Tyler Case (D) 155
  • WARD 2: incumbent Anthony Dolce (R) 389 d. Joseph Scapelitte (D) 157
  • WARD 4: incumbent Marie Carrubba 426 (D) d. Richard Elardo (R) 234
  • WARD 5: incumbent Maria Jones (D) 210 d. Stephen Gordon (R) 187
  • WARD 6: incumbent Thomas Nelson (D) ran unopposed.

All Three at large council members also ran unopposed and were reelected. They are council president Gregory Rabb (D), George Spitale (D) and Kim Ecklund (R).

There will be 6 Democrats and 3 Republicans once the new term begins in January.

https://www.wrfalp.com/jamestown-city-government-to-see-little-change-following-2015-election/feed/ 0 16173
Voting 101 in Chautauqua County for the Tuesday November 3rd General Election https://www.wrfalp.com/voting-101-in-chautauqua-county-for-the-tuesday-november-3rd-general-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=voting-101-in-chautauqua-county-for-the-tuesday-november-3rd-general-election https://www.wrfalp.com/voting-101-in-chautauqua-county-for-the-tuesday-november-3rd-general-election/#respond Mon, 02 Nov 2015 16:18:15 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=16151 voteMAYVILLE – Chautauqua County Democratic Election Commissioner Norman Green is offering some basic information that voters will want to know for Tuesday’s General Election: 

Eligibility to Vote: Any county citizen at least age 18 at the date of election who has previously registered is eligible to vote. Voters must have lived at their present address at least 30 days before an election, not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction, and not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

Hours to Vote? Polls are open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. The busiest times to avoid will be Noon to 1 p.m. and in the evening during the dinner hour.  All county poll sites will be open Tuesday.

How to determine where to vote and to view a sample of the ballot for the physical election address of the voter? Visit www.votechautauqua.com  and click on “Where Do I Vote?” to find a voter’s poll site and to view the ballot unique to the voter’s address. Or click the link “Personal Voter Lookup” to access the voter’s current voting record.   

Moved? A voter who has moved within the county and who has failed to notify the Board of Elections may go to their new polling place and fill out a provisional affidavit ballot that will be counted along with the absentees, once the voter is proven to be eligible.

Last Minute Absentee Ballot Applications: One stop absentee ballot application and voting is available at the Board of Elections, 7 North Erie St., Mayville from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday. Nov. 2nd. Agents for voters may also deliver absentee ballot applications to the board of elections and hand deliver the ballot to the voter. It is now too late to mail an absentee ballot application.

VoteChautauqua.com and the website will also have live election night results starting shortly after 9 p.m. election night. 

https://www.wrfalp.com/voting-101-in-chautauqua-county-for-the-tuesday-november-3rd-general-election/feed/ 0 16151
County BOE Schedules Three Election Inspector Training Sessions https://www.wrfalp.com/county-boe-schedules-three-election-inspector-training-sessions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=county-boe-schedules-three-election-inspector-training-sessions https://www.wrfalp.com/county-boe-schedules-three-election-inspector-training-sessions/#respond Tue, 13 Oct 2015 15:49:13 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=15638 vote_logo ElectionMAYVILLE – The Chautauqua County Board of Elections is still looking for election inspectors for the Nov. 3 general election, just three weeks away.

Registered Democratic or Republican voters are invited to the Board of Elections training for new election inspectors.  No pre-registration is needed.  Citizens can attend any one of three upcoming training seminars, including:

  • JAMESTOWN: Wednesday October 21 from 6-8 pm at JCC’s Hultquist Library (room 249)
  • DUNKIRK: Thursday October 22 from 6-8 pm at JCC North Campus (training center) 10785 Bennett Rd.
  • MAYVILLE: Saturday October 24 from 10 am – Noon at St. Mary’s Church, 22 E.  Chautauqua St.

Prospective Election Inspectors should bring their social security card and driver’s license for payroll processing.  Pay is $25 for candidates who pass the exam and are available to work General Election Day.

Election Day pay is $8.80 per hour.

Questions should be directed to the Board of elections at 753-4580 or vote@co.chautauqua.ny.us

https://www.wrfalp.com/county-boe-schedules-three-election-inspector-training-sessions/feed/ 0 15638
Voter Registration Deadline for 2015 General Election, 2016 Presidential Primary is Friday https://www.wrfalp.com/voter-registration-deadline-for-2015-general-election-2016-presidential-primary-is-friday/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=voter-registration-deadline-for-2015-general-election-2016-presidential-primary-is-friday https://www.wrfalp.com/voter-registration-deadline-for-2015-general-election-2016-presidential-primary-is-friday/#respond Wed, 07 Oct 2015 13:37:33 +0000 http://www.wrfalp.com/?p=15580 ElectionMAYVILLE – The Chautauqua County Board of Elections is once again reminding residents who want to vote in the Nov. 3rd General Election that they must be registered by this Friday, Oct. 9.

This year’s general election involves local races, with contested races taking place in several local communities including Lakewood, the town of Busti and the city of Jamestown.

Oct. 9 is also the last day for voters to change their voter affiliation for the 2016 election cycle.  New York State has a closed primary system and voters must be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican Parties to votes in the Presidential Primary elections set for April 19, 2016.

A registration application submitted by mail must be postmarked by Oct. 9 and received by Oct. 14. Residents can also walk into the Board of Elections office to register until 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 9.

Voters can look up their personal political party affiliation or registration status at www.votechautauqua.com or by calling the Board of Elections at 753-4580.

https://www.wrfalp.com/voter-registration-deadline-for-2015-general-election-2016-presidential-primary-is-friday/feed/ 0 15580