Members of the St. Susan Center Board of Directors stand with several baskets that will be featured at this year’s basket fair on Saturday, April 18, 2015.
JAMESTOWN – St. Susan Center will hold its 12th Annual Spring Ahead Basket Fair on Saturday, April 18 at Jamestown Community College’s Physical Education Building (Curtis Street, Jamestown NY).
The event begins at 11 a.m. with three hours to check out the beautiful prizes, visit with friends, buy tickets, choose baskets, and learn more about Jamestown’s soup kitchen.
For a $10 admission fee, participants will receive two free door prize tickets and 12 basket tickets or $5 for 6 tickets. Throughout the event extra tickets will be available.
There are over 95 unique baskets and gift certificates, such as:
- baskets for chocolate lovers
- baskets for men
- fun baskets for children
- baskets for the ladies.
There are 2 Grand prizes and a Mega-Mystery Prize valued at $1,500. Look for clues on the St. Susan Facebook page.
St. Susan Center will have lots of food items on sale at a very reasonable price! Sponsors of this year’s event are Northwest Savings Bank. The kids’ corner will be open the entire time for children to keep busy making crafts and having fun.
Host for the event is Rev. Dayle Keefer from Fluvanna Community Church, who will begin announcing the winners at 2 p.m.
“Every basket and every gift certificate represents individuals, churches, businesses and organizations who have generously donated to help raise money for the soup kitchen. Our hope is that the community will support the businesses who have donated to St. Susan Center”, says Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director.
Reservations are currently being accepted for parties of eight or more. For further information call St. Susan Center at 664-2253 ext. 4.
St. Susan Center continues to make a difference in Jamestown through the kindness and generosity of the community. For more information about the Basket Fair visit our Facebook page or visit our website at stsusancenter.org.
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