Pictured, the South and Center Chautauqua Lake Sewer District board and staff meet with Quackenbush Construction Company and Ahlstrom Schaeffer Electric Corporation.
CELORON – South and Center Chautauqua Lake Sewer District (SCCLSD) staff and board members recently met with Quackenbush Construction Company and Ahlstrom Schaeffer Electric Corporation to kick off a capital improvement project at the water pollution control facility.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recently finalized discharge permit modifications which included a reduction in residual chlorine levels as well as imposing strict ammonia limits.
In order to meet these requirements, the district recently awarded contracts to Quackenbush Construction Company of Buffalo and Ahlstrom Schaeffer Electric Corporation of Jamestown totaling $1.7 million for the installation of new treatment equipment.
The new equipment includes energy-efficient blowers and a fine bubble diffused air system with sophisticated, computerized controls and real-time sampling.
The new limits are part of an ongoing effort to reduce nutrient loading in Chautauqua Lake and the downstream watershed and the project will be completed by Fall of 2020. The facility will remain fully operational during construction.
The Celoron facility began operation in 1980 and processes an average of 2.5 million gallons per day (MGD) of combined municipal and industrial sewer and waste water from a regional collection area. The facility has a rated treatment capacity of 4.1 MGD, and provides sewage treatment for approximately 5,000 customers.
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