George Borrello
New York State has a new $212 billion budget after the State Assembly passed measures just before midnight Wednesday. The State Senate had already passed measures early Wednesday morning. State Senator George Borrello said he had to vote no,
“It was an unprecedented 12% increase, $23 billion increase to a record breaking and back breaking $212 billion dollar spending package. Just completely irresponsible.”
Borrello said the budget process was led by downstate progressives pushing a radical agenda, citing the early retirement incentive as an example,
“One of the biggest slaps in the face was the idea that an early retirement incentive which would have been helpful for people across the state and helpful to the state budget was only enacted for state workers in New York City. It was a blatant disregard for the hard working people in Upstate New York that have dedicated their time.”
Borrello criticized the tax increase on the wealthy that is estimated to raise around $5 billion,
“You’re taxing job creators and you’re making it more difficult. You’re taxing businesses that reach down into small business when it comes to the tax and business franchise fee increases that we’re seeing. You’re continuing to look at the unfair way we’re quote, unquote ‘investing in infrastructure.'”
When it came to the increase in foundation aid for schools, Borrello was in favor of that part of the budget, saying it helps eliminate disparities in state aid,
“So this helps correct that a little bit. And it’s certainly going to help our smaller school districts that rely so much on state funding to make their budgets whole.”
Did you receive a taxpayer paid postcard from Borello taking credit for tax savings in the budget he voted against?