Comments on: Mayor says Action on Police Consolidation Proposal Could Come Within ‘Next Couple of Months’ A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:16:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:16:46 +0000 Glad to hear the executives are the only ones involved in this matter. There has been limited to no inclusion of the officers/deputies that will be impacted with a consolidation. This is a complete political move by politicians who have limited knowledge on public safety. Those working the streets for both departments and that will be impacted greatly by a consolidation are left in the dark once again. The focus should be on protecting and serving the community and tax payers rather than increasing the political powers of those who sit behind a desk.

By: Gigi Sat, 09 Jul 2016 03:54:57 +0000 I have a couple of questions in regards to the aforementioned article. The article says the task force includes union members of the Sheriff’s Office and the Jamestown Police Department. Do members of the Sheriff’s union know about this? How many meetings have Sheriff’s union members been to? Can the City of Jamestown contract out union work without negotiating with the union? Once all members of the Jamestown Police Department retire or otherwise leave, the sole burden of policing the City of Jamestown will be on the Sheriff’s Office. The taxpayers of Jamestown eventually will not have their own police department. It will be fully staffed by the Sheriff’s Office. Are the city taxes going to decrease? What is the actual benefit to a city taxpayer? Is there going to be a larger law enforcement presence?

By: Dan Fri, 08 Jul 2016 16:01:57 +0000 The response time of police in Jamestown is terrible, so now they want to bring in the sheriffs dept. to do what they can’t seem to. Chautauqua County Sheriffs are going to need more man power to make this happen. Plus have a larger presence in town than JPD has. If there was more visible police presence patrolling the streets maybe criminals would have a harder time.
