A map produced by WRFA depicting the BPU substation property (in red) that sits adjacent to the border between Jamestown and Village of Falconer/Town of Ellicott.
JAMESTOWN – A date has been set for the public hearing involving the proposed annexation of a piece of property by the city of Jamestown from the Town of Ellicott and Village of Falconer.
The Post-Journal is reporting that the joint hearing will be held at Falconer Central School at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 12.
It will give members of the public an opportunity to learn more about the proposal, why the city is pursuing it, and also give them an opportunity to speak for or against the annexation.
Meanwhile, Falconer Village Mayor James Rensel attended the Jamestown City Council work session on Monday night, reiterating his stance from last month that he is against the annexation and requesting members of the city council not vote in favor of it when the time comes.
The Jamestown Board of Public Utilities proposed having the city look into the annexation because of cost savings, with the BPU projected to save an estimated $160,000 each year should the annexation move forward, because it would no longer have to pay property taxes to the Town of Ellicott, Village of Falconer, Falconer School District, and Chautauqua County. The city of Jamestown would also receive an estimated $160,000 tax equivalency payment, which would serve as additional revenue for the annual city budget, something that is desperately needed with the city reaching its constitutional taxing limit (the amount of money allowed to be raised through property taxes) this budget year.
Officials from Falconer and Ellicott have already come out against the idea because of the loss of revenue it would have on their budgets.
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