The Jamestown Renaissance Corporation is once again looking for homes in the city, like this one on the northside, that have made an effort to beautify its neighborhood through landscaping and gardening. If you have a home you want to nominate for recognition, contact the JRC by July 13, 2012. (Photo courtesy of JRC).
JAMESTOWN – Jamestown’s gardens are in full bloom, filling neighborhoods across the city with eye-catching colors. To acknowledge the value that these gardens and their caretakers add to the city, the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation (JRC) is seeking nominations for the second year of the ‘GROW Jamestown’ Front Garden Recognition Program.
Through July 13th, area residents are encouraged to nominate front yard gardens in the City of Jamestown that contribute to neighborhood beauty—their own garden, a neighbor’s garden, or any garden they deem worthy of recognition. In late July, nominated gardens that are well-maintained will receive a small garden sign for public display. With permission, a picture will be taken and catalogued on the JRC’s Facebook page.
Nominations can be made by filling out a nomination form at JRC’s Web site (jrconline.org) or calling 716-338-9889. More information on GROW Jamestown and the garden recognition program can be found on the JRC Web site, at www.jrconline.org.
Small gardens are quite cute and i always use them in our home and appartment. Despite their small size, they are quite nice to the eyes and gives you a relaxing atmosphere. *.:**
Warmest wishes