George Borrello
JAMESTOWN – The Republican candidate in this year’s Chautauqua County Executive race has received the support of the union representing Jamestown Police Department officers.
On Tuesday the George Borello Campaign announced that the Kendall Club Police Benevolent Association has endorsed Borrello (R, C, I -Irving) in the upcoming election for Chautauqua County Executive.
According to the media release, members of the union met on September 13 and “overwhelmingly passed” a motion endorsing Borrello in his election bid for County Executive.
“I am truly humbled to receive the endorsement of the men and women who work the front lines every hour of every day in the city of Jamestown ensuring safety and security for those they serve. During my tenure as a County Legislator I have always supported our first responders, and I am honored the Kendall Club PBA has recognized my efforts, Borrello said in a media release.
Borrello is an Irving area businessman who’s served on the Chautauqua County Legislature since 2010, representing the town of Hanover in the north county. He is also the chair of the county’s Regional Solutions Commission, which helped to create the county’s Shared Services Plan that is being considered for a $20 million state grant.
Part of the shared services plan includes a proposal to consolidate the JPD with the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office by allowing vacant patrol positions in the JPD to be filled by sheriff’s deputies. Over a 20 year period, the JPD’s overall cost basis would be significantly reduced, at no additional cost to the county. Sources tell WRFA that members of the Kendall Club are against the proposal.

In July of 2017, as part of the state’s Municipal Consolidation and Efficiency Competition (MCEC), County Legislator and Regional Solutions Commission Chair George Borrello (pictured at left) presented an efficiency plan to the New York State Department of State (DOS). The efficiency plan includes a proposal to consolidate the JPD with the County Sheriff’s Office. (Image from Chautauqua County Shared Service Plan.
While Borrello has endorsed the full Shared Services Plan, he tells WRFA that he feels the JPD-Sheriff Consolidation proposal needs to be reviewed and further discussed.
“This agreement has languished for at least five years and does not appear to have the support of the rank and file members on either side, which is key,” Borrello told WRFA on Tuesday, following the endorsement announcement. “So I think some fresh thinking is needed on how best to address this concept.”
Borrello is running against Mike Ferguson (D-Fredonia) in the county executive race. Ferguson comes from a law enforcement family with his father serving as a Buffalo Police Officer. Ferguson has several ties to the Jamestown area, including being a former General Manger of the Northwest Ice Arena and of the past Jamestown Jammers professional baseball team.
The Kendall Club has not stated the reasons why it’s members selected Borrello over Ferguson in giving its endorsement.
The winner of this year’s County Executive race will succeed Vince Horrigan (R-Bemus Point), who announced his decision not to seek reelection earlier this year.
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