Pictured Left to Right: Parks Manager John Williams, Mayor Sam Teresi, Easter Bunny, Sertoma Club’s Cosmo DeMaio, Recreation Coordinator Julia Ciesla-Hanley
JAMESTOWN – Due to weather and park conditions, the City of Jamestown’s 68th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be moved inside the Allen Park Ice Rink on Saturday, April 4th. This free event is for children age 12 and under.
There is a significant difference in the way the children will be allowed into the hunt. The age groups will remain the same, but only one group will be allowed inside the Ice Rink at a time starting at 10:30 a.m. Once a group has found all the eggs hidden for their hunt, volunteers will hide the eggs for the next group.
The first age group allowed in will be children 4 and under, followed by children ages 5 to 8 years, and finally children 9 to 12 years of age.
Over 1,000 eggs will be “hidden” in the Hunt area along with over 5,000 pieces of wrapped candy. Two Gold and two Silver eggs that are sponsored through a donation in memoriam of Mark Hess will be hidden in addition to 30 other prize eggs. The Easter Bunny will arrive by fire truck to kick off the event.
For more information, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 483-7523.
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