Comments on: Harmony Official: SPLC Report of KKK-Based Group Headquartered in Chautauqua County is False A listener supported, non-commercial, low power FM radio station in Jamestown, NY. Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:28:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harmony official Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:28:00 +0000 No one is hiding the truth. Just the opposite…

Again, one person is not a hate group. Got it? One person with a po box and computer is not a hate group. Got it? Angry residents shaming this one person years ago is not an active hate group. Got it?
Tearing down one persons homemade poster does not establish existence of a hate group. Got it?

Whether or not the individual is actively involved with his two partners out of state is no reflection on the other residents here in the region. The inclusion on the SPLC map as the site of an active hate group is the real insult to local residents (I wonder how many of the other dots were as poorly researched. Mr Potok himself added the rather clumsy disclaimer that he was unaware of any level of activity in his “hate map of active groups”).

The good and decent folks in Panama, Harmony, and in Chautauqua County adamantly reject any inclusion with such activity. Living in the same 20 square miles as this one person is certainly not to be conflated into the headquarters of a hate group.

Instead of pointlessly bickering and pointing fingers like sugared up children on a playground, let’s try some honesty and civility. It’s the only way to rid our region of such things. Agreed?

By: Mark Thu, 02 Mar 2017 23:03:43 +0000 Really !!!going to hide the truth? just to refresh your memory a harmony official ripped down the bulletin that was hanging in the dinner to recruit new members to the group that had a panama po box to send a app to . that official demanded the persons name that was paying for the box from the post master and found that the man lived on goshen rd. The leader of the group lives on goshen rd but most meetings are held in a different location. He also had the kkk sings setting in the front yard of the trailer that they asked him to take down but found they couldn’t make him but he did take them down a short time after out of respect to the community. Anyones memories refreshed yet ?????? I can take you to there house if your not convinced that yes they do exist in the town of harmony on goshen rd
