Pictured, a successful streambank restoration project on Candaway Creek that was co-funded by the 2% Occupancy Tax Grant Program for Lakes and Waterways.
Grant applications are being accepted for funds to improve local lakes and waterways.
The 2024 Round of the County’s 2% Occupancy Tax Grant Program is open until April 1, 2023.
The Occupancy Tax Grants for Lakes and Waterways are funded through the county’s 5% occupancy or bed tax for the rental of lodging units within the county. Two-fifths or 2% of the bed tax is used solely for the enhancement and protection of lakes and waterways in Chautauqua County.
These grants provide $500 to $40,000 in funding for projects to be implemented from January 1 through December 31, 2024.
The 2% Program has a variety of projects in its portfolio, including streambank and lakeshore stabilization projects, municipal stormwater, and agricultural projects aimed at reducing nutrient laden runoff. Projects located within the Lake Erie, Bear Lake, Cassadaga Lakes, Findley Lake and Chautauqua Lake watersheds are eligible.
Applications may be submitted by various groups and organizations including: not-for-profits, governments, businesses and corporations, public and private schools, and all landowners of Chautauqua County.
Applications are available online on the Chautauqua County Legislature’s page of the county website at https://chqgov.com and on the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development’s website at www.planningchautauqua.com.
Applications are also available at the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development, 201 W. Third St., Suite 115 in Jamestown, N.Y.
For more information or assistance with the application process, please contact Dave McCoy at (716) 661-8915 or by email at McCoyD@chqgov.com.
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