NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
ALBANY – Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday announced two new actions to expand addiction treatment and recovery services for people across New York.
A Request for Applications makes up to $4.5 million in funding available to develop nine Open Access Centers across the state and a Request for Information has been released that seeks input on the development of two pilot recovery high schools.
According to the governor’s office, these actions were announced at the grand opening of a new $8.4 million outpatient addiction treatment center in Rochester, and are key elements of the Governor’s State of the State address and 2018 FY State Budget.
The Open Access Centers that will be developed are designed to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to deliver immediate engagement, assessment and referral services to people suffering from substance use disorders.
Creating at least one Open Access Center in each region of the state was one component of a plan the Governor put forward in his State of the State and budget message in January.
Besides the Open Access Center, two pilot recovery high schools will also be developed. A recovery high school offers an alternative, multi-service high school program in a safe, sober, and supportive environment, for students who are in grades nine through 12 and dealing with a substance use disorder.
The RFA for both programs is open to local governments and non-profit organizations. Responses are due October 31.
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