Foreclosure proceedings have been filed against the owners of the former Jamestown Brewing Company in State Supreme Court in Erie and Chautauqua Counties.
According to the complaint, Five Star Bank is owed with interest $283,763 by Jamestown Brewing Company. Jon McLellan and Terri McLellan are named as the owners who are liable. A source says Five Star Bank is trying to collect secured collateral from the sale of properties in Chautauqua and Erie Counties by the McLellan’s.
It was rough going right from the start for Jamestown Brewing Company when they opened a year late in July 2019, and opened without a liquor license. The brewery closed for two months until that license was received, but ultimately closed in July 2020 due to the Pandemic.
Whats the point about them talking about the brewing company owner when im not knowing what im going through with yall posting with out telling me