NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
ALBANY – Gov. Andrew Cuomo is slamming a federal bill proposed by Congressman Rep. Chris Collins (NY-27, R-Clarence) that would override much of the governor’s SAFE Act gun control law.
Collins plan, announced Monday, would limit a state’s authority to go beyond federal regulations regarding rifles or shotguns. The bill, dubbed the “Second Amendment Guarantee Act,” AKA SAGA, would essentially overturn the 2013 SAFE Act’s expansion of the definition of what features define a banned assault-style rifle in New York.
In a media release sent out earlier this week, Cuomo described Collins’ proposal as political posturing and said he would go to court to fight the bill if it were to become law.
“In 2013, following the Sandy Hook tragedy, New York State rose to the occasion and passed the toughest gun safety laws in the nation…. Now, in a blatant political ploy, Chris Collins is turning his back on New Yorkers and putting millions of people at profound risk. By fighting to roll back vital legislation that protects the people of the Empire State, Collins is demonstrating once again that he is beholden to no one but the gun lobby and entrenched special interests… The courts have resoundingly upheld New York’s law as consistent with the Constitution. We understand that Washington is in turmoil right now – we just ask that they don’t do anything to set back the progress we’ve been able to make despite them.”
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