CCE Pollinator Workshop
The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County’s Agricultural Program is holding a “Native Pollinators in Your Garden” workshop this Thursday.
The LEAF (Learn. Empower. Achieve. Farm.) Series is open to beginning farmers, established farms looking to diversify and grow, agriculture enthusiasts, and homesteaders.
Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener volunteer Patricia Martonis will teach how to create a habitat for native pollinators to enhance growing food and flowers. This presentation will focus on the importance of native pollinators in vegetable and flower gardens. Participants will learn how to attract, retain, and support the natural balance for native pollinators in your home gardens. Learn what plants will create a positive environment, how to provide nesting sites and maintain your garden to encourage pollinators to visit.
The course takes place Thursday, October 28th from 6 to 8pm at Jamestown Community College’s Carnahan Center. The cost is $5 per person with registration requested. You can register by calling (716) 664-9502, extension 209. Masks are required and CDC COVID guidelines will be followed.
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