The City may be hiring summer laborers thanks to additional public works monies. Mayor Eddie Sundquist said the New York State Department of Transportation confirmed labor costs are reimbursable under some of the new street funding coming into Jamestown. Sundquist said a resolution to hire seven positions for 12 weeks at a cost of $40,000 will be presented to council for consideration.
Sundquist said that Public Works staff is still trying to finalize the summer roadwork list, especially now that there is more money coming to spend. He said the increase in funding included CHIPS being up 23%, or $1.1 million, Extreme Winter Recovery up $212,999 or 54%, and Pave New York up $304,000, or 49%,
“And we have a new category of funding that we have yet to get additional information on how it can be used. We have something called the State Touring routes fund, the City of Jamestown has been allocated by the state budget $561,000 to support state touring routes.”
DPW Director Jeff Lehman said the current touring routes in Jamestown are located on Fourth and Fifth Streets, a block of Prendergast Avenue, and North Main Street coming into Jamestown from the city line to Fifth Street.
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