Jamestown City Council
Jamestown City Council heard a presentation on $1.26 million in equipment purchases for DPW and Parks that could include replacing a sidewalk plow.
Fleet Manager Pat Monaghan gave a presentation to Council on the requests that would be paid for using American Rescue Plan funds. He said the vehicles to be replaced were identified by each department as top priorities. For Department of Public Works, a salt spreader truck, a plow/dump truck, a street sweeper, and a utility tractor/sidewalk plow would be replaced for a total of $890,000.
The Parks Department equipment list includes replacing a dump truck, bucket truck, tractor with loader bucket, and an excavator/trencher for $370,000.
Both departments say the equipment needs to be replaced due to safety, high maintenance and repair costs; and obsolescence.
Council member Marie Carrubba asked what the turn around was for purchasing equipment. Monaghan said something like the excavator might be available but there is a two-year wait list for the trucks.
Monaghan also presented an alternate equipment choice for Council to consider with replacing the 1979 sidewalk plow for a cost of $154,000. He said it’s one of three sidewalk plows in the city’s fleet, with the newest of them being 22 years old. He said the company that made them is out of business and it’s difficult to find replacement parts for repairs.
Council President Tony Dolce asked if the utility tractor being proposed to be bought for DPW could be used for neighborhood sidewalk plowing. DPW Director Jeff Lehman said it doesn’t have the power to get the speed needed for the job.
Council member Carrubba said the sidewalk plow is a critical piece of equipment, especially after seeing kids walking in North Main Street after a heavy snow because sidewalks aren’t clear.
Council member at large Kim Ecklund requested that Monaghan provide to Council his priorities list for equipment replacement before the voting session on January 31.
Mayor Eddie Sundquist said the city will be working with the Jamestown School District on the snow removal issue as well as a larger school zone initiative. He said the school route map hasn’t been updated since 2018 and that the city will work with the school to make sure routes are plowed.
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