Jamestown City Council will review a proposal to do a revaluation of properties in the city at its work session tonight.
The resolution to be presented would hire GAR Associates of Williamsville, New York for $285,000 to do the revaluation. This is the same company used when the City last did a revaluation 16 years ago in 2006. A staff report by the city said the state recommends a reval be done every 5 years. If approved, the contract states the estimated date of completion for the revaluation would be Summer 2023.
Council also will review a couple requests to use American Rescue Plan funds. One resolution would use $110,000 in ARP funds to replace a penthouse coil. The staff report said the existing chilled water coils are failing and have begun leaking, thus losing their ability to condition and dehumidify fresh air properly. Another resolution would use $35,450 in ARP funds to replace outdated and failing infrastructure and networking equipment in the Information Technology department.
Two resolutions to suspend the hiring freeze to hire 4 firefighters and one Parks Laborer will be presented. The new hires in the Fire department will fill a current vacancy due to retirement as well as three anticipated ones due to retirement this year. The new hire in the Parks department will fill a vacancy due to a retirement in March.
Council also will review a resolution to sell the former 402 Lakeview Avenue parcel to an adjacent property owner on Van Buren Street, Deborah Munroe, for $200. The Planning Commission had approved the property sale at its January meeting. Associate Corporation Counsel Ben Haskins said at the Planning meeting that the property was acquired using 19A in 2018 by the city. After severe issues with the structure were found, including foundation issues, an emergency demolition was ordered. Haskins said a request for proposal put out in July 2021 only gained interest from one buyer. The $200 offered will cover what the City paid the county in property taxes in 2021.
Several presentations are on tonight’s agenda including a presentation on the Neighborhood Revitalization Renaissance Block Challenge Program by the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation, a presentation on potential American Rescue Plan economic development projects, and further discussion on DPW equipment priorities.
Committee meetings start at 6:45pm with the Housing Committee. The full work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Third Floor Conference Room of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.
A reevaluation of properties in Jamestown will increase property taxes & more people will sell & move south. I don’t understand why the State of NY & this city shoots itself in the foot. I definitely would sell & move south if my health permitted it. My cousin in California pays $600.00 a year in property taxes for a home bigger then mine with a pool, a small barn for horses & a quarter acre. I pay $2,000 for a small ranch. Ridiculous.