Jamestown City Council
Jamestown City Council approved $2 million worth of projects and purchases using American Rescue Plan funds at its meeting Monday.
Resolutions totaling $1.26 million to purchase equipment and vehicles for the Parks and Public Works Departments were approved.
Council also voted on purchasing a new sidewalk plow for $153,259 to replace a 1979 Bombardier for the DPW.
Council President Tony Dolce said they’re waiting for Fleet Manager Patrick Monaghan‘s prioritized list of specific equipment so that those can be voted on individually at a later date, “But the ones like the bombardier, we felt that was very necessary given the situation with the weather this year. And having the ability to go out and get that right now, as fast as we possibly can, being able to possibly utilize that this winter season was very important to have that piece of equipment.”
Among the projects approved are roof replacements for Fire Station #4 and the Parks Maintenance Building for a total of $337,000. $48,000 also was approved for repairs at Diethrick Stadium.
The Jamestown Police Department will purchase 60 portable radios and the Fire Department will purchase a Citywide Knox Box System.
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