Representatives from the BPU, St. Susan’s and local businesses recently joined together to announce the start of the Cents for St. Susan fundraiser.
JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Board of Public Utilities (BPU) kicked off its 15th annual “Cents for St. Susan” campaign on Wednesday, April 30, with major sponsors getting together to distribute coin canisters throughout the Greater Jamestown area.
Once again this year, the bright yellow canisters will appear on counters at local stores, offices and restaurants to collect coins to benefit St. Susan Center. Money raised through the BPU campaign will be used to purchase food for people in our area who need nutritious meals in spring and summer. St. Susan Center is able to convert each dollar contributed into seven dollars worth of food purchased through the Western New York Food Bank.
The BPU has raised $139,632 in the 15 years of operating the fund drive.
In 2013, the number of meals served at St. Susan Center reached 108,242, up 9.38% over 2012. In January, 2014, 14,760 meals were served, compared to 8,482 meals in January, 2013. St. Susan Center, located at 31 Water Street in Jamestown, serves each guest only one meal a day and is open seven days a week.
People who have questions or who have ideas of other ways to help the BPU “Cents for St. Susan’s” campaign may contact Mrs. Robbins at 661-1680 or by e-mail: brobbins@jamestownbpu.com.
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